A Matter of Principle AUTHOR: Shirley E-mail: sbell_1944@yahoo.com RATING: NC-17 (Sexual situations) CONTEXT: This is a sequel to “Chance” which immediately followed The Guardian episode—"Sacrifice"—in an alternative direction. This story takes an entirely different look at Nick’s life—post “Sacrifice”. DISCLAIMER: Some of the characters portrayed herein have been shamelessly taken directly from The Guardian – a CBS TV Series. Others are strictly figments of my imagination. The resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. Any similarity of events, dates, or characters or the portrayal of events, dates or characters depicted in any FanFic previously posted by other authors is totally unintentional. This is a work of FICTION. ~~~~~~ Nick carried in the last box. The movers had delivered the furniture earlier in the day. When he had offered to help, Lulu had put him in charge of her grandmother’s china and crystal and a bunch of her collectible stuff. He looked around. There were boxes everywhere. He placed this final box on the floor in the dining room, with others, and went in search of Lulu. As he walked down the hallway, he peeked into each room, finally arriving at the door to the bedroom where Lulu fluffed the pillows and turned back a corner of the sheet and coverlet on the freshly made bed. The lamp beside the bed was the only illumination in the room since the sun had set an hour before. Nick leaned one shoulder against the door jamb, arms folded, and watched as Lulu smoothed a last wrinkle in the bedding then turned toward the door. He saw her flinch as she discovered him standing there. He smiled. “Nick. I didn’t know you were standing there.” She laughed at her own jumpiness then looked around the bedroom. “At least I have somewhere to sleep tonight.” With the exception of a few pictures still to be hung, the room was pretty much in order. He straightened up, allowing his hands to fall to his side, and surveyed the room. “Yeah.” “I really wanna thank you for helping out. I guess I could’ve let the movers move that stuff, but…” she smiled self-consciously. “Well, anyway… thanks.” She nervously trailed her fingers along the bed covers then shrugged her shoulders, looking back at him. He stepped back into the hallway and, with one hand, motioned toward the front door. “Well… I, uh… I guess I should be going.” He started to take a step. “Nick…” she said softly. He stopped and turned back to face her. “Don’t… go… just yet.” He studied her face for a moment and finally, in almost a whisper, he said, “Okay.” He waited for her to make the next move. She tucked a stray hair behind her ear then moved towards him. She had never expected him to actually help her move even though he had offered to earlier in the week. So when he showed up dressed in an old Harvard sweatshirt, faded jeans—almost surely tailor-made to fit his slim frame—and a leather bomber jacket, she had been pleasantly surprised. His casual attire made him seem much more approachable than when he was dressed in his designer duds. When she got within arm’s reach, she nervously looked at the floor and stammered, “Uh… well… I guess you’re probably hungry, aren’t you?” She looked him in the eyes. He shrugged and said, “I… uh… I guess so.” They gazed at each other, unsure of how to proceed. It was Lulu who broke the spell. She stepped closer and reached out, touching his jacket. “I’ve never seen you dressed like this before.” She smiled. He reflexively looked down at his clothes and shrugged. Grinning, he said, “It’s better for moving than a suit and tie.” Lulu managed a nervous laugh. “Yeah.” Shaking her head had loosened the stray hair from behind her ear. Nick reached out to tuck it back. At that moment the front door opened and Caroline breezed in. “Louisa?” she called out. Seeing them in the hallway, she stopped. “Oh, there you are.” She was not immediately aware that they had separated quickly as she made her entrance. “I just got back into town and thought you could probably use some help.” She had a grocery bag in her arms. Nick shoved his hands in his jacket pockets and shifted his weight from one foot to the other, glancing sidelong at Lulu. Caroline suddenly got the impression that she had interrupted something and tried to smooth over the situation. “Well… I see that you already have help so I guess… Well… I’ll just put this in the kitchen and…” Nick interjected, “I gotta be going anyway.” He looked again at Lulu then back at Caroline. “Nice to see you again, Caroline.” He walked towards the front door. “Thanks again, Nick. I’ll see ya later.” Lulu watched as he closed the door behind him. “I’m sorry, Lulu.” “Mom… I just wish you’d learn to knock.” Lulu started for the kitchen and the dozens of boxes which needed to be unpacked. In the doorway to the kitchen, she turned back to her mother who had not moved. “Well… you came to help so… let’s get started.” “Louisa, dear, I am sorry if I interrupted… anything.” She set the grocery bag on a nearby chair. “Well, you didn’t so…” To be honest, she didn’t know whether her mother had interrupted anything… or not. Nick had been rather cool to her overtures to patch things up between them in recent weeks. She had suggested they have dinner sometime, weeks ago, but he had never called and she hadn’t been able to bolster her nerve to ask him point-blank. Caroline approached Lulu and tenderly touched the side of her face as she said, “Louisa, my dear. Don’t you know that Nick is crazy about you?” Lulu looked questioningly at her mother. “How would you know something like that?” “You can’t help but notice… the way he looks at you,” she said, surprised that she had to tell her daughter something which was so obvious. Lulu looked away, recalling some of those looks that she had, indeed, noticed. “You know, darling. I was never really keen on your marrying Brian. Oh, I know he was studying to be a doctor and from a well-to-do family, but I always thought he was so… well… ordinary.” Lulu stared blankly at her mother as she continued. “Nick seems like he’d be… exciting.” Caroline glanced at her daughter to see her response. Lulu scoffed, a little stung by her mother’s revelation that she hadn’t wanted her to marry Brian. “Well… Nick has a past, you know.” Caroline chuckled. “And, Louisa, if you live long enough, you’ll have a past, too.” She smiled. “Why don’t you give him some encouragement? You might find out that you like it,” she added, with a wink. “Well, maybe I don’t want to live every day of my life on the edge like you do…” Lulu fired back, then added, “going from man to man for the thrill of it.” Undaunted, Caroline continued. “Criticize me if you will, but I’ve never regretted any of my relationships. They’ve each had, in their own way, a positive lasting affect on my life. I just think you should loosen up a little, dear. Enjoy life… and the mysteries it holds.” Lulu turned and stalked into the kitchen. Immediately, she opened one of the boxes and began removing the glassware, wrapped protectively in newspaper. She couldn’t keep her mind from wandering, however. Maybe her mother was right. So far, the path she had chosen for her life had not worked out. ~/~/~/~ It was a delightful spring morning and Nick had a decided bounce in his step as he walked from the parking lot to the Frick Building. Lulu had finally moved out of the house she shared with Brian and the divorce was progressing. And, if it hadn’t been for the interruption from Caroline, he got the impression that things were about to change with regard to their relationship. He dashed up the marble staircase to the mezzanine where he caught the elevator to the 15th Floor. It was still early when he entered the lobby of Fallin & Fallin. As he walked past his father’s office he noted Burton was already hard at work. Without speaking, he proceeded to his own office, unlocked the door and entered. He sat down in his chair and leaned back, still thinking about Lulu, tapping his steepled fingers against his lips. He was jolted back to the moment when Jake passed his office and spoke. “Hey, Nick. How was your weekend?” he asked, as he did every Monday morning. “Uh… yeah. Good. And yours?” Nick reached into a file drawer and pulled out a file, which he opened on his desk and began to peruse. Nick’s obvious disinterest did not deter Jake. He slipped inside Nick’s office and plunked himself down in the chair. “I met this great girl at that… that new jazz club at Station Square.” “I see,” Nick said, dismissively, still looking through the file on his desk. Jake continued, unabated. “Yeah. She’s got a body that won’t quit and… and she’s actually smart, too.” He laughed. “Really? Then why is she interested in you?” Nick smiled at this comment. Jake was notorious for taking home just any old thing. Jake could never tell when Nick was kidding or not. “Right,” he said, trying to recover from the cutting remark. “It’s true I’ve made some stupid choices in the past but this one’s different. Nick, you know, it’s not that easy for me to meet nice girls but you wouldn’t understand that since it comes easy for you.” He got up and started to exit. As he reached the door, Nick said, “Maybe I could meet her sometime.” “Okay. Yeah. Sure. Maybe we can double sometime.” Jake left still hurting from Nick’s attempt at being funny. Nick tapped the end of his pen against his lips then dived back into the file. ~/~/~/~ Nick’s speakerphone crackled to life. “Mr. Fallin, your 10:30 appointment is here.” He touched a button on his phone and responded, “Fine. I’ll be right there.” He reached around to his credenza and grabbed a thick file folder along with his pad and headed for the conference room. He found his father talking with the two men as he entered the room. “Oh, Nicholas... Come in. I wanna introduce you to Carson Blake and Drew Miller—BMG Enterprises.” Nick stepped forward and shook hands with the two gentlemen. “Nice to meet you.” “This is my son, Nick. I taught him everything I know about this business and now he’s teaching me.” He chuckled while Nick grinned sheepishly, always a little embarrassed when his father bragged on him. Burton patted Nick on the shoulder and as he was leaving, he said to the two men, “Let’s get together for drinks… soon.” The two men chimed in together, “That would be great. See ya, Burton.” Nick closed the sliding double doors and seated himself across the table from the two men. “Okay. I’ve had a chance to review your history with the Firm. My father’s represented you in a number of acquisitions over the past 20 years.” “That’s right.” It was Carson Blake who was apparently going to be the spokesman. He looked to be in his early 40s, tall and slim, his dark hair graying around the temples—handsome and well-dressed. Drew Miller appeared to be in his mid-50s, a little thick around the middle and roughly Nick’s height. “The property in question is located on Liberty—about 10 acres—where you plan to build a strip-shopping center and you’re willing to pay $150,000 an acre. Is that right?” “Well, that’s what we’d like to pay but there is another bidder, we hear, so we might have to make some adjustments in our offer. The owner of the property, Mrs. Eliza Hunt, is in her 80s. Her family’s owned this tract of land for over 50 years. She’s apparently the last survivor and just wants to let it go. I figure we shouldn’t have too much trouble coming to terms.” “How high do you wanna go?” “She’s asking $5 million. We’d like to pay no more than 3.” “Do you know who the other bidder is?” “Ridley-Hollingsworth Properties.” Nick looked away as the name rang a bell. Finally he remembered—Julie Tivnan. “Uh… well, why don’t you let me see what I can do and I’ll get back with you.” He stood to indicate the meeting was over. “Great, Nick. Look forward to doing business with you.” They shook hands around and he showed them out then returned to his office. ~/~/~/~ Nick sat waiting in the offices of Jim Tanner—Tanner Kimball & Arandt. They were representing Mrs. Hunt in the sale of her property on Liberty Avenue. “Ah… Nick Fallin. Good to see you.” Jim came towards him with his hand extended. “Come on back.” Nick followed. “How’s your father?” “He’s good. How’s Annette… and the kids?” “Real good, thanks. You got any kids yet?” Nick chuckled. “No… not married.” “Confirmed bachelor, eh? You ole dog.” He patted Nick familiarly on the shoulder. They entered his plush office full of rich, dark mahogany furniture and fine objets d’art. And on the credenza was the obligatory family photo—wife and three kids. “Here. Have a seat.” “I see you’ve done all right for yourself.” Jim had made his fortune pretty much on his own. He hadn’t been blessed with a wealthy father, already established in the law, like Nick. They had met right after Nick moved back to Pittsburgh at one of the many drug parties they both frequented. Jim was already on his way up. But, unlike Nick, he had managed to kick his drug habit ‘before’ he got caught. “Well, it hasn’t been easy. But, it helps to have a wonderful wife and family to keep me focused. Hey, once we have the deal behind us, you should come out to the house for dinner.” “That would be great. Well, uh…” Nick glanced at his watch. Time was money and he had other appointments. “I thought Mrs. Hunt wanted to sit in on this.” “Yeah, she does. She’s on her way—always likes to keep me waiting. I guess that gives her a sense of control.” Jim laughed. “Can I get you some coffee—a cold drink?” “No. Nothing. I’m fine.” Jim’s assistant, Lynn, appeared in the doorway. “Mrs. Hunt is waiting in the small conference room.” “Thank you, Lynn.” Lynn cast a glance at Nick and smiled as she turned to leave. “Okay.” Jim stood and buttoned his jacket. “You’re in for a treat, man. Let’s go see Mrs. Hunt.” Nick followed Jim to a small conference room down the hall. He had expected to find a shriveled old matron but found instead a stylishly dressed woman who appeared to be at least 20 years younger than her 80 plus years. She had a thick head of snow-white hair and wore a black pant suit with a crisp yellow and white striped blouse. “Eliza Hunt… I would like you to meet Nicholas Fallin. Nick, Mrs. Hunt.” She smiled and extended a slim hand, laden with a large yellow diamond ring on her ring finger and several diamond encrusted bracelets at her wrist. Nick took her hand and bowed ever so slightly, saying, “Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Hunt.” “Charmed, Mr. Fallin,” she said as he took a seat across the table from her. “So you want my property?” Nick glanced at Jim then back at Mrs. Hunt. “Well… I have a client who is very interested… yes.” “The price is $5 million.” Again, Nick glanced at Jim who just raised his eyebrows and smiled. “Well, see… uh… my client is prepared to pay 1.” “I’m sure you know, Mr. Fallin, that you have competition for the property.” “Uh… yes.” “Then I suggest you go back to your client and come up with more money if you want my land.” Mrs. Hunt stood and started for the door. “Jim. Say hello to Annette for me.” Nick scrambled to his feet. “I will, Eliza. Thanks.” “Mr. Fallin—good day,” she said, as she exited the room. “Nice meeting… you…” his salutation trailed after her. Nick turned back to Jim. Jim threw his arm around Nick’s shoulder and walked him to the lobby. “You’re gonna have to take off your gloves if you wanna get anywhere with Mrs. Hunt. She’s not your typical 80-year-old.” He laughed. ~/~/~/~ Nick loitered around the entrance to One Mellon Place. He had been watching the door for at least 30 minutes. He looked around cautiously to make sure people weren’t gawking at him then took another sip of his cold latte, wrinkling his nose in disgust. He glanced through the glass doors into the lobby of the office building and caught a glimpse of his subject. Quickly, he tossed the cold latte in a trash receptacle and walked to the Grant Street corner of the building and waited. As she approached he began walking in the direction of the Frick Building, conveniently meeting her face to face as she rounded the corner going the other direction. “Nick… is that you?” She stopped as she recognized him. He stopped and looked her way, feigning surprise. “Julie? What a surprise. How have you been?” “Fine. And you?” There was nothing fake or forced about her. She was clearly happy to see him. “I’m good.” He glanced at his watch. “Hey… uh… you wanna get a drink… or something?” “I’d like that.” “Well, The Common Plea is just down the street.” It was getting close to 7:00 and the place was packed but after a short 10 minute interval they were able to grab a small booth as it was vacated, near the rear of the bar. Nick ordered a soda water and Julie ordered a Chardonnay. “So, I guess you’ve been staying busy.” “Yeah,” he said, ducking his head, avoiding her gaze. He had promised to call her on two occasions and had not done so. “Are you busy? Tonight, I mean? Would you like to have dinner?” “I would love to.” They finished their drinks in the noisy bar then walked out into the crisp night air. “I’m parked in the lot across the street.” They walked quietly to the car. It was a short distance to the Caffe Amante, located in Fifth Avenue Place overlooking the Golden Triangle—a quiet little Italian restaurant. Julie was delightful throughout dinner. It was close to 10:00 when he drove her home. “Nick, I’m so glad I ran into you. I’ve had such a good time tonight.” Nick pulled into a parking space on the street near the front entrance to The Pennsylvanian and removed his seatbelt. He reached his hand out, gently brushing the side of her face, and pulled her towards him. He kissed her—first lightly, then with more passion. She opened her eyes and stared into his, then said, breathlessly, “Would you like to come up for coffee… or whatever?” Her apartment was decorated with a traditional flair. She went immediately to the kitchen just off the living room. He followed. “Would you like coffee or a cold drink?” He came up behind her, putting his arms around her waist. He kissed the nape of her neck and heard her catch her breath. She turned in his arms and he pressed his mouth full against hers as he pulled her body into his. His swelling manhood was signaling his desire and she was not pulling away. They continued to kiss, their passion mounting. “Nick. Nick,” she gasped, trying to pull away. “Let’s go upstairs.” He released his grip on her and she took him by the hand, leading him up the spiral staircase to the second floor and her bedroom ensuite. He removed his jacket immediately and began loosening his tie while she flicked on the small bedside lamp and turned down the bedding. She tossed her suit jacket on the chair beside the bed then reached for his tie. Slowly, she pulled him towards her, kissing him full on the mouth, as she finished removing his tie. Next, they peeled off their shirts and Julie loosened his belt. He reached around her and unzipped her skirt, allowing it to fall to the floor. She was wearing bikini panties and thigh-high stockings. She removed the barrette from her hair and shook her head causing her dark mane to fall about her shoulders. “Nice.” Nick pulled her close and kissed her, running his hands down her back to her tight little ass. She struggled with his zipper. He released her and quickly shed the rest of his clothes while she removed hers. He pushed aside her dark tresses and ran his hands along her shoulders, leaning in to nuzzle her neck. She felt the muscles in his back ripple as she ran her hands over his taut body. Gently, he lifted her onto the bed then stretched out beside her. He trailed his fingers down her chest between her breasts then, taking one breast in his hand, he tongued the areola, eliciting a soft moan from her. He continued to nibble her breast lightly while he moved his hand down her abdomen. Her body quivered beneath his touch. He found her mouth again with his lips and kissed her deeply. She spread her legs slightly as his hand moved down her body. When he eased his middle finger inside her, she pressed her hips up against his hand. He whispered, “Touch me,” as he kissed her ear and neck; his breathing decidedly elevated. She reached for his engorged member and began to stroke it. “Slowly,” he whispered. “That’s good.” He moaned softly. After a few moments of mutual stimulation, she interrupted. “Nick. What about protection?” “Protection… yeah. Don’t go away.” He got out of bed and quickly found his wallet, removing a condom. In a matter of seconds, he had rolled the protection onto his rigid member and was back in bed beside her. “Now where were we?” He smiled at her, kissing her eyes, nose and finally her mouth. They quickly recaptured the mood and, feeling the pressure of his penis against her thigh, she parted her legs. He positioned himself easily between them and entered her, slowly at first. She fell in with his rhythm. He continued at a steady pace, pausing as needed, in order to prolong the experience, until Julie began to pant. Nick closed his eyes and concentrated on maintaining the pace, knowing that timing was everything. She cried out as she climaxed and with a couple more thrusts, he got off himself. They held each other for a moment before he rolled to one side. Julie reached for several tissues on the night stand which she handed to him. He carefully removed the used condom and tossed it into the trash can beside the bed. She cuddled up in the crook of his arm. “I’m glad I ran into you tonight, Nick.” She raised up to look him in the eye. “Yeah, me too.” “I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.” She laid her head on his chest. “Yeah,” he said, absently. She raised up again and noticed that he appeared to be preoccupied. “What is it?” she asked, with a smile. “Oh, nothing.” “Tell me. You seem to be a million miles away.” “Sorry. I was just thinking about a client. A difficult client. I’m trying to work a real estate deal and if I can’t pull it off, Fallin could lose a 20-year client.” He glanced at her. “Hmm. Is there anything I can do? I mean, real estate is what we do.” She grinned. “Probably not.” He sounded defeated. “It’s a case of my client not wanting to pay the owner’s asking price and further complicated by another bidder who is willing to top our offer.” “Oh. Well, maybe you could entice your client to buy another parcel. Maybe I could help you find something that would be a good substitute.” “I wish it was that simple. This particular property is a ‘must have’… no substitutes.” “What property is it?” “It’s a 10-acre parcel on Liberty Avenue—out near Arsenal Park.” “Eliza Hunt’s property?” Nick feigned surprise. “That’s right. How’d you know?” “Oh, Nick. My firm’s the other bidder. We have a client who wants to build a medical complex there. They plan to preserve the woodsy appearance by saving as many trees as possible and integrating the environmentally sensitive building structures within the landscape.” “Oh.” He looked away. Taking his chin in her hand, she turned his face to hers and smiled. “Maybe I could get our client to consider another property.” “I… I couldn’t ask you to do that.” “Well… you didn’t. Okay.” He brushed a wisp of hair from her forehead and bent to kiss her. Rolling her over on her back he began caressing her—his touch sensitizing every nerve in her body. She reached for him and began stroking, slowly, as he had instructed before and felt him swell in her hand. It was almost 1:00 AM when Nick left Julie’s apartment. ~/~/~/~ Nick reviewed the two most recent files Alvin had assigned to him; both appeared to be routine shelter cases. He looked up as his door opened and Lulu appeared. “Hi,” she said, slipping through the door and closing it behind her. “Haven’t seen much of you lately.” “No. Busy at Fallin.” He leaned back in his chair. “Did you need something?” “Oh… No. I… uh…” Nick’s cell phone rang. He retrieved it from his inside coat pocket, flipped it open and spoke abruptly into it. “Yeah?” “Nick, Jim Tanner here. You must be living right.” “Why’s that?” “Well, that other bidder on the Liberty property has withdrawn. Eliza might be a little more open to your offer now.” “Really.” He smirked. “Yeah. She asked me to set up another meeting. Can you be here by 9:30?” Nick consulted his watch. “I’m on my way.” He quickly disconnected and returned the phone to his breast pocket. “I gotta go,” he said to Lulu as he swept up the two case files and stuffed them into his briefcase. “Oh… okay. Well…” She quickly stepped aside to keep from being bowled over. ~/~/~/~ “So, Mr. Fallin. Your client is still interested in my property.” “That’s right.” Nick looked at the old dowager warily. She already had his offer. He wondered what her game was. “I’ve decided to let the property go at a sacrifice for 3.5. That’s my bottom line.” Nick glanced at Jim, then cleared his throat. “Well, I am sorry I wasted your time.” He stood and buttoned his jacket. “Jim, let me know about that dinner invitation. ‘Morning, Mrs. Hunt.” He picked up his briefcase and started for the door. “Young man.” Nick turned back to find Mrs. Hunt smiling with a twinkle in her eye. “All right. So you want to take advantage of an old woman. What is your best offer? And, please, don’t make an old lady cry.” She winked at him. “Since you put it like that, Mrs. Hunt, I’m sure my client would be willing to pay 2.5.” He flashed her his most sincere smile. She was noticeably disappointed but recovered, quickly, to say, “Well, Jim, I guess I’ve lost my touch. You might as well go ahead and work up the papers.” She stood and walked over to Nick. “And you, Mr. Fallin… well… if I were 50 years younger…” She patted him on the arm and left the room. Nick looked at Jim and raised his eyebrows in a puzzled expression. Jim burst out laughing. “I think she likes you, man.” He slapped Nick on the back and began walking to the lobby with him. “I’ll draw up the papers and give you a call. Hey, what’s your client gonna put on the property?” “Uh, one of those ugly strip-malls.” “Oh… sorry to hear that.” Outside on the street, Nick reflected on what he had done to affect this deal. He had ‘used’ a friend and ripped-off an old lady. Nothing to be proud of, for sure. But, the important thing was… he had preserved his father’s valued client. ~/~/~/~ Three days later, Nick was absorbed in a complicated merger proposal when Michelle notified him that Miss Tivnan was here to see him. “Send her back, Michelle.” He started for the lobby, meeting her halfway. “Julie, hi.” She was stunning in her navy suit trimmed in white with a bright red camisole. He steered her towards his office. “I hope I’m not disturbing anything. I just had another meeting in this building and thought I’d drop by to see how things went with the Liberty property.” “Have a seat.” He closed the door and walked around his desk to his chair. “It went well, thanks. I’ve been meaning to call you and…” “It actually turned out fine for our client also. We were able to find them an acceptable alternative for quite a bit less money. Not as nice a location, but definitely one that will fill their needs.” “I’m glad to hear that.” And he was. It was a relief of sorts. He was still smarting from a guilty conscience for handling the deal like he had. “I have to admit, Nick, that I had an ulterior motive for stopping by today. I wanted to invite you to dinner Friday night.” “Uh… well… uh, I…” he stammered for an excuse. “I would love to, Julie, but I have this business meeting, out of town. I won’t be back until late. Maybe another time.” “Oh,” she was noticeably disappointed. “No, that’s fine. I know you’re busy. I just thought…” She stood up, smoothing her skirt. “I shouldn’t have dropped in like this, Nick.” Nick stood and walked around his desk to her and taking her hands he pulled her to him and kissed her sweetly on the cheek. “It’s fine, really.” The nearness of him made her weak. She hoped he hadn’t noticed. She smiled and turned towards the door, afraid that if she spoke he would guess how she felt which was the last thing she wanted right now. Nick stood in the doorway and watched her leave. When she was out of sight, he closed the door and leaned back against it, his eyes tightly closed. ~/~/~/~ Nick scurried out of Judge Damsen’s courtroom after the shelter hearing for Amy Shelton. Immediately outside, he encountered Lulu. “Nick, how’d it go?” “Fine. Her older sister’s gonna take her until her mother’s released from the hospital.” “Oh, good. At least she’ll be with family. So, where are you headed? Back to LSP?” “No. I have a meeting at Fallin.” “You know, Nick, you said we might have dinner sometime but…” “Yeah, I know. It’s… it’s just been crazy.” “What about Friday?” “Friday?” “Yeah, Friday.” She flashed her dimples at him. “You got something in mind?” “Yeah, I do. There’s a new jazz club at Station Square—The Quarter Note.” “Okay. That sounds good. Uh… I’ll pick you up at 8:00.” “Great.” “Okay.” He smiled, shyly. “Okay, then. Well… I’ve gotta go. Later.” He stood and watched as she disappeared around the corner. Lulu had just made a date with him. Things were looking up. ~/~/~/~ She wore a simple sleeveless black linen sheath dress, with a little round neck, and a hemline just above her knees. In her ears, she wore small pearl studs with a matching strand of pearls at her neck. The Pittsburgh evenings were still a little cool so she wore a black linen duster over the top. The drive to the club had been mostly silent. “Nick… do you think I was forward… to ask you out?” She smiled as she looked over at him; his eyes on the road ahead. “No,” he glanced over at her and flashed a quick smile. “No.” “Good.” This could be a long evening, she thought, to herself. He was not in a talkative mood. “Do you like jazz?” “Sure. Yeah.” Well not much mileage out of that exchange. She settled back in her seat and watched the traffic on the river as they crossed over the Allegheny. “Welcome to The Quarter Note,” the hostess said. “Two for dinner?” “Yeah,” Nick answered, helping Lulu off with her coat and hanging it on a nearby coat rack. “Looks like we have a table open near the bandstand. Follow me.” As they approached the open table, Nick heard his name called. He turned to find Jake sitting with an attractive woman at a nearby table. “Hey, Jake. How are ya?” He nodded and smiled at the woman with Jake. “Great, great.” Jake hurriedly stood up. “Hey, Lulu.” “Jake,” Lulu acknowledged. “Oh, Nick, I want you to meet Amber… Amber Leach.” He looked proudly at his date. “Amber, this is Nick—the guy I’ve been telling you about, and… and Lulu Archer. Lulu, it is Archer, right?” “That’s right, Jake,” she said. Nick nodded and nervously smoothed his tie. “Okay.” Jake grinned. “Well, nice to meet you,” Nick said, turning to follow the hostess to their table. “Hey, Nick. You wanna join us?” Nick looked at Lulu who simply shrugged. It might be more fun, she thought, since Nick had not been that talkative tonight. “Okay, fine.” Nick looked at the hostess. “We’ll sit with them.” They sat down at the table for four; Nick across from Jake and Lulu across from Amber. A waitress quickly took Nick and Lulu’s order. “Amber’s going for her MBA at Pitt.” Jake smiled admiringly at his date. “So, Lulu… what do you do?” Amber posed the question. “Uh… I’m a lawyer with LSP… uh… Legal Services of Pittsburgh… with Nick.” “Oh… I thought Nick worked with Jake… at Fallin & Fallin.” Amber looked to Jake. “He does,” Jake quickly responded. “He’s one of the Fallins.” He laughed. “Oooh.” She was confused. “So, you work two jobs. That’s awfully ambitious.” “Community Service,” Nick piped up. He felt no other explanation was necessary. “Uh… Leach. You wouldn’t be related to Adam Leach by any chance?” “That’s right. He’s my father. Do you know him?” “Met him once at the Club. He knows my father… Burton Fallin.” Jake looked at Lulu and Lulu looked back at him while their dates carried on a conversation. “Well, it’s a small world.” She smiled. After dinner, they had drinks and listened to the jazz combo until midnight, when Jake made their excuses and left with his date. Nick watched intently as they made their exit. Amber was a stunning blonde with glorious eyes, pouty lips and a dynamite figure that wouldn’t quit. And… she was smart. Jake had been right about his assessment. Lulu had not been blind to the attention that Nick had paid to Amber… nor the reciprocated attention from Amber. Nick glanced at his watch and then at Lulu. “Well… it’s gettin’ late. You ready to go?” “Are you ready to leave?” she asked, unsmiling. He shrugged. “Well, I do have a busy day tomorrow.” He reached for his money clip to settle the tab. “Tomorrow’s Saturday.” ‘No rest for the wicked’ he started to say but then realized that was perhaps a little too prophetic. Instead he said, “Saturday is just another day for me.” “Nick?” He looked up as he heard his name called to find Julie Tivnan standing at his table. “I thought I recognized you. But, it’s funny, because I thought you were supposed to be out of town tonight?” She glowered at him. “Julie. Uh… well…” he stammered, searching for an exit strategy. She extended her hand to Lulu, who sat dumbfounded. “I’m Julie Tivnan… ‘ex’-friend of Mr. Fallin, here.” “Lulu Archer,” she responded, meekly. “Nick, I think I’m ready to go home.” “Sure. Sure.” He stood and helped her with her chair. “Julie… can we talk tomorrow? I’ll call you tomorrow.” This was the first time Nick had noticed a man standing behind Julie—apparently her date. He nodded to him then steered Lulu towards the door. He wheeled the BMW into a spot at the curb in front of Lulu’s apartment building. Nothing had been said the whole way home. Lulu removed her seatbelt and finally said, more hurt than angry, “Two jobs… and juggling all your women… how do you make the time?” She bit her lip trying to stave off the tears. She wondered how she could have been so wrong about his feelings for her. He certainly had not been very attentive tonight. Nick started to remove his seatbelt. She put her hand over his to stop him. “No, Nick. Goodnight.” He waited until she was safely inside the building then drove slowly away. ~/~/~/~ Nick spent the weekend working. He didn’t speak to anyone and his phone didn’t ring. He got very little sleep and ate very little, forcing himself into a self-imposed weekend of penance. Sunday night was yet another fitful night and he felt totally drained as he walked into work the next day. He encountered his father in the hallway, carrying a thermal carafe of coffee back to his office. “Oh, hi, son. Coffee?” “I already had a cup.” Burton chuckled. “You look like you could use another. You got a minute?” “Dad, I got lots to do.” “Nicholas, you can give me a minute.” Nick followed him into the corner office. Burton poured a steaming cup of coffee from the carafe and walked to the window. “Carson told me about the favorable purchase price you negotiated on that Liberty property.” He turned away from the window and grinned, proudly, at his son. “Good work, son. Good work. That property’s probably the finest piece of undeveloped commercial real estate in the City and you got it for a song. I’m not even gonna ask how you managed that?” He laughed. Nick bowed his head as he furrowed his brow. “Yeah,” he almost whispered. He glanced up at his father. “I… I should get to work.” “Right. Well… good work, son.” In his office, with the door closed, Nick mused at his predicament. He had been trying for months to establish some kind of relationship with Lulu but now that it seemed imminent, he was having second thoughts. And then what he’d done to Julie was totally abhorrent—unforgivable. His speakerphone crackled, “Mr. Fallin, you have a Miss Leach on Line One.” He touched a button on the console and replied, “Thanks,” then punched Line One. “Nick Fallin.” “Good morning, Nick. This is Amber Leach.” “Yes?” He was pleasantly surprised. “I wanted to say it was very nice meeting you last night.” He leaned back in his chair and gazed out the window, smiling. “Nice meeting you, too. What can I do for you, Ms. Leach?” “You can call me Amber. I’m having a party Saturday night and want you to come.” “Next Saturday.” “Please say you’ll come.” “Uh… okay, sure.” “I’m sending everyone an invitation with the address and details. And, Nick… don’t tell Jake, okay? Well, I’ll see you Saturday.” Nick held the phone in his hand… the dial tone sounding in his ear. He finally placed the receiver in the cradle. A knock came at his door and Jake poked his head in. “Hey, Nick. What’d I tell ya? She’s great, isn’t she?” He stared blankly at Jake. “Yeah… she’s great.” “Well, uh… you gonna have time this afternoon to go over those Kimberly contracts?” “Yeah, sure.” Jake ducked out, closing the door behind him. ~/~/~/~ Nick had never seen the Liberty Avenue property which he had negotiated for BMG Enterprises. On his way back to the office from an appointment he decided to swing by the location. It was a hilly parcel, thick with beautiful trees—a virtual oasis amidst the asphalt and concrete commercial district surrounding it. Bulldozers were already at work, uprooting and leveling the entire property. Within 18 months this beautiful green oasis would be replaced by acres of asphalt and unimaginative architecture that was America’s eyesore—the dreaded strip-shopping center. Nick reached for his cell phone and dialed. “Ridley-Hollingsworth. How may I help you?” “Julie Tivnan, please.” “I’ll connect you with her assistant.” “Ms. Tivnan’s office.” “Is she in? Nick Fallin calling.” “No, sir. She is due back any minute. May I tell her you called?” “Does she have an open appointment this morning?” “Yes, sir. She has an opening at 10:30.” “I’ll be there.” He abruptly hung up the phone. It was 9:45. He had time to stop for a latte before his appointment. ~/~/~/~ “Mr. Fallin. Marta Fleming.” She extended her hand. “I’m Ms. Tivnan’s assistant. She’ll see you now. Come with me.” Nick followed her down a wide mahogany paneled hallway hung with numerous works of art. She knocked once at the last office on the left then opened the door and showed him in. “Mr. Falllin, can I get you anything to drink?” “No, thank you.” He glanced at Julie and settled into the chair across from her. “Thank you, Marta.” Marta exited, closing the door behind her. “Thanks for seeing me.” “What can I do for you Mr. Fallin?” Nick had expected a degree of coolness from Julie, but she was even chillier than he had expected. “I… I’m sorry for what I did.” “You needn’t apologize, Mr. Fallin. Business is business.” “Yeah… business is business,” he repeated, looking down at his hands in his lap. “I drove by the Liberty Avenue property.” “Okay.” “They’re cutting down every tree.” “Progress,” she said, matter-of-factly. She could tell he was bothered by something. “Is there really a point to your being here, Nick?” “No. No, I guess not.” He stood to leave. “Listen, Julie…” He turned back to look at her, desperate to make amends. “I, uh… Being with you... it was not all about business.” “I wish I could believe that, Nick.” She watched as he walked out the door and out of her life. THE END