LIFE GOES ON Pt. 8 AUTHOR: Bobbie S. EMAIL: RATED: R. Adult Language and Situations AUTHOR’S NOTE: Life Goes on is about relationships, old and new, and tying up loose ends. This story begins the evening that “Antarctica” ended. Too many loose ends were left undone; the old relationships involving Nick, Lulu, and Burton. How did the arrival of Baby Anne affect each of their lives? Whatever happened to Jake and Kate? In the effort to tie up some of those dangling loose ends, I borrowed some familiar characters and situations from episodes from all three seasons of TG. All other characters are fictional, as well as a geographic location or two. --+-- Friday, New Year's Eve, 2004. 11:15 P.M. "I don't think he's coming, David." "Sure, he's coming, Nick, he's your dad. He's got to come." "Mona was right. I should have just told him the truth about what was really going on." "Hey man, it isn't like you lied or anything." Tommy stated, trying to lift Nick's spirits. You told him what he needed to know. You told him that you wanted him to attend this Watch Night Service with you and Mona; that is was important to you." "Yeah, Nick, the fact that you told him that it was important to you should have been enough. And where do you get off agreeing that Mona was right about anything." David scolded. "I know you love her and she's our sister and all, but she's still a woman. Lesson number one. Don't ever admit to a woman that she is right, even if she really is. We guys have to stick together." "Yeah," Tommy added. "And the same goes for parents. "Sometimes you just have to put your food down and let them know you mean business. That's how you handled Burton. That's how we handle Helen." "That's how you handle Helen?" Nick asked sarcastically. "Yeah, that's how we handle her. I know it appears that she bosses us around all the time. We just let her think that she is Super-Mom, in charge of everything and then we just do whatever we want to do. She's happy and we're happy." "I wish it was that simple with Dad." Nick sighed. "Well we need to get out there in a little bit, it is almost 11:30. I'll bet he's in the back of the church right now. That's where people usually sit when they come in late. Come on man, let's do this thing." David smiled as he slapped Nick on the back. "It'll be fine, you'll see." Tommy added, as David exited the room. As Nick and Tommy sat nervously in silence, Nick's mind began to recall the whirlwind events of the short week that led up to him sitting in the pastor's study on this New Year's Eve night. ~~~~~~ Sunday Night, December 26, 2004 After Nick and Mona returned from their Christmas weekend with Mona's family, they went straight to Burton's house for dinner and exchanging gifts. Nick wished he could just go straight home. He had no appetite and he had already left his gifts for Burton and Aunt Ruth on Thursday night, when they had previously planned to open them. But, Shannon and Lulu put a stop to that. When he left Pittsburgh Friday morning, he felt as if he was leaving some unfinished business. He still felt that way as he reluctantly got out of the car at Mona's persistence. "It is only for a few hours honey, and remember what I promised you if you are good." That made Nick smile, so he promised to be good, for a couple hours anyway. The evening went well. Ruth and Burton were genuinely glad to have Mona and Nick back with them. "It is just something about being around young people that makes you feel younger," Ruth had told Burton earlier. "I think it has something to do with being around Mona." Burton stated sarcastically. "Burton, please behave this evening. There was friction between you and Nick Friday morning when he left town. Please don't let it fester into this evening. Let's try to have a nice dinner and open up our gifts like we tried to do several days ago. Ruth was visibly agitated." "What if he tries to pick a fight with me?" "Then ignore him. Better still, you should apologize to him for inviting that riff-raff over here in the first place. And whatever you do, don't tell him that Shannon has called, trying to make up for her bad behavior." "I thought Nicholas would want to know that she admitted she was wrong." "But you were thinking about taking her to the country club, New Year's Eve. Nick does not need to know that. But, he does need to know that you have no intentions of ever adopting her. He needs to know that, Burton." "Well what am I suppose to do with the tickets? After I paid good money for them, then he tells me that he and Mona aren't going. I wish he would let Mona make up her own mind for a change. If he don't stop trying to boss her around, she is going to change her mind about ever wanting to marry him." ~~~~~~ Mona could not wait to tear into her presents. Aunt Ruth gave her an assortment of hair combs and barrettes as she had complemented her on how lovely her hair is. She suggested to Mona that she should never get it cut. Burton gave her an expensive designer handbag with a matching wallet and key ring. She had never owned the real thing before; just a faux version that she’d bought at a discount store. Well, her sister Dawn could have that cheap junk now, if she still wanted it. Laurie Solt had left a gift for Nick. Mona, being like a greedy little child, tore open the wrappings because Nick was being too slow. It turned out to be a hand puppet for Anne. She addressed it to Nick since he would have to wear it in order to entertain Anne with it. Nick purposely gave Mona her gift from him, last. It was a huge box and the suspense was killing her. After she unwrapped 11 empty boxes, the twelfth seemed to have something inside. The box held a Christmas card with a very personal note that she chose to read in private and two small gift-wrapped boxes. They held diamond ear-studs and a diamond cross pendant. These were also her first real diamonds. No more CZ's for her. "Ain't nothing like the real thing, baby." she sang as she allowed her sweetie to fasten the delicate clasp around her neck. Nick and Mona stayed long enough to watch one DVD while they enjoyed their dessert. They then left as soon as they could, with the excuse that they'd had a long day and it was time they each went home to check on their houses. Actually, they ended up at Nick's house. After a couples rounds of lovemaking, Mona asked Nick if he still felt like running away from home. "Only if you will come with me." One crazy notion led to another and before either of them had fallen asleep, they decided to elope. Upon awakening, the idea of actually running away from home and getting married seemed rather juvenile. Neither of them were teenagers. But the idea of getting married on New Year's Eve was very exciting. "What would our parents and family think?" "Do we really care?" "They'll kill us, Nick" "Then we'll invite them." "Where, invite them where, Nick?" "To a church, your church. You always wanted to get married in a church. What does it take to get married anyway? A blood test? A license? That doesn't take forever to accomplish. "Money. It takes lots of money. We need food, flowers, outfits." "Sweetheart, have you not been paying attention. I have money, lots of it. All we have to do is talk to your pastor. If he give us the go-ahead then we will inform our families, call a caterer, bakery, and florist and we've got ourselves a wedding. "But, it still takes time. A caterer needs time in advance to order and prepare food. Florists and bakeries need time to plan and prepare. It takes a lot of time to prepare for a wedding." "Not if you have enough money." "Let's do this!" Mona squealed. ~~~ At 7:30 AM, Mona called her pastor and made arrangements to have her wedding at the end of the Watch Night Service, which was over at 12:00 am. Her pastor promised he and his wife would get the word out and they would see that the fellowship hall would be ready for the florists and caterers. He was as excited as Mona because it was going to be such a special event. He had never performed a New Year's wedding before, let alone a midnight wedding. This was going to be so romantic. By 9:00 Nick and Mona were downtown getting their blood tests and applying for their marriage license. Over brunch, they called Helen and broke the news to her. She would round up the family. Nick and Mona promised to email further information when they returned home. Helen insisted upon creating the wedding cake. "Baby, if you let me, I want to do that Majestic Castle cake I told you about. If I get started baking tonight, It will be gorgeous by midnight New Year's Eve.” After visiting a florist and a well know caterer, Nick and Mona went shopping for the only thing Mona needed, her white satin slippers. She was going to wear her mother's gown and use all her accessories. Helen sent them to her in October when Mona broke the news to her that she and Nick were engaged. The 36-year old gown, was in excellent condition and fit Mona perfectly without need for alterations. A photo of Helen as a young, petite bride, looked very much like Mona today. That was how Nick envisioned Mona to look when she walked down the aisle in only a few days. Nick already owned a tuxedo, so he was fine. Mona's younger brother, Steve, a talented photographer like Mona, would take care of the wedding portraits and video. With all of that accomplished in one day, there was nothing left to do but inform Nick's family, which would be Burton and Aunt Ruth. Nick knew that his Aunt Liz was in Paris and would not be back in the country until after the first of the year. He really dreaded calling Burton. If he told him what he and Mona were planning to do he knew his father would try to talk them out of it. He could hear Burton now. "What's the rush Son. Why can't you wait until next summer or at least spring so you can have a proper wedding. There are so many things you have to do; so many things to consider." Then he would try to include his old cronies from the country club and those other boring organizations he belongs to. "You know, it would be rude if we didn't invite this person or that person. I have gone to all of their children's weddings, well now it is time that they attended a real wedding. We are going to show them how a real wedding should be done. Oh, by the way, Mona isn't pregnant is she? Well I just don't understand why the rush." ~~~~ Monday Night, December 27, 2004, 8:15 pm "Nick, just do it! Just call Burton, he'll understand." "Oh, no he won't" "Then, I'll call him." Mona picked up the phone and dialed Burton's number. "Hey Burton." Nick took the phone from her, "Hey Dad, uh, I was wondering. Uh, Mona and I were wondering. Well, on New Year's Eve at her church, they have a Watch Night church service that starts around 10:00 pm and we want you and Aunt Ruth to attend with us." "Nicholas, that is the night we all go to the club's New Year's Eve dance. I've already got the tickets." "I never said we were going, Dad. We've got other plans." "You never said you weren't going, so break whatever plans you think you already have and put your tux in the cleaners while you still have time. If Mona doesn't have a proper gown, I suggest you buy her one, or I'll pay for it. Nicholas, are you there! Are you listening to me?" "Dad, we aren't coming to the dance; we have other plans. Our plans cannot be broken. We really would appreciate it if you would join us at her church on New Year's Eve. I will reimburse you for whatever you paid for the tickets. I…” Before Nick could say another word, Burton interrupted him. "You listen to me young man, I went to a lot of trouble to get these tickets and they did not come cheap. We have the best table in the house and this is an excellent opportunity for you to get off your ass and do a little networking for that new job of yours. Now Ruth and I will pick you and Mona up around 8:00 and if you two prefer to drive alone, I'll get your tickets to you or leave them at the door. But when dinner is served at 9:00, I expect to see you there and on time." Nick sighed, deeply. “Dad. Do whatever you want to do with our tickets. But Mona and I will not be there. We already have plans that are very important to us. It is very important to me for you and Aunt Ruth to come and join us. If you could just come by 11:00, there would still be time enough time for you to enjoy the service. You see, it is a special night for families and you are all the family I have.” "Nicholas, you are asking me to miss the champagne toast at midnight?" "No, Dad, I am asking you to do something that is important to me for a change. That is what I am asking you. Eleven o'clock, okay?" Nick hung up the phone before he got even more upset. ~~~~~ New Year’s Eve 2004 After Burton and his party, Ruth, Laurie Solt, and Mrs. Taylor, from next door, had finished their dinner, a worried Ruth addressed him. “Burton, I’ve been thinking. Perhaps we should skip dessert and the dance and go on to Mona’s church and be with her and Nick. They said it is a family gathering and it was important to them.” “Dressed like this? They will be fine. Besides Nicholas is exactly where he needs to be; in church." Burton chuckled. At that moment, Hattie Wilson walked over to his table, eyeballing his guests. She always heard that Burton Fallin had a way with the ladies, but three of them on one date seemed a bit much. "Where is Nicholas and Ramona? I so much wanted to see her in her gown. I tried to talk her into purchasing silver sling backs to wear with it, but she insisted she wanted white. You know young people these days, once they make up their minds about something." "When did you see Mona?" Ruth asked. "Why just this past Monday. She came into my Bridal Boutique to purchase shoes for this dance; Nicholas was with her. While she tried on her pumps, Nicholas asked to see a rhinestone tiara that was in the display case. When I handed it to him to inspect, he went and placed it on Ramona's head, pulled her to her feet and waltzed her all over the store, while he whistled. Oh, he was so playful; he didn't care who saw them. When they finished dancing, he planted a big kiss on her lips and everyone in the store applauded them. Where are they?" "Did Mona purchase the shoes? What all did she buy?" "Oh, let me see. She purchased the slippers; well Nicholas did, anyway. He paid for everything. That would be the white satin slippers, the tiara, and two pairs of white pantyhose. Ramona joked that she would have an extra pair should she acquire a run. Where are they? They have missed dinner but the important thing is that they be here for the champagne toast. When they arrive, please tell them I was looking for them." Hattie abruptly turned to make her presence known to the Mitchells, a very prominent banking family. "Burton, we have to leave now! Nick and Mona are getting married!" ~~~ At 11:29 p.m., after Mona's pastor gave his traditional New Year's Eve prayer, he asked the wedding party to come forth. Mona's sister Dawn served as her matron of honor and Debbie was her bridesmaid. David was to give Mona away and Tommy served as Nick's best man. Just when and how Burton switched places with Tommy, Nick never knew. He only knew that one minute Tommy stood beside him and the next minute, stood his father in his rightful place, as his best man. The traditional vows were taken and, Nick surprised everyone by singing to Mona, "You Raise Me Up." There was not a dry eye in the building. At precisely 12:00 am, when the clock struck 12 o'clock, Nick and Mona were pronounced husband and wife. As they saluted each other with kisses, church bells and fireworks could be heard throughout the city. It was a new year and the beginning of a new life for Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Fallin. ~~~~ After the congregation filed out of the church to the reception next door in the fellowship hall, Nick, Mona, and their small wedding party, stayed back in the sanctuary to pose for a few more photographs. '"We've gotta talk, Son. Burton said through clenched teeth, as he was trying to smile for the photographer and talk at the same time." "I'm counting on it" Nick replied." When the wedding party entered the reception hall, Burton and Ruth could not believe their eyes. "How the hell did all this happen, in such a short amount of time?” Burton asked Ruth, somewhat in awe." "It's so beautiful. It looks like fairyland; like something magical. Oh, it's so romantic. "Ruth, Laurie Solt, and Mrs. Taylor exclaimed. The three of them joked all evening about being Burton's date. Only Ruth knew that he could not just allow those two extra dinner/dance tickets go to waste. The three ladies chattered excitedly as they pointed out things that one or the other may have missed. They observed that at the door, as guests entered, they were given a sparkly gold, drawstring favor bag. Upon inspection, they found the bag contained a bottle of wedding bubbles, a miniature box of Godiva Chocolates, and a tiny scroll tied with golden ribbon. Unwound, it revealed a picture of Nick and Mona with a New Year's prayer, and a statement of their appreciation for the guests sharing in their happy moment. Around the large room, everything was glittery and golden. In the center of each table was a centerpiece of large flickering ivory votive candles surrounded by fragrant white and yellow roses. Disposable cameras were scattered here and there on the tables, for the guests to take photos as they wished. "What the..." Burton noticed a giant slide show of photos of Mona and Nicholas as babies until present, flickering against the walls, in response to the music. "So that's what Mona wanted with my photo albums. She was looking for pictures of Nicholas." The buffet tables were brimming over with endless platters of what seemed like every type of gourmet canape’ and appetizers imaginable. The champagne fountains pumped endless streams of golden punch. Mrs. Taylor gasped as she beheld the showstopper of a wedding cake. The entire cake was the image of a majestic castle, iced glittery gold. Helen walked up to Burton and the ladies as they admired the cake and her cake decorating skills. "I have dreamed of decorating a cake like this for my daughters for many years. When my daughter Dawn got married, she was embarrassed to let her mama do her wedding cake. She paid a fortune to some overpriced bakery for a nickel's worth of quality. So I had to pray for Mona to marry a good man, so I could fulfill my dream of doing this cake. “Couldn’t you have done it for someone else? You could have charged a fortune for it. It is so magnificent!” “No, it wouldn’t have been the same, and I’ll probably never do it again. This suits Mona and Nick, because in a way they are kind of like Cinderella and Prince Charming. You know, the way they met and their different backgrounds, and all.” “Well, Dad, what do you think?” Nick asked as he walked up behind his father. “I think the only way I can top this is to send you two on your honeymoon.” “You mean it?” Mona asked. “Any where you want to go, Sweetheart; all expenses on me.” Burton smiled as he kissed Mona’s cheek. "Hawaii!" Mona squealed "Then Hawaii it is." Then Burton turned to Nick, "I understand now, Son and I am sorry that I put you in a position where you could not fill me in on your plans” “Dad, it's just that….” “It’s okay son. I probably would have tried to interfere and convince you to wait. If you don’t already have any honeymoon plans I hope you will allow me to grant you and your beautiful wife the trip of your lifetime, wherever you want to go.” “You heard the little lady; she said Hawaii! Came a voice from behind Nick. "Congratulations, Fallin!" "Bud? What the hell are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at Time's Square about now?" Nick was surprised to see his old college buddies. "Me and the boys heard from your housekeeper, Dee that there was going to be a wedding in town. When she told us whose name was attached to it, we drove down and got to the church just in time to hear you crooning to Mona." Say hello to your husband's old posse, Mona." Bud introduced her to two of Nick's friends from New York that she had not met Thanksgiving weekend. ~~~~~ Wednesday, December 21, 2005 Burton had just picked up his sister Ruth at the airport and they were driving to his home, where his sister would be spending the next three weeks. "I can't wait to see Nick and Mona's new home and the babies. My word! Who would have believed that a year has passed so quickly?" "I know what you mean. About this time last year, Nick and I were quarreling about everything, especially Shannon." "Whatever happened to her? I couldn't help but feel sorry for her even though I didn't like her. Did you and Nick ever settle your difference?" Yeah, the night he got married. That's what that was all about. That was his way of telling me to live my life however way I pleased and he would have his own family, with or without me." "Burton, that is not what Nick meant. I choose to believe that he got married in such short notice because he and Mona loved each other. So, what was the point in waiting? And it turned out she wasn't pregnant as you predicted." "Yeah, but it didn't take them very long." Burton chuckled." Hey it's still early, why don't we stop by to see the kids now. Oh, I forgot to tell you, Nick and Mona has had temporary custody of Anne for the last couple of months." "Oh, did her mother get worse?" "Well she finally admitted to herself that she needed rehab for her codeine and alcohol addiction. You won't believe this, but it was Mona's mother, Helen who was able to get through to her." "How on earth did she do that? She is the mother-in-law of the man she thought she loved. Helen's daughter was Lulu's enemy." I don't think anyone will ever know that mystery, but Lulu responded to her counseling. Helen is a unique woman. She has been living with Nick and Mona since a few weeks before the twins were born. Mona had some complications and the doctor ordered her complete bed rest. Mona is just now getting back on her feet. But with a young toddler running around getting into everything, they couldn't have made it without Helens's help. And you won't believe this, but Nick and Helen actually get along. He is the one who called her and made arrangements for her to care for Mona and Anne. I think Helen may end up being the kid's permanent nanny. Nicholas even calls her Mama, like the rest of her kids." "That is wonderful. Helen is probably the mother figure that Nick has missed for so long. I don't think we ever get so old that we no longer need to be nurtured. "So what happened to Shannon?" "She is still living at the shelter. I keep in touch with Laurie Solt about her well-being and activities. Unfortunately, Laurie says that her chances of ever being adopted are slim to none. I was probably her last chance." "How do you feel about that? I know you care about her, but do you think you may try to give her another chance." "No. I can't. I have too much to lose, meaning my son, my new daughter, and my three beautiful grandchildren. Shannon sealed her fate at our Christmas dinner last year when she attacked Mona. Nicholas made it plain that I had a choice to make, him or Shannon. And now, I know I have made the right choice." Burton, I do hope you understand why Nick dealt with you so firmly. It was not out of jealousy as you accused him of. It was because of his love for you. You were all the family he had. Oh, of course he has some aunts, a few uncles, and some cousins. But he does not know them. They are your kin. You are his kin. He knew that you are not a young man anymore and he also knew that dealing with Shannon was eventually going to take its toll and kill you. He has a family now. But before he got married, all he really had as family was you." "You're right. We talked about it a few days after his wedding. I think it was the first really serious talk we've ever had. But it was a good talk. No yelling, no door slamming. I think we've both finally grown up." Burton pulled into Nick's driveway and parked behind his BMW. "Well here we are." "My goodness! Look at the beautiful Christmas decorations! This place is spectacular. Mona emailed me pictures, but I never guessed it was this big." After admiring the sleeping twins. Nick and Mona gave Ruth a tour of the multi levels of their five-bedroom, split-level home. The only rooms that were completely decorated were the master bedroom and bath and Nick's study on the basement level. The home had previously been renovated and re-decorated so they were able to move in without making many major changes. Mona became pregnant shortly after the wedding. Therefore, she did not have a lot of time or energy to put towards adding her and Nick's personal styles to their new dream home. Not that Nick cared. All he wanted was a cozy bedroom, a study for his work, and a swimming pool. He got far more than he bargained for, being that his wife was a talented artist with a flair for interior design. When she had the master bedroom and bath renovated, Mona had one thing in mind. She wanted to create a space that her husband would think about during the course of his workday, and therefore daydream about coming home. That was the impression Ruth got when she first entered the bedroom. The black, cream, and red oriental scheme was what one saw in movies or in magazines, not in real life. Ruth would describe the room as tastefully sexy. When she observed the double shower and double spa tub in the marble bathroom, she winked at Nick and told him he was a lucky, luck man. He agreed. ~~~~~~ Sunday, April 9, 2006., 9:45 p.m. "Hey, Sis, were you busy? I wanted to catch you before you went to bed." "Burton, how many times do I have to tell you there are three hours difference in our time zones. It is your bedtime, not mine. I just finished my dinner. Now what has Nick done?" "Nothing that I am aware of. As a matter of fact, I just left his house less than an hour ago. Why do you ask?" "Because, in the past, unless you are calling to invite me to spend Christmas with you, you never called me unless Nick had disappointed you in some way." Burton had to chuckle. "Well that was then. There isn't very much mischief my son can get into while living with three babies, a wife and a mother-in-law. All his time is spent earning a living, chasing Anne, and romancing Mona." "Helen is still there? Is anything wrong with Mona or the kids?" "No, they are all fine. Helen is now the official nanny for the Fallin children. Nicholas calls her Nanny McFallin, you know like that Nanny McPhee character in that children's movie. Helen loves it, although she acts like she is insulted. It amazes me how well Nicholas gets along with his mother-in-law." "I am not surprised. Helen is like a mother figure for him. Remember, he was still quite young when he lost his own mother. And besides, that house is so big, there is plenty of room for everyone to have the privacy they need." "I'll say. Burton laughed. "Helen told me she thinks Mona is pregnant again. Mona hasn't told her yet, but she is showing all the signs." "You are kidding me. The twins are barely five months old. Does Nick know?" "Helen believes they just don't want to say anything until it becomes evident. But Mona and Nicholas are giggling and acting silly like they did when Mona found out she was carrying twins. At dinner, this afternoon, Mona made a statement about the ticking of her biological clock. Something about having all her babies before age 40. And Nicholas just grinned kind of silly, so yes he knows. Oh, yeah, Helen also told me, Nicholas left the house at 12:30 the other night to try to find Mona some mangos. So what does that tell you?" "She's pregnant all right. Well what on earth is Anne going to do with another new baby? Does she like the twins any better than she did Christmas?" "She tolerates them. She tries to play with them now that they are a little bigger. They both are as fat as little butterballs. Anne is back with her mother on weekends, now that Lulu has completed her rehab and therapy. She and Nicholas share joint custody, but "Nanny McFallin" cares for Anne weekdays right along with the twins. When Mona isn't nursing the babies, she is working on completing the renovations and decorations for the house. So Helen also does most of the cooking. Lulu is very grateful to Helen and Mona that she does not have to take Anne to a daycare center while she works. She even comes over and has dinner with Anne at lease once a week. She seems to be over her obsession with Nicholas and everyone is acting like responsible adults." "Thank God for that. But, isn't that a lot of work for Helen?" "Helen says if she could care for seven children, two husbands, a home, and work a full time job, plus cater and do sewing part-time, caring for three babies in a luxurious home is a piece of cake. And if that isn't good enough, she is also getting paid. Nicholas and Mona renovated the space over the garage into an apartment for her. Mona just finished decorating it. It is really beautiful." "What about Mona's studio? Is she still doing her photography work?" "Only by special requests. After she allowed some Hurricane Katrina victims to use her home, she moved her equipment into the basement of the new home where she has a makeshift studio. Nick sold his house just a couple month's ago." "Burton, it is so wonderful to hear such great news. I had such a wonderful day today that I didn't think anything could happen to make it any better." "Well, I still have more good news. The doctor told Lulu this week that they believe Anne's condition was misdiagnosed due to a chemical imbalance, while Lulu was carrying her. I am not sure if I ever told you that Lulu and Nicholas was in an auto accident a few years ago and Nicholas only got shook-up with a few scratches, but Lulu, was pretty bad off for a while. She had to have brain surgery. Well, I am no physician, but so far all the tests done on Anne appear that she is developing normally, without a hint of Downs Syndrome." "Well, you know, there were a lot of people praying for her. And the fact that Nicholas refused to treat Anne like a disabled child did not hurt any. I can't wait to come back to Pittsburgh this summer and see everyone." "Well, Sis, that was really why I was calling you. I was wondering if I sent you an airline ticket, if you could come for a visit next week for Easter Sunday and for as long as you want to stay. At least until after Anne's 2nd birthday, on May 4th. That weekend, Nicholas and Mona are planning a big party with a carnival theme. Nicholas is going to rent a mini-merry-go-round, popcorn and cotton candy machines, and whatever else he dreams up. I think he's going back to his childhood. Helen is excited about baking a carousel cake and all her family is coming down. Anne has a lot of little cousins on Mona's side, and then there are the children in Nick's neighborhood. But, their backyard is plenty big enough to hold all that nonsense. Mona's brother's are going to grill hot-dogs and of course there will be a clown and balloons." "And what are you going to do for your granddaughter’s second birthday?" "Well, I've ordered her a swing set and a slide. It should be installed before her birthday. I also ordered a set for Lulu's backyard for when Anne is home for the weekends." "Yes, I would love to come and I can stay for Anne's party.. I really did not have any plans for Easter, other than going to church and having dinner with my oldest daughter and her family. This time of year, everything in Pittsburgh should be so beautiful. Oh, and I will be able to help Mona with their garden. When I was there Christmas, Mona showed me a spot in the back yard where she wanted to plant a flower and herb garden surrounding a gazebo her brother was going to build for her. Oh, I am so excited. Tomorrow, I am going to purchase some yarn to crochet some little Easter Bunnies for the children. I would like to arrive on Thursday or Good Friday, Burton, if you can arrange it." "I already have, I just needed you to confirm that you were coming." "You are pretty darn sure of yourself, aren't you? What if I told you that I was not coming and you couldn't make me?" "Well, I guess then, I would have to tell you that you would miss the chance to see your nephew, Nicholas, get baptized." "What! I thought I heard you say…" "Yes, Ruth, you heard me correctly." THE END.