Whipped (aka Vengefic) (1/1) Author: Rosiiii Email: Rosiiii@aol.com Rating: PG-13 Summary: We know who's whipped Author's Notes: Just a quickie. --+-- Pittsburgh, PA Spring 2003 "Hey-hey-hey! Where you goin' son? We've got to get started on this downtown development deal, if we're gonna close it by Friday," Burton said, hitting the table with his finger to bring home the point, and irritated that he was yet again seeing Nick's back. Burton frowned grumpily, Nick had been a blur around F&F for the last few weeks. "I've got to be some place, I'll be back this afternoon," Nick said defensively, shrugging his shoulders, eyebrows raised. He kept moving, smoothly sliding the boardroom doors shut. "Wha - Nicholas! Well I'll be damned," Burton mumbled, rubbing his whiskers, staring at the door. He sighed, and shook his head, "Well, I guess they must really be understaffed over at LSP. Boy's been spendin' a whole lotta time there lately," gathering up his papers, Burton noticed Jake snorting with laughter. "Alright, what is it?" Burton said drily, exasperated. Oo-oh man, he is so whipped," Jake guffawed to Burton, laughter splitting his face wide open, "Hee-hee...whoo-boy -- it really is a joy to see, and couldn't happen to a nicer guy I must say," he said wiping a tear from his eye. Jake didn't have to ask where Nick was going, it was all over his face. He was headed straight to LSP -- and there was no question about who he was going to see... "Whipped hunh?" Burton snuck a smile and gazed out the window, his eyebrows raised in thought. "Yeah, big time." Jake continued to grin, then suddenly looked at Burton as if he was from another century and needed his crude 21st century translation, "You know what I mean Mr Fallin, 'Puss --" Burton cut him off cold, "Uh Yeah! I know what you mean Jake! Jesus!" Burton got up from the table, then turned back to Jake with a curious smile rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, Nicholas is pretty gone over Louisa hunh?" Burton said thinking aloud, "should have known that when he invited me out to dinner with them this weekend...he uh, he's never done that before," he said chuckling, looking a bit amazed. ****************** "Hey," Nick said strolling into Lulu's office. Lulu looked up, with a broad grin on her face, "Hi stranger," she said silkily. Nick got the joke, and nodded sheepishly, having only just left her this morning. He wondered sometimes if he was being a bit too obvious in his regard, but she didn't seem to mind. Hell, he couldn't help it even if she did. He shut the door discreetly, then walked over to the woman he loved, pulling her up from the chair, and into his embrace. **************************************** THE END