Desert Heat Author: Suzanne Moore E-mail: Rating: R Summary: Nick's business trip sends him to Tucson and into the arms of Sidney Hunter. Author's Notes: Many thanks to Linda Wilson and Deb for their patience and their beta-reads, and to Eileen for her encouragement. ~*~ A wall of desert heat hit Nicholas Fallin head-on as he followed the path to the parking garage at Tucson International Airport. He quickly shrugged out of his elegant black jacket and carefully laid it across his arm as he made his way to the rental car area. He'd discovered last Thursday morning that he was required in Tucson as part of McManus Mining's due diligence team. McManus was buying out Tucson's Diablo Mining, and it was up to Nick to scour the books and make sure everything was in order to proceed with the deal. Friday afternoon he'd gotten the permissions he'd needed from the probation officials to leave Pittsburgh for a week. Now it was the following Monday morning, and he was in Tucson. *Tucson!* Nick was relieved to be away from Pittsburgh. Away from his over-managed, over-scheduled, stressed-out life. Away from last month's events: the memory of Lulu's rejection, of finding James badly injured, the violence in the parking garage that had shockingly reared its ugly head. Yes, Nick Fallin was pleased to be in Arizona, even with the soaring temperature, because it meant he could see Sidney Hunter. If he could find her. He hadn't seen Sid since he'd put her on an airplane last January. At the time, she'd been in the process of completely re-vamping her life. She'd sold her company, quit her job at the Anasazi Heritage Center, and moved to Tucson to start a new job at the U. of A.'s Museum. In comparison, Nick felt totally stuck - and completely alone. Stuck with a father who seemed to love Shannon more than his own son; stuck at LSP with severe work overload; stuck with a probation officer and random drug tests; stuck with his weekly substance abuse support meetings. Lulu had rejected his declaration of love and was moving to California. He felt like he'd been through the wringer, had all the life squeezed out of him and then, discarded. But Sid hadn't discarded him. She'd kept in contact through short phone calls and brief e-mails. "Just checking in," she'd usually start with a chuckle. Nick realized over the weekend that he needed to hear more of Sid's voice and get a hefty transfusion of her positive energy. But it was more than that. He ached to smell the lemony scent of her hair, to hold her, to kiss her, to . . . Nick wanted - no, needed - to see Sid. She was upbeat, pleasant, energetic. A ray of sunshine, permeating his dark life. He'd tried all weekend to reach her, leaving Sid voice mails at work, at home and on her cell phone. Par for the course, trying to track down Dr. Sidney Hunter was a frustrating, irritating task. No luck. She hadn't returned any of his calls. Where was she? The dry desert air quickly sucked the moisture from his body, and Nick found that he was already thirsty. He cranked the ignition of his rental car, and drove to the nearest gas station to buy a bottle of water. Then he pointed the car toward Diablo Mining's corporate headquarters, anxious for business to occupy his weary mind. ~*~ Sidney Hunter stood in the bottom of a trench made by a backhoe, a good 10 feet below ground level. Despite the hastily erected canvas tent covering the slice in the earth, the ground absorbed and held the desert heat, baking Sid like she was inside an oven. She took off her baseball cap and wiped the sweat from her forehead with the cuff of her long-sleeved shirt. Sid was covered in dirt and sand from head to toe. Shirt, pants, face, hair - she could feel the stuff in her underwear, too, and was sure there would be more than a ton of it in her ears. Rivulets of perspiration rolled off her forehead, mixed with the sand and formed streaked patterns across her face. Everything was quiet - for now. The heavy mining machinery would begin again in the next quadrant after the hour-long lunch break, wreaking havoc with Sid's hearing and stirring up even more sand. She took a long sip of water as she studied the various strata revealed by the backhoe. A redware pottery shard here. The broken tip of a bone awl there. She believed she was looking at a cross- section of a midden - a trash pile left by ancient Hohokum inhabitants. Yes, it was extremely hot, it was dirty, the conditions were miserable. But Sidney Hunter was in her element and having a great time. She returned the cap to her head and began to make notations of exact locations of artifacts visible in the trench. "Dr. Hunter?" No response. "Dr. Hunter? Dr. Hunter?" Liza continued to call her supervisor's name, ultimately changing her voice to a more urgent tone before piercing Sid's power of concentration. "What?" Sid finally groaned. She squinted up the young college intern who stood at the edge of the trench. "Sorry for snapping, Liza. I just need to complete these notations before. . ." "*Suits*," Liza interrupted in a low tone. "A car full of them. They just parked and are heading this way." *Suits*. Company officials. This was the worst part of heading up a Cultural Resources Management team. Dealing with uncooperative owners, CEOs, and presidents who didn't want their business plans screwed up because their equipment just happened to unearth a piece of ancient history. It was up to Sid and her team to make recommendations to the State, based on their findings. A decision to shut down this section of the mining operation seemed warranted. She was planning to recommend more test trenches, perhaps followed by limited excavations. She knew the Suits would try to dissuade her from making any decision other than the one they wanted to hear: That the site was insignificant and mining could continue as planned. Sid sighed and stuck her notepad in her backpack. She steeled herself as she made her way up the rickety ladder. By the time she climbed up to the ground level, Dr. Sidney Hunter was ready to tangle with the ever-present, very irritating Suits. The leader of the Suits had just pointed his minions toward an outlying tent and had turned, heading toward Sid in a hurried stride. She quickly glanced at the trio heading for shade of the tent. *The one on the right looks lot like Nick.* She chuckled to herself, wondering where that thought came from. She squinted her eyes and looked again. It was too hard to see details from this distance, but the ramrod-straight posture and elegant poise in the man's walk were certainly traits of Nicholas Fallin. So were the golden sun-kissed curls and the tawny skin. The outline of his form was unmistakable. It was Nick. . .but how could that be? What would he be doing here at the Diablo mining operation with a horde of David Gleeson's Suits? No, it couldn't be Nick. But whoever the man was in the distance, he looked enough like Nick to make Sid's insides ache for the young Pittsburgh lawyer who seemed at once both too reserved and too wild for his own good - and hers. ~*~ "This heat is awful," Alex Roberts said, mopping his brow. "I'd rather be back in Pittsburgh right now, wouldn't you?" "No kidding," responded Greg Burroughs. Both men were already red- faced after the walk from the car. They sat at a rough-hewn picnic table and fanned themselves, rapidly discovering there was no escaping the scorching desert heat. Alex, Greg, and Nick had been dragged from their due diligence duties at corporate headquarters to tour the mining operation by Diablo's head-strong president, David Gleeson. Nick did not answer Alex`s lament. Instead, he rolled up the sleeves of his crisp white shirt and watched Gleeson walk toward the trench. Nick saw a figure emerge from the ground. *It's a woman.* The woman's hips swayed with familiarity as she walked toward David Gleeson. Nick's brows furrowed in an effort to see clearly. *Is that Sid?* It was impossible to tell. He didn't think so - there was no red hair visible. And something seemed wrong about the face - that woman's face looked sun-baked, not the freckled healthy glow of Sid's skin. He shook his head and tried to get Sid off his brain. He could not really hear what David was saying; only snippets wafted across the open pit into his ears. "The due diligence team. . ." "Giving a tour. . ." He thought he heard David say, "Doctor Hunter. . ." Nick left the outlying tent and began to walk toward the trench, locking his eyes on that female form. *Is it really Sid?* He still couldn't see any red curls, but he wasn't close enough yet. He continued to walk. He was a few feet away when he felt his lower body suddenly tighten. His lips curled into a slight smile, eyes atwinkle. He had found Dr. Sidney Hunter. Sid met Nick's steady gaze with a look of astounded surprise. She struggled to hold in check the wild feelings she had, because what she really wanted to do was throw her arms around him and kiss him with passionate abandon. "Nick!" David said. "I'm not sure if Dr. Hunter is ready for you yet." There was a pause. "Are you ready for me, Dr. Hunter?" Nick asked slyly, his blue-green eyes playful and glittering. He offered her his hand, pretending not to know her. "I'm. . . Nick Fallin." Nick's intense gaze made Sid's heart beat faster. His eyes revealed an amazing intelligence and an adventurous spirit, and were so very suggestive. Sid took a deep, calming breath and tried to wipe some of the dirt caking her face before finally answering. "I'm always ready, Mr. Fallin," she teased. When she took his hand in hers, she felt his electricity dance through her fingers. She gave Nick a closer look as she shook his hand. New stress lines played around his mouth. Large purple smudges formed shadows under his hooded eyes. Clearly, the man had not gotten a good night's sleep in quite a while. *Something's bothering Nick. Something different.* End Part One Desert Heat, Part 2 ~*~ "You might want to get Alex and Steven to some air conditioning." Nick spoke to David Gleeson without ever taking his eyes off Sid. "They're not faring well in this temperature. It`s a little extreme for those of us from Pittsburgh." David shot a worried look toward the tent. He wanted the due diligence team happy, not hot. "It's all right, Mr. Gleeson. I don't mind looking after Mr. Fallin." Sid met Nick's steady gaze with intelligent, moss-green eyes. "Are you adjusting to this. . . heat?" she asked with an impish, suggestive smile. The heat she was referring to was the rather sudden rise in her own erotic temperature. "I think I can handle it," Nick replied, fully understanding Sid's double entendre. He was surprised how quickly his body had responded to this woman. "Think you can handle going down the ladder into the trench to view the strata sample?" Sid's eyes flicked toward the slit in the earth hoping Nick would pick up on her suggestion of privacy. "Sure, I'll go down. . .and I won't have any problems getting up, either." His voice sounded sincere, but the glint in his eye screamed to Sid that he was talking about something altogether different. He held the ladder in place as she climbed into the trench. Nick followed. After reaching the bottom, Sid watched his fine form easily make his way down. As he reached the bottom, she spoke. "N-Nick. . ." She didn't have time to complete her sentence. Nick swiftly closed the space between them, yanked Sid into his arms, and hungrily kissed her. She gasped and molded her sand-covered body to his. They spoke in short bursts in between urgent kisses. "What. . . are you doing here?" Sid tunneled her fingers through Nick's curls and then pressed her lips to his. "Don't you ever check your messages?" Nick asked breathlessly, tracing a trail of kisses down the crook of her neck. He was not at all worried about the sand and dirt she'd get all over him. Sid squeezed her eyes closed, her body quivering with this sudden pleasure. "I've been here since Friday, working all day and well into the night -" Nick drew back and locked eyes with the unpredictable Sidney Hunter. "You mean you're *living* here?" "I've just been staying in that rickety RV parked in the lot out front for the past few days. . ." He lowered his head, shook it slightly, and peeked at her from beneath his impossibly long lashes. "Well, you're not staying there tonight," he whispered. "I'm not?" "No. You have out of town company to entertain. Me." Sid raised her eyebrows and was about to speak when they heard the ruckus of the mining machinery start again. The heat of the moment was broken. Lunch break was over. Noise and a fine cloud of sand from the heavy rigs wafted in their direction. "But aren't you busy tonight?" Sid thought she'd ask, figuring that David Gleeson would have plans for the due diligence team. "Yes, I am . . ." Although she tried to mask it, Sid's face fell, showing her acute disappointment. ". . .you and I have a dinner date." Nick replied. A smile slowly spread across her face. "We do, huh?" She glanced at Nick's clothes and noticed the fine coating of sand covering his shirt and dark pants. "It looks like you've been *eating* sand, Mr. Fallin. Doesn't taste too good, does it?" She slowly ran her thumb across his full lower lip. He looked at her with suggestive, smoky eyes. "I like the way you taste, even when you're sprinkled with sand," he replied huskily, not eager for their privacy to end so suddenly. As they agreed on the their dinner plans, Sid became aware of other voices approaching the trench. It was the Head Suit. David Gleeson. ~*~ On the way back to the corporate offices, Nick considered sharing his troubles with Sid. He felt close to her after all the experiences they had shared. She'd seen his good side, and his bad. And when he'd told her about his cocaine and probation issues, she'd not shied away. Perhaps he *could* talk with her. . . He shook his head, quickly nixing that idea. *What would I say? 'I'm having a bad dream that wakes me up every night?'*" ~*~ They ate dinner on the patio of a small restaurant near Sabino Canyon. It was a quiet evening, the most relaxed Nick had had since the symphony garage incident. The conversation was light-hearted. Sid filled him in on her new job at the Museum, and what a fluke it was that she'd been pulled off her regular job to be in charge of the site at Diablo Mining. The heat of the day slowly yielded itself to the heavens, giving the desert and its inhabitants time to rest. Sunset turned the world into a palette of brilliant pinks and oranges, a vibrant, momentary display of color. Then, just after dusk, the temperature quickly dropped, surprising Nick with a cool and sweet caress. The food was excellent, and Sid was so damned appealing it was all Nick could do not to take her right then and there. Freshly-scrubbed, her skin was milky glow with a generous frosting of freckles that danced a jig across her nose and cheeks. The lemony scent of Sid's perfume mingled with the desert's evening air, making it hard for Nick to concentrate on the food, on the conversation, on anything except. . . After dinner, Sid stood and shook the kinks from her bum leg. "Are you still having problems with your leg?" Nick was not really surprised. The woman had had continual trouble with it ever since she'd broken it a year and a half earlier. "Oh, it's nothing. It's just stiff, that's all. I barely limp now - just when my leg gets tired. The scars. . .well, they're still there." She glanced at Nick remembering the first time they'd made love; at the last moment she'd been hesitant to continue because of the ugly surgical scars running up and down her right leg. "And they still don't matter," Nick said softly. "Come on, let's go. You look. . .tired." As they turned to leave their table, Sid felt Nick's hand caress the small of her back. It was such a simple gesture, yet one that was overpoweringly suggestive. She smiled to herself. Sid had known from the beginning this wouldn't just be a dinner date. No, it would a whole lot more. ~*~ Sidney Hunter's home looked like an ordinary place from the outside: a nondescript 1960's ranch house tucked against a huge desert mountain. The transformed interior looked more like a magazine spread, the spaces filled with Native American crafts as well as Mexican antiques and cowboy memorabilia. The focal point of the home was a sleek lap pool in the back yard, visible through the huge windows and French doors that covered the entire rear of the house. Artfully placed solar lights set off the lush landscaping surrounding the pool, beckoning those indoors to come outside for an evening swim. Nick tilted his head toward the pool, n unspoken question on his lips. "I swim every morning," Sid explained, leading him to the windows. "I enjoy being in the cool water before surrendering myself to the summer heat. If you like, we could go for a swim. . ." She stopped mid-sentence, noticing that his blue-green eyes had locked on her mouth. Sid's heart skipped a beat; she'd felt her body responding to Nick Fallin's presence all afternoon, knowing that this moment would finally come. Now he was here. In her house. Standing so close she could feel the heat of his body seeping through his shirt. She gave him a tender, closed-mouth smile. When she moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue, his control instantly evaporated. He took her in his arms and kissed her, long, hard, and with great urgency, as if his very life depended on it. "Maybe we can go for a swim later," he said huskily. His breath whispered across her upturned face. "But right now I have other things in mind." ~*~ They lay entwined afterward, unwilling to let go, needing the continued contact of skin against skin. Their bodies still glistened from their exertions; Sid nestled her head in the crook of Nick's shoulder, silently reveling in his lean, muscular physique. She ran her fingertips through the silky hairs on his chest, slowly working her hand to his navel, and then lower, to his tender abdomen and beyond. It was a not-so-subtle invitation to continue, one Nick would never turn down. He cupped her chin between two fingers, and raised her head until their eyes met. "Roll on your back and grab the headboard," he finally said. It wasn't quite a command, but Sid's eyes widened and met his with an unspoken question: *Can I trust you?* He responded only with wildly playful, yet challenging, eyes. *Yes*, she decided, *I'll trust you.* She rolled slowly and deliberately onto her back, never breaking eye contact. Lifting her arms above her head and wrapping her fingers around the headboard, she arched her back, displaying her breasts to perfection. Sid knew it, and Nick did, too. He couldn't help but groan in appreciation. "Sid, you are . . . exquisite," he murmured, reveling in her sexy display. He slowly stood and picked up a glass of ice water, never taking his eyes off her form. The ice tinkled as he tilted it to his lips; it was the only sound in the quiet room. After he quenched his thirst, Nick studied the ice for a moment before lowering the glass. Then he leveled his eyes at Sid again. There was that look again. *It's a dare*. At first Sid thought he was going to grab some ice from the glass and playfully tease her with it, just like she'd seen in the movies. She watched him intently, wondering what in the world he was planning. Her pulse skittered and she licked her lips in nervous anticipation. Nick wasn't going to engage in ice play. He had something different in mind. He slowly took another sip of water as he drank in Sid's raw display of trust and sexuality splayed before him. Then he drew close, tilted the glass, and slowly dribbled a stream of icy cold water on the tips of her breasts. Sid gasped, inhaling sharply at the sensations that she suddenly felt, squeezing her eyes shut as she felt her nipples react to the ice water. The tips of her breasts pebbled and formed stiff peaks, ones that now begged for even more attention. She opened her eyes, a knowing look in her eye. Sid began to speak, but Nick quickly brushed his forefinger across her lips. "Shhh," he whispered, "don't talk. Don`t say a word." Still maintaining eye contact, she took his finger into her mouth, and sucked on it, swirling her tongue around it delicately. It was a sensuous move that surprised Nick and heightened his urgency, his lust. He wanted nothing more at this moment than to abandon his sexy plan and obey his baser instincts. It was challenging to slow down and maintain control. But Nick knew that he wanted to please Sid, to tantalize her and to blast her into orbit. "Close your eyes," he directed, staring straight into her soul, "and keep them closed." Her body tightened imperceptibly and a small smile played across her lips as she closed her eyes. Sid heard him place the glass on the night stand and then felt him move closer to her. He sat beside her, the mattress giving near her hip. She became aware of the feel of his lips as he lightly skimmed them across her face and then delicately nuzzled her neck. She trembled involuntarily when his golden curls tickled the line of her jaw. He stopped abruptly and picked up the glass again for another drink. She could hear him swallow, and then put the glass down. . . Suddenly, a cold and tantalizing bolt of electricity shot through her. The sensation was startling, shocking, and very stimulating. Nick had flicked an already erect nipple with his tongue - the same tongue which had just been in the icy water. Every nerve ending became alert and super-sensitive, Sid's body rippled in pleasured response to his light-as-a-feather kisses and icy-cold tongue. She gasped as he slowly inched his tongue toward her navel, stopping at odd moments to drink or to drip more ice water on her unsuspecting body. She began to make sexy little thrusts with her hips, wanting something more. Needing something more. Right now. . .and much lower. But Nick was not in a hurry. As he continued, Sid held her breath and found that she could no longer suppress a moan when he continued lower, finally arriving at the apex of her thighs. He pleasured her with his tongue, teasing her until she was dripping wet, readying her, compounding her need for him. Sid gasped when he paused again. "Please. . .please," she begged softly. He couldn't stop now! Nick did not respond. He was too busy ripping a small foil packet and quickly rolling on its contents. When he finally shifted his body and wedged his warmth and hardness between her thighs, Nick groaned long and deep - something utterly undistinguishable, utterly male. This is what he had craved. This is what he had needed. Nick thrust into her female contours, his rhythm wild. Deeper. Harder. Sid let go of the headboard, tightened her arms and legs around him and cried his name over and over. The intensity of their heat continued to escalate until the sensations shimmered, flared, and finally exploded. ~*~ It was dark. Nick woke up with a start, panting. He sat up and looked around the strange room, unsure of where he was. He quickly recoiled when heard someone's breath very close. His heart was racing, his fright overwhelming. He had to get away! As he stood, the bedclothes fell away. He rubbed his eyes and refocused on the form in the bed. It was Sid. *Sid!* She was sleeping peacefully, her red curls spread out like a fan on the pillow. *And I'm in Tucson. Safe. In Tucson.* It was that blasted dream again. *Dream? It's a fucking nightmare.* He shuddered as he quickly glanced again at Sid. Good, he hadn't awakened her. He wondered just how long this same dream would continue, how many more nights he could stand. He quietly slipped out of the room, needing to escape. From what, he could not quite put his finger on. ~*~ Sid rolled over to snuggle with Nick, only to find an empty bed. "Nick?" No answer; the house was quiet. She checked the floor. No, he hadn't left - his Bruno Magli shoes were still where he'd kicked them off a few hours before. She saw a shadow move in her backyard. Then she smiled to herself. Sid opened the French door leading to her backyard and watched Nick's lithe body swim in her lap pool. His form was truly elegant, truly poetry in motion. She watched him move through the water with extreme urgency, as if he was trying to drain all energy from his body. Back and forth he swam, his muscular arms circling, his legs kicking vigorously. Sid leaned against the door, watching his efforts, wondering if she looked this desperate when she swam every morning. The pool provided the perfect outlet to work the kinks out of her bum knee, and help ready her brain for her job. She wondered what kind of mental kinks Nick was trying to work out. As he swam, Nick thought about the nightmare. It never changed: He was with his dad searching for that parking space at Symphony Hall. Next he was hitting the man who stole the parking spot. Then, in typical dream-like fashion, the scenario changed, and Nick became the man on the ground being kicked and beaten. He tried to dodge the blows, but they came too fast. He'd covered his face with his hands, but the beating still continued, rougher. *Who is beating me?* He mustered up the courage to look and peeked between his fingers. *Shannon. . . Lulu. . .Dad!* He always woke up at that point in the dream. God! He was relentless. He swam, as if the exercise alone would exorcise the demons - and that excruciating nightmare - that plagued him. Should he tell Sid about everything? About the court-mandated anger management sessions? About how his father seemed to have replaced him with a 13-year-old girl? How Lulu rejected him? As he swam, he considered the consequences. What would Sid think of him then? No, he wouldn't tell her about the therapy, or the nightmare, or Lulu, Shannon, or any of it. He couldn't. It was too overwhelming. No, he'd just keep it all to himself. It was the safest, best thing for a screw-up to do. Nick finally stopped and pulled his slim frame onto the edge of the pool. Water held in his curls, dripping to his shoulders, down his narrow hips and legs. He was breathing heavily. He stood, his body lean, wet and muscular, and his eyes arched in surprise when Sid handed him a black terrycloth robe. "Are you ready to come back to bed now?" she asked softly. He nodded and pulled the robe onto his frame. Now truly exhausted, he followed her through the French doors back into her bedroom. He was tired. So tired. Nick found himself just wanting to lay next to Sid and feel at peace - for at least one night. He crawled into bed next to her, willing his weary muscles to move. There were no more words, no explanations. Sid didn't need conversation to know the man was hurting, fighting his own personal demons. She wrapped a gentle arm around his shoulder and pulled him close. With his head nestled in the hollow of her shoulder and his arm wrapped around her waist, Nick Fallin finally fell asleep, his face showing the ragged effects of exhaustion. She watched him sleep, wondering what was causing him so much distress. The handsome young man was a frustrating puzzle, much too difficult to figure out. Oh, Nick's banter was flirty and witty, the sex was fabulous, but Sid had noticed a hint of sadness and fear around his weary eyes that hadn't been present before. Something was really bothering him. Something he couldn't -- or wouldn't -- talk about. Based on her previous experiences, Sid knew that direct questioning was not the best route to take with Nick Fallin. He was so buttoned up, and so . . shut down. She wondered what would have happened if she'd moved to Pittsburgh instead of Tucson. Would they have continued their sex-based relationship? Possibly. Their love-making sessions were fabulous, but Sid didn't usually engage in casual sex. Nick had been the sole exception in her life. *And what an exception!* Would their relationship have turned serious? *No.* She shook her head and sighed. His fractured life seemed too stressed to have an on- going, serious relationship. At that moment, Sid made a deliberate decision to just let the man be. *He'll tell me what's wrong if he wants. If not, then I'll just have to accept that, too.* She closed her eyes, but it took Sidney Hunter a long time to fall asleep. ~End Part 2~ Desert Heat - Part 3 ~*~ A powerful kick connected with Nick's ribs. He was unable to stifle an anguished moan as the pain splintered and then spread through his body. He peeked through his fingers and saw the black shoe pulling back, ready to plant another pointed kick. He needed to protect himself, but how? Grabbing an arm, he somehow toppled the kicker to the ground. He quickly straddled his attacker and pinned the man's arms with his legs. Nick sucked in a frightened breath when he recognized the face of his struggling assailant. *It's. . .Dad.* "Why?" Nick asked in a loud, pained voice. He squeezed his father's shoulders and shook him. "Why, Dad?" "Stop. . ." Something about his father's voice did not sound right. Nick leaned over and pressed his full weight on his father's shoulders. Then he raised his right hand and made a fist. His voice trembled with a lifetime of pent-up anger. "Stop it, Dad, or I'll. . ." "Wake up, wake up --" Sid was pinned under a very angry and oblivious Nick Fallin. As much as she'd squirmed, as forcefully as she'd flailed her legs, she was unable to wrestle herself free. It was obvious the man was dreaming. His eyes were open but unseeing, his face twisted with pain. . . and anger. And now he was shaking her like a rag doll, much like Clayton Griffin had done a year and a half ago. His arm hovered in the air, locked and loaded, ready to punch Burton Fallin's lights out. "-- I'm Sid, Nick, wake up!" She continued to cry out, identifying herself over and over. This was truly frightening. What if she wasn't able to awaken Nick? Would he really hit her? Could he? After all, he was asleep. Something wasn't right. Now his father was - crying? Nick shook his head and felt himself slowly awaken. Finally becoming fully cognizant, he found himself sitting on top of a very distressed Sidney Hunter, his arm still raised, his fist still doubled. The color drained from Nick's face. *Oh, God!* He slowly lowered his arm, his breathing labored, his eyes wide in disbelief. Nick was confused. Confused about why Sid was crying, confused about why he felt so. . .agitated? In a haze, he crawled off of the woman and retreated to the far side of the bedroom. Sid sat up and took several ragged breaths. Her tears flowed unchecked as she stared at Nick with a mixture of shock, concern, and fear. "Did I . . . hurt you? Are you all right?" Adrenaline shot through Nick's body and he found he could not be still. He paced and swept a hand through his golden red curls. Sid wiped the tears from her eyes and finally found her voice. "What on earth were you dreaming about? Something about your Dad?" Nick stopped in his tracks and narrowed his eyes at the redhead. *How does she know that? Did I say something out loud while I was dreaming? How much does she know?* Trembling, he shook his head and averted his eyes. Nick was beginning to panic. The look on the young man's face was all too familiar to Sid. It was the same expression she'd seen when she'd learned of his probation, his sentence to work at LSP, his love of cocaine. *He's shutting down, locking me out again.* Nick had to leave. *Now*. What was he running from? From the nightmare? From Sid? From the beating he wanted to give to his own father? It didn't matter. He had to escape. She watched in shocked silence as he found his shorts and pants in a pile on the floor and quickly slipped them on, his head down, a frightened look on his face. Donning his shirt, he quickly glanced at Sid. "I'll. . .call a cab. Go back to sleep," he said flatly. She heard him walk through he house, his footsteps hurrying toward the front door. Sid shook her head in utter dismay. *Go back to sleep? How can I possibly do that now?* ~*~ One hand on his brow, his insides trembling, Nick Fallin waited on the porch for the taxi to arrive. The summer night was cool and still. Even the moon seemed to stop and listen to the man's labored breathing. *What did I just do? God, I almost punched Sid in the face!* He paced, anxious for the taxi to arrive and ferry him to safety. He needed to get as far away from Sid as he could, now that the horrible nightmare had invaded his real life. *Sid isn't safe sleeping with me. No one is.* Nick hastily decided not to bed anyone, including Sidney Hunter, until he stopped having that awful nightmare. The sudden sound of the front door opening made Nick jump. He jerked his head up, eyes blinking, and found Sid standing on the porch wearing that same old ratty chenille robe she'd worn in Telluride. "Nick, come back inside. Don't leave," she murmured softly. She tucked a curl behind her ear and looked hopeful. *Is she crazy? After what I just pulled?* He shook his head, stared at his shoes, and folded his arms in front of his chest. "I - I can't," he said in a low voice. "Yes, you can." He hesitated in answering her, not knowing how to respond. Face taut, shoulders hunched, he heaved a long sigh. At that moment the taxi arrived. "Send it away, Nick, and come back inside," she pleaded. He shook his head again. "I'll call you," Nick lied. As he walked to the waiting cab, he could feel Sid staring a hole in his back. Feeling raw and depleted, he folded his weary body into the taxi and glanced at the porch as the vehicle pulled away from the curb. Her face told it all. Disbelief. Disappointment. Dismay. Nick rubbed his face with his hands and smelled Sid's scent all over them. *What a disaster.* ~*~ "We're recommending limited excavations to the State, Mr. Gleeson. You'll have to cordon off the section indicated on the report immediately." Sid was standing in front of David Gleeson's desk three days later, completed report in hand. "That's awful! What are you trying to do, close Diablo down before I can sell?" Gleeson growled. "No, of course not. My job is to document and present the findings of the cultural resources management team to you and the State." "You'll also need to inform the due diligence guys," the CEO sighed. "They're just about finished with their review of the company. I'm sure Nick will have to include this new information in his revenue report, too." "Oh, is the due diligence team still here?" she asked, hoping she sounded very casual. To Mr. Gleeson, Sid appeared marginally interested, but she was actually on high-alert. She'd figured Nick had left Tucson as quickly as possible after last Monday's debacle. If he was still in town and hadn't called like he'd promised, did it mean he wasn't interested in her anymore? Or had he just been bogged down with work? "Well then, I'll just pop in and give Mr. Fallin a copy of our report." Sid got directions to Nick's temporary office and bid goodbye to David Gleeson. ~*~ "Come in." Nick was deep in thought. When he heard the tap on the door, he immediately re-focused on his work, assuming it was the office assistant bringing him more files. Sid came into the office and stood patiently, waiting for Nick to look up. He pointed to the edge of the desk. "Put the files here, please, " he said quietly, eyes still on his work. Sid moved a little closer and stuck the report on the desk, hoping he would at least cast one glance her way. He didn't. She continued to watch the handsome young lawyer, amazed at the man's power of concentration. Her body tightened as he ran his fingers across his lips --- the same long fingers and soft, moist lips that had explored her body so thoroughly earlier in the week. She sighed inwardly, admitting to herself that she was still very attracted to Nick, regardless of his buttoned-up, shut-down demeanor. She still felt a primal connection to him, not to mention a more-than- fundamental chemistry, but doubted if there was room in Nick's fractured life for anything more than casual sex. "You. . . didn't call me," she finally said. Although she tried to hide it, the ache was clearly evident in her voice. Nick looked up with a start, his face showing complete surprise. He had not expected to see Sid at corporate headquarters. He'd successfully avoided calling her all week, burying himself in work after Monday night's dangerous events. And now here she was in his office! He cleared his throat. "I've been busy," he began, his voice subdued. He looked at the pile of files on his desk and then glanced back at Sid, noticing how sexy she looked in her curve-hugging black sheath. "I've had a lot of. . ." Sid cut him off. "I'm sure you've had a lot of work. I have too, but --" It was Nick's turn to interrupt. ". . .and I've had a lot of time to think about what happened the other night." That got Sid's attention. A shiver slid down her spine. Nick seemed very serious now. Had he come to grips with his nightmare? Was he going to ignore it? Or was he going to end their casual relationship? Silence. Sid took a deep breath. "Me too," she finally whispered. "You --- want to go first?" Nick shook his head. "Ladies first." His voice was soft and tight. The tension in the office seemed to crackle. Sid hesitated. *Do I really want to get into this?* She came around the desk and took a seat along its edge, very close to Nick's arm. A knee peeked from under the hem of her dress, silently begging for his hand's caress. Her lemony scent surrounded him. She was enticingly close and oh, so tempting. "About your dream. . ." Sid began, looking for the right words to begin this touchy subject. Nick lifted his head, leveling his gaze at Sid. His eyes seemed so mournful. "I'm sorry if I scared you. . .I'd never knowingly hurt you." She patted his arm and gave him a warm smile. "I know," she said gently. Her hand lingered on his arm, flooding Nick with inappropriate shivers of awareness. More silence. For a few awkward moments, Sid didn't know whether to stop or go ahead. Would he shut completely down if she continued? Would he walk out of his own office? After all, leaving did seem to be the man's normal response to uncomfortable emotional issues. Throwing caution to the wind, she started again. "I used to have dreams. After the wreck. And later, after Clayton Griffin tried to kill us. . . " Her voice trailed, the sentence left incomplete. She shuddered, thinking about the man who'd embezzled her company's money and then tried to end her life -- and Nick's, too. "Dreams? No, they were more like nightmares." Now it was Nick's turn to stare. He had not known about her nightmares, but it made sense that she would have traumatic responses after everything she'd been through. He nodded, not really knowing what to say but wanting her to continue. "What were they about?" he finally asked. "I - I don't want to go into any details. Let's just say I had to confront the ghost of Clayton Griffin," she replied with a grimace. "Did they ever go away?" Nick's pained eyes and furrowed brow was far more telling than his voice. "I finally worked it out," she responded, taking his hand in hers. "But I needed help. . ." She eyed him cautiously. ". . .and I got it. Sid brought his hand to her lips and softly kissed the tips of his sensuous fingers. "Maybe that's what you need to do," she whispered. Nick closed his eyes; the feel of her lips on his fingertips was electric. His logical side wanted to pull his hand away, but her gentle touch felt so nice, so tender, so. . . Sudden desire flooded his system. Nick had to stop these sexy thoughts. *Now.* Without coke or alcohol, his sex life had been his only outlet, the only power he'd had in his life outside of work. And now that he couldn't control his actions while he slept, he knew making love to Sid was out of the question. Because afterward he'd want to go to sleep nestled in her arms again. Because he might have that nightmare again. And then he might hurt her. She was waiting. Waiting for him to respond. His insides were churning now. Sid seemed to be one of the few people who could take one look and see past the bullshit, straight into his soul. And that was one place where she was not welcome, because Nick wasn't sure that Sid would like what she found there. *I know I don't.* He hoped his impassive, lawyerly mask was in place as he finally spoke. "I *have* talked to a professional." It startled Nick that he was telling Sid that he had gone to counseling. Of course, he didn't tell her that he had been under a court-order to attend, that it was a mere three anger management sessions, or that he had not opened up to the therapist. The fear, the anger, and the grief he held inside was far too close to the bone to actually discuss with anyone, much less *that* idiot. He didn't tell Sid that he'd listened to the fool and had tried to share his feelings with Lulu and with his Dad. *Look what happened.* Sid's eyebrows arched and her lips parted in amazement. This man was so full of surprises. "That's good, Nick. Is it helping?" He shrugged and shook his head as if to say, 'I don't know'. She nodded, surprised at this unexpected admission. She knew that it was difficult for Nick to express his feelings. *If he ever had a heart-to heart conversation with me and really opened up, it might change his life -- and mine -- forever.* She kissed the back of his hand. He allowed himself a moment to savor the moist heat of her tongue and the softness of her lips on his skin. Then he gently removed his hand and shook his head. "You have to stop now. I - I can't continue. I've decided not to sleep with you until I stop having these dreams. There's no telling what might happen." Another surprising announcement for Sid. *That's why he hasn't called?* Everything began to click into place. Now she understood. He was protecting her from his nightmares. It was sweet -- in a heavy- handed kind of way. *Sort of like excavating a pot shard with a back hoe.* Now Nick was waiting for a response. It was one of the few times in his life he'd turned down a woman's advances. And he loathed himself for having to refuse Sid. What would she say? Would she understand, or had she had enough of Nick Fallin? Her lips tilted with a knowing smile. "Sleep. Sleep? Sleeping is not quite the activity that comes to mind when I'm with you." Nick returned her smile with a sizzling gaze. He couldn't help himself -- he was ready to put this conversation to rest because he now had something much more enjoyable on his mind. He stood, walked to the door and locked it, ready to follow his natural instincts. "Nick?" Sid looked quizzical. It wasn't new for Nick to make love in an office. He wondered if it would be Sid's first time. ~*~ Sid smoothed her curls behind her ears. "I'll never be able to walk into a lawyer's office again without thinking about what we just did," she chuckled. "And I would like to point out there was no sleep involved. We can probably work something out and avoid sleeping all together." She winked. "When do you leave?" "Day after tomorrow." Nick buttoned his shirt and tucked it in his pants. "Then we still have plenty of time and a lot to do before you go home." She walked to the window to enjoy the view of downtown Tucson. A few clouds billowed across the eastern part of the deep lapis lazuli sky. Suddenly, Sid gasped at something she'd seen out the window. She turned to him with an intense look on her face. "What is it? What's the matter?" he asked, concerned that she'd just witnessed something awful. "Nothing's wrong! Nick, grab your briefcase. We've got to get out of here -- quick!" The excitement in her voice and twinkle in her eye was infectious. Nick stuffed files into his briefcase and then ran to catch up with Sidney Hunter, who was already half-way down the hall. ~*~ "Do you think you can tell me why we're running up the stairs of the University's Library?" Nick asked between breaths. Sid had been very tight-lipped about their destination and why they were in such a rush. "You'll see," she said with a grin, "but we've got to hurry." When they finally arrived on the top floor, she led Nick to a bank of huge windows that bracketed the area on three sides. As he caught his breath, he looked around and discovered that other excited people had also positioned themselves at the windows, too. "What's going on, Sid? Clue me in." "Just watch," Sid whispered. He shrugged in agreement and turned his attention toward the window. Nick had seen the dramatic cumulonimbus clouds earlier, boiling surrealistically in the late afternoon sky as they'd driven to the campus. He'd heard on the weather forecast that it might rain, but he wasn't worried. What were a few rain drops? He watched as a huge wedge of dust suddenly blew in from the east, blowing papers, leaves, dirt, and trash past the building with surprising force. The sky was quickly obscured by a wall of menacing black clouds followed by a curtain of rain. The rain surprised Nick with its sudden ferocity. The water poured in torrents, like a gigantic waterfall. Thunder boomed and lightning struck again and again. He could feel the lightning's nearness; the hair on his arms stood on end. "What is this? A freak storm, or. . ." Nick didn't complete his question. He was interrupted by more fingers of lightening that danced through the darkened sky toward the ground. "It's the first storm of the monsoon season. And this is a monsoon watching party. Keep looking." Sid slipped in front of him and wrapped both his arms around her waist. She leaned the back of her head against his chest, enjoying the feel of this wonderful man. Sid smiled wistfully, wondering what his life would be like when his probation was over. Wondering if she could ever be a part of his normal life. *If he'll have a normal life.* The storm raged, rolling over the desert like waves on an angry ocean. It reminded Nick so much of his own life: from the death of his mother to the incident at the parking garage, it was nothing but one storm after another. He'd felt under a cloud for so long. *Except when I snorted cocaine.* The white powder had lifted him out of his daily darkness and made him feel as though he could do anything. But even that had led to another dark and scary period in his life. Nick also watched the desert easily weather the storm. The suguaros dotting the nearby hills stood solitary and strong, seemingly oblivious to the wind and rain. Imperceptably, a tiny droplet of a thought dripped into his mind: Somehow he'd weathered the storms in his life, just as the suguaros did. And somehow he would come to terms with the demons that plagued him now, including that nightmare. He knew he wouldn't -- couldn't -- talk with that idiot therapist again. *Because I don't need anybody. . . do I?* He didn't think so, but it certainly felt good to be with someone right now. Someone who seemed to accept him, flaws and all. The intensity of the weather was at times frightening, but also very exciting. *Just like being with Sid.* He chuckled, knowing it was true. Nick drew the redhead closer, holding her tight. It felt so good, so natural, nestled together this way. He smiled, pleased that she'd wanted to share this amazing display of nature with him. As the storm wound down, Sid turned around and gave Nick a quick hug. "I'm so glad you got to experience that," she said quietly. "The rains spark a second wildflower season that's absolutely breathtaking. I wish you could see it." Nick surprised himself by returning the hug and murmuring, "I do, too." He suddenly felt better than he had in a very long time. ~Fin~