Nine-Eleven Author: Bobbie S. Email: Rating: R for language Summary: This is a "Behind the Scenes" glimpse of what the Fallins were doing on the tragic day of September 11, 2001 and how it affected their lives. It also exposes a little of the personal lives and relationships of Nick and Burton outside of the firm. Author's Disclaimer: The characters of the Fallins, various associates and familiar situations were borrowed from "The Guardian." All other characters and unfamiliar situations are of my own creations. ~*~*~*~ Wednesday, September 11, 2002 Burton stood gazing out of his office window thinking about the past year. He couldn't believe a whole year had passed so quickly. It would have been just around this time that the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center took place in New York City. As he took a drag from his cigarette and a sip from his coffee mug, his mind went back to events that happened a year ago. Monday, September 10, 2001 At approximately 7:00 pm Jake approached the door to his boss's office and was about to knock. He had a document that needed to be reviewed and he knew that Burton Fallin had not left for the evening. From the other side of the door, he recognized the voices of Burton and his son Nicholas, engaged in a heated argument. As he positioned himself to eavesdrop, the office suddenly became silent. Then the door flung open and Jake had to quickly step aside to keep from being knocked down by Nicholas as he stormed out of the door, slamming it hard enough to break it from its hinges. Jake waited a couple of minutes, and then took a deep breath before he tapped on Burton's office door. He knew that it wasn't the best time to see Burton, but he had instructed Jake to give him the Davis contract the minute it was completed. Jake nervously told himself that he was only following his boss's orders. He knew that every time Nick and his father had an argument, a portion of Burton's energy was sacrificed. Ever since Nick had gotten busted for drugs, the fights were becoming more frequent and heated. In a way, Jake felt sorry for Nick because he knew that he had been trying very hard to balance his time between his duties at the firm and his new obligation of community service work at Children's Legal Services. Nick had to fulfill 1500 hours over there as part of his probation requirement. Since the sentence, Burton had not cut his son an inch of slack. Poor Nick always seemed to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown, running here and there trying to please everybody. He couldn't be getting more that four hours of sleep with the schedule he was working at both places. Jake figured the argument probably had something to do with Nick's job performance again. "Come in." Burton sighed in a tone that sounded defeated. When Jake entered the office, Burton was staring out the window with his back facing the door. "Uh, Burton," Jake said very cautiously, "I hate to bother you, but I finished the Davis contract. You said you wanted to see it as soon as I had it completed." "Oh Jake come in. You can just leave that on my desk. I'm rather tired tonight, so I'll take it home and go over it and we'll do the signatures in the morning. So, you go on home and get some rest. That's what I am going to do." "Okay, Burton, I'll still be around for maybe another 15 or 20 minutes if you need me for anything." "Probably not. I'm leaving as soon as I clear off my desk." As Jake approached the door to leave, Burton called him. "Jake, thanks for a job well done." Jake grinned. "Burton, you haven't even looked at the contract." Burton turned from the window and Jake could see in his face that his latest fight with Nick had really taken a toll on him. "I know, but thanks anyway. You are and have always been a very valuable asset to this firm and I guess sometimes I just need to say thank you." Jake smiled and said, "Well thanks, Burton. I am only doing my job but it is nice to hear a little encouragement from time to time. Good night." Then he walked out the door thinking to himself; Burton, my friend, you need to tell your son what you just told me. You need to let him know you think his work is valuable and you appreciate the sacrifices he made. Why do you think he acts the way he does? I know if I had everything Nick had going on for him in New York, there would have been no way I would have left it to come and work for my old man. Of course, Jake would never have had the nerve to tell Burton what he thought. Jake went back to his office to clean off his desk and retrieve his brief case. He didn't see any sense in staying any longer tonight. As he was coming out of his office, he caught a glimpse of Burton getting on the elevator. He wondered if Nick had left. Before he could head to Nick's office, he saw him come out of the men's room holding a damp hankie, to the left side of his face. "Nick!" Jake called to him. "Nick, hey man, wait up!" Nick kept walking until he reached his office. Jake was on his heels. Nick went into his office and sat down behind his desk. He looked surprised to see Jake standing in the doorway of his office. He acted as though he had never heard Jake calling him. "Nick, what happened man, you okay?" The tone in Nick's response clearly stated that he was annoyed. "Look, Jake, I'm really busy. I probably won't get out of here for another couple of hours, if I'm lucky." Jake chose to ignore him. "Well in that case lets grab a bite to eat. "I'm heading for the Incline now. We both have to eat and the treat is on me." Nick shook his head, no. "Give me a rain check." "Okay." Jake said and headed out the door, closing it behind him. He then quietly eased the door open enough to see Nick take the hankie away from his cheek, adjust the fold, and place it back on his jaw. Jake caught a glimpse of the red swelling that appeared to be in the perfect shape of a handprint. Jake stepped back into Nick's office and asked. "Did Burton do that?" Nick looked up at Jake, startled and embarrassed, but he didn't say a word. He started to shuffle through a stack of papers with his right hand. Jake wouldn't give up. "What were you two fighting about? I could hear the arguing out in the hallway." "Then you tell me what we were fighting about since you could hear us out in the hallway." Nick said in a very unfriendly tone. Jake proceeded to sit down in the chair in front of Nick's desk. "Look Nick, I didn't mean anything. I was headed to Burton's office to give him the Davis contract to review. He made it clear that he wanted to see it the moment I completed it. I heard your voices, but I couldn't make out what was being said. By the time I reached Burton's door, you burst out and nearly ran me over. Since Nick didn't say anything, Jake continued. "So, why did Burton slap you?" Nick had never seen Jake so persistent. It was evident that Jake had no intentions of leaving, so Nick decided he would give him a tidbit of gossip to spread around. Dad wouldn't like it, so why not. Nick looked Jake straight in the eyes and said. "Well if you insist. My father slapped me because I called him a lying-ass hypocrite. Then I forgot to duck." "What? You called him what?" Jake looked completely shocked. "Nick, I can't believe you did that! Burton allowed you to talk to him that way? Boy, if I called my old man that he would, he would, well, I don't know what he would do!" "Slap the hell out of you?" Nick asked. "Yeah, and that too." Jake laughed uncomfortably. "Is that the first time he ever hit you?" "Naw," Nick said sarcastically. "I got slapped a few other times by Daddy Dearest." "When was that?" Jake asked. "When you were a kid?" "The last time was when I got busted. He was so mad, I guess he just didn't know what else to do. Then there were a few times when I was in prep school or college. I may have gotten up in his face being a smart-ass and forgot to duck." Nick grinned a little mischievously. "Hey, just between you and me, most times I've deserved it. And Dad is always sorry afterwards. He'll never apologize, but he does little things to try to make up for it." "Did you deserve it tonight?" "Yes and no." I deserved to get slapped for what I called him. Hell, if I had a son like me I would kick his ass all over Pittsburgh. And I've been slapped harder by petite-sized women." Jake chuckled. He thought that was amusing coming from Nick who always seemed so serious. It was a rare treat when Nick ever told any of his personal business. Jake figured he was probably tired from a hard day's work at two jobs and the stress of fighting with his father. Or, just maybe Nick had been nipping from that flask of vodka that Jake knew he sometimes stashed in his briefcase. Buddy, he knew better than to keep it in his desk. Burton had once said that Nicholas is very tight-lipped unless he was very tired or drunk. Then Burton laughed as he said, but if you catch him at the right time when he is tired and drunk at the same time, he'll tell you anything you want to know. Jake smiled to himself at remembering that bit of knowledge. So this just might be an opportunity to pry a little bit and learn a little more about Nick and Burton's dysfunctional father-son relationship. Everyone has always been curious about them. "So why are you upset with your dad if you deserved it?" "I don't deserve the way he has been treating me since I got arrested. Before then, I was a shining star and now I can't do anything right in his eyes. He won't listen to anything I have to say. And he is daring me to screw-up so he will have an excuse to fire me. See, I embarrassed him and that is the unforgivable sin. In his eyes, my arrest tainted the firm and the saintly Fallin name." "Nick, Burton may have been disappointed, but he would never fire you, he loves you. Everyone can see that." "Then if he won't fire me, he will force me to resign. He will make my life so miserable that I will want to resign. I think that's what he wants to do. Yeah that's it." Jake detected a slight slur to Nick's voice. "Like tonight, I presented to him a plan that would be for the benefit of the firm and he shot it down without even thinking about it. Now, that was unfair and I let him know how I felt about his action. That's when the argument started; and after a while it kind of got out of hand. We both said things we shouldn't have and I ended up getting slapped. That was the only way he could shut me up because he knew I was telling the truth." Jake wanted to ask more questions about what they were arguing about that Nick felt was so unfair, but he dared not. Nick's voice had turned bitter. But Jake was not yet ready to leave. There was still a chance that Nick would tell him more. It was worth a try, anyway. Nick pulled his silver flask from his desk drawer and offered it to Jake, who shook his head no. Nick shrugged his shoulder and took a long swig then put it down on the desk in front of him. "Hey, Nick, when you were back in school, what happened then that pissed your dad off so bad he would want to slap you?" "Well, that started back as early as grade school." That mischievous half-cocked grin was back, so Jake knew this story was going to be good. "My mom was really the disciplinarian. Dad would allow her to disipline me so he could just always be the good guy. He lectured a lot though. I hated that then and I still hate it now. But, if I did anything bad enough to be punished, Mom would give me her version of a spanking, which was nothing more that a couple swats on the rear. As I got older she made me sit in a corner somewhere and read something that I thought was boring. She would pick out passages from the Bible that I had to memorize; you know like they used to do on the Waltons. Or sometimes it would be a poem or 20 words from the dictionary. I couldn't cheat because I always had to give her a report on what I learned. I never really knew if I could fool her or not. I realize now that what she was doing was teaching me things that would be useful later. I didn't know that then, but I would love to thank her now." Jake noticed the warm expression on Nick's face as he talked about his mother. It was evident that he loved her very much, even though she had been dead nearly 20 years. "Now, Dad was a different story. He never touched me unless I did something that publicly embarrassed him, or I got up in his face. The first time he ever punished me, I was about 7 years old at the company picnic. There weren't many kids there to play with, because there weren't many employees at that time. The firm was in its beginning stages. Well, I had a regular little playmate named Rachael. Her parents and mine were good friends so we got to see each other often. Well, we were bored to death in all that hot mid-summer heat. Oh before I forget, let me tell you that she hardly ever knew where her panties were." Jake burst out laughing. "Nick, you mean you were a rascal at 7 years old? I'd bet a hundred bucks her panties were in your toy box." "No they weren't." Nick said with a straight and serious face. "I swear I didn't have anything to do with that. She just didn't like wearing them and I guess she just threw them away. But what happened was we were bored and no one was paying us any attention. So, we stole a bottle of wine and ran off into the woods and polished off the whole thing. When we got back to the picnic site, I guess it was obvious what we had done. Rachael got sick and threw up all over her sundress and sandals and I didn't get sick, but Mom said I was staggering all over the place. Everybody laughed and thought we were cute. Everybody but Dad, that is. As soon as everyone had left the site, he took me by the hand and marched me back into the woods, while he lectured me about embarrassing my mother. Then he tore a switch off one of the trees and wore my behind out. Of all the times to be wearing short pants. I started to cry and he told me to shut the hell up. So I did my best to stifle it but when we came out of the woods and I saw Mom, I ran to her and bawled like a baby. Man, she was livid with Dad. She balled him out and refused to talk to him after we got in the car. She sat in the back seat with me and rocked me to sleep in her arms. So you see, he lied. I didn't embarrass Mom, she also thought Rachael and I were cute. He was the one who was embarrassed, so I had some flesh to pay." "Do you think you deserved that spanking?" Jake grinned. "Spanking, hell, that was an ass-whipping!" Nick said. "And no I didn't deserve it. We were just kids. They didn't have any activities planned for us. We just got bored. Nobody punished Rachael. What about you Jake? You ever get any ass-whippings?" "Maybe a couple of swattings as you called it. But I'd rather hear about you. Was that the last time Burton whipped you?" "No, that was the first time. The next and last time was when I was 12 years old and my Mom had just died. Dad didn't know what to do with me, so he shipped me off to boarding school. I didn't want to go and I went kicking and screaming. He just ignored all my protests, trying to convince me that it was the best thing for both of us. Well I got this brilliant idea that if I created enough chaos, they would have to expel me and send me home. Then I could go to public school and be with my friends. Dad didn't understand that by sending me away, I was leaving everything that was familiar to me. That meant my friends, my room, the meals I was accustomed to, and even him. And he couldn't understand why I had trouble adjusting." "What did you hate most about boarding school?" "Everything. Everything was so structured. You had to get up at a certain time, go to bed at a certain time. TV time was only during designated hours and then you didn't always get to see what you wanted. I never got enough to eat. I mean there was plenty of food there, but the meals were at designated times and they always tasted like shit; too bland like they didn't use any seasonings. The snacks they served in between meals was nothing normal kids wanted to eat. You know, they served healthy stuff like fruit, veggies, graham crackers and milk. Never any sodas or Kool-aide. I missed my junk food like crazy. Mom never let me eat a lot of junk food and sweets but Dad let me have whatever I wanted as long as Mom didn't find out and I didn't get picky with my regular meals. He used to sneak me money so I could buy chips and candy after school. Dad even let me drink coffee." Nick went on, "I was an only child, so I was used to having a lot of privacy. I wasn't used to sharing a room with anyone unless it was at a sleepover. And I had my own bathroom. So I wasn't used to an open shower room where everybody bathed at the same time. But, most of all I missed my friends. Everybody there was a stranger. I was in the midst of all those people but I was still the loneliest boy in the world." "So, what kind of chaos did you create?" Jake was like a little kid being told an interesting story. "Oh," Nick said smiling that devilish grin. "They accused me of creating a 3-week reign of terror. But of course, I disagreed." "So what kind of terror did they accuse you of?" Jake asked as he pulled his chair up closer to Nick's desk. He didn't want to miss anything. "Well," Nick said after he wiped his mouth from taking another nip from his flask, "The report they gave Dad said that I had started a food fight that ended up wrecking the cafeteria. They said that I went to classes only if and when I felt like it. And they accused me of not taking showers, like how the hell would they know." "Well did you; take showers I mean?" Jake asked. "No. I didn't feel right getting naked in front of all those strange boys, I didn't know them. I had my own private bathroom at home." "Nick, I think if you went 3 weeks without taking a shower, I think they would know, trust me they would know," Jake chuckled and Nick had to laugh himself. "Yeah, I guess. That's what Dad said too, when I tried to lie myself out of that one." "What else did you do? I mean what else did they accuse you of?" "Well, let's see. Oh yeah, those stupid-ass uniforms. They accused me of not wearing them. We were allowed so many casual outfits to wear on the weekends, so that's what I wore to class. And they had in Dad's report that I went on a hunger strike." "Did you?" "Yes and no. It's true I didn't wear those monkey-suits to class but as for a hunger strike. I wasn't starving. I had a pile of snacks under my bed. Oreos, potato chips, candy, you name it, and I had it. It's only a hunger strike if you aren't eating anything. And I think they accused me of cussing out old man Young." "Nick, they accused you of all that? Well at what point did they call Burton?" Jake was thoroughly amused. He couldn't wait to hear how Burton responded to all of this. "They called him about every other day, but 3 weeks had passed before he showed up. I thought he was coming to take me home. Instead he took me to a motel and this time he introduced me to his belt. It was on a Saturday and he had gotten a special pass so I could spend some time with him. On the drive to our motel he was telling me about the gifts he had bought me and he asked what I wanted for dinner that evening. I was happy as a lark. It never occurred to me that we didn't pack up my belongings. So time we got inside our room he ordered me to strip to my shorts as he proceeded to take off his belt and give me another one of his famous lectures. All I remembered was how that belt felt. His old man used to use a belt on him way back in the Dark Ages, so I guess he figured it was okay to beat the hell out of me. I cried myself to sleep and at some point he had put me under the covers. When I woke up he was watching the evening news. Then he made a phone call and dinner was delivered about a half hour later. He had ordered all my favorites along with dessert and extra snacks. While we were waiting for the food to arrive, he gave me that same song and dance about why I couldn't go home. He kept insisting that me being in boarding school was the best plan for both of us. Then he gave me all the things he had bought me along with some of my old things from home that, I couldn't pack in my bag 3 weeks earlier. He didn't take me back to school until the next afternoon. He made me take a shower before we left. Then he threatened that if he ever got another report that I had done anything other than study and make the honor roll, I could expect to see him and his belt every weekend. Then he kind of mellowed and told me to cheer up that I would get used to everything and eventually learn to love it. That prep school was a privileged opportunity that few boys ever got to experience. When Dad left I felt the same way I did when they buried my mom. I guess I've never really gotten over the hurt and abandonment I felt and Dad will never understand that. I've never been an orphan, but I think I know what it feels like to be one. "I can only imagine how that must have felt. Do you still hold that against Burton?" Jake asked compassionately. His heart really went out to Nick. So he was one of those poor little rich boys that had everything that money could buy and none of what he really needed. "I try not to, but I know I do sometimes, especially like tonight when he is being unreasonable. This is his way of punishing me for embarrassing him with that drug bust." Nick took another long swig from his flask, leaned back in his desk chair and propped his feet up on his desk. He continued to hold the hankie to his left cheek and the flask in his right hand. Nick was now looking very comfortable and the look on his face appeared as if he didn't give a damn about anything. Jake knew then that he could ask Nick anything he wanted to know. There was so much he wanted to know about Nick, his father, Nick's past, the drug bust, he didn't know what to ask about first. "Nick, does Burton know about that?" He asked pointing to the flask. "What I carry in my purse is my business." He slurred pointing to his briefcase. "I only resort to it when I'm pissed and I need a little something to get me through." "Well, when you got busted, what happened with you and Burton, how did he react to the news? I don't know if I could have faced either of my parents if it had happened to me, especially my mom." "First off, Jakey, it never would have happened to you because you are a saint. You are not a bad boy like me. And thirdly," Nick said with an evident slur, "My mama is dead. But she loved me and if she had been alive she would have supported me. She wouldn't have knocked me on my ass and treated me like I had the plague." "Who are you talking about; Burton or the cops? Who knocked you on your ass?" "Who do you think I'm talking about; the old man. See, I embarrassed him again. He was as mad as hell and all he could think about was the news getting out and his old cronies hearing about it. All he cared about was how my actions would affect the firm. If he thought it wouldn't have made him look like an unloyal father, he would have fired me on the spot." "He was really concerned about you, Nick. He cares a lot about you; you're his son and his employee." "Sure he does. So, why didn't he do or say something to make me feel better. That was only the second worse day of my life. The worse was when my mother died. After he picked me up from jail, he wouldn't look at me or talk to me. I kept trying to make small talk and tell him how sorry I was, but he just ignored me like I wasn't even there. Time we got inside my apartment and he closed the door behind us, he lit into me with one of his famous lectures and then the next thing I knew, he slapped me so hard that I lost my balance and landed on the floor. Man, I didn't know what to do, so I just stayed there until he left. Then I just went to bed. I didn't even bother to undress or take my shoes off. I just wanted to die. The phone rang and rang but I didn't care. I didn't care if I ever got out of that bed again." "A couple of those phone calls were from me. I had heard the news and was calling to see if you were okay. The second time I called a lady answered and she said you couldn't come to the phone, but she would leave a message. You never called me back so I figured you just needed some time. Who was the lady?" "That was Dee, my housekeeper. She's also the best friend I have." "Does she work for you full time? Does she live at your place?" "No, she only comes in on Tuesday and Fridays. She basically cleans and does laundry on Tuesdays. On Fridays, she tidies up, changes my bed, and does errands; whatever I need her to do. If she has enough time, she'll cook me goodies for the weekend." "Sounds like you have found a jewel." "She's more that that. She's priceless. As bad as I felt when I got arrested, I don't know what I would have done if she hadn't come over that afternoon when I got home. I just lay in that bed wanting to die. She knocked and knocked, but I didn't answer the door or the phone. Eventually, she took her key and let herself in. She never said a word. I just lay there pretending to be asleep. I could hear her cleaning up the mess from the night before. About an hour or so later, she came into my room and told me she knew I wasn't asleep and she had no intentions of leaving until I felt better. Then she said she had run me a hot bath, so I needed to take it before the water got cold. Then she said my dinner would be ready by the time I had finished. "What did you do?" "I got up and took my bath like the lady told me to do. She had put bubbles in the tub and had lit candles and poured me a glass of wine and laid me out something comfortable to put on. She didn't even say anything when she saw that I still had my shoes on. Man, I never wanted to get out of that tub, but I smelled that aroma of the food she was preparing. So after I got dressed and came into the living room, she had my dinner spread out on the coffee table and had turned the TV on to the comedy channel. That was her way of saying I'd had enough drama for one day. She knows if I am depressed I can snap out of it if I can find something to laugh about." "What did she make you for dinner? Can you remember?" "I'll never forget. It was like manna from heaven. She brought comfort food; homemade beef stew and hot buttered cornbread, coleslaw, apple pie and her famous iced tea." "Man, I should get arrested; you think she would cook like that for me." "Only if I asked her. You see she thinks I am special." "Nick, I would think you were special too if you paid me." "Oh no man, this was on the house. She said so. When I told her to deduct her time from her debit card, she said this one was on her." "Nick I don't get it, what do you mean by deducting her time from her debit card?" "Oh, I gave her a debit card. It has my name and hers on it so she can transact my business for me. It got to be too much of a hassle trying to leave her checks for this and cash for that. Trying to figure how much money she would need for groceries, the dry cleaning, her gas mileage, and salary. This way she does whatever she needs to do. She even gets her salary and gas allowance at the ATM machine. She is very organized; she has a receipt for everything, but I trust her so I don't even bother with them." "What happened after you ate? Did she ever leave?" "Eventually. She went back into the kitchen and the bathroom and finished cleaning up while I ate. Then she brought 2 slices of apple pie and 2 cups of coffee and sat down beside me on the sofa and had dessert with me. When we were finished she said "Nick, you know that I love you like a son, a little brother, or whatever. You know that don't you." Then she went on to say she wanted me to promise her something. I thought, oh boy here it comes with both barrels. But what she made me promise her was if I needed anything or needed to talk, I would call her, anytime. I promised her I would. Then she said, now, little brother, I am going to promise you something. So, of course I wanted to know what she was going to promise me. She said that she wanted me to mark on my calendar that one year from that day, she was going to "bless me to fair-thee-well." That is a church lady's way of telling me she's going to kick my ass off the face of this earth for being so damn stupid." Jake couldn't help but laugh. "I've never heard that one before." "Me either, but I knew what she meant. So I thanked her for not doing it that day." She said, "Well, Little Brother, you've had enough drama to last you for about a year. I'll bet your daddy isn't taking this very well." "So then I told her how he reacted and showed her the swelling on my left jaw. Hey, just like now, the same exact spot." Then she said, "Oh Nicolas, I'm so sorry, you poor thing. I'm sorry." "I asked her what was she apologizing for. I deserved it. What I didn't deserve was all the love and concern she had just shown me at a time when I was feeling my lowest. I thanked her and told her if there was anything I could ever do for her she had to promise to call and let me know. She promised she would but I would have to start answering my phone if she was going to get through. She always has to have the last word. So I just told her, Okay Dee, you win." Nick went on, "She got me to eat, smile, and feel better so her mission was accomplished. She promised to send me dinner again on Sunday afternoon and she hugged me and left. The next day her son Derrick brought me Sunday dinner and dessert just as she had promised. I think what I'll always appreciate about Dee is her concern for my well-being. She never judged me for being stupid or even joked about me wearing my shoes to bed. She just gave me the encouragement that I needed to get through that mess one day at a time." Nick and Jake talked about another hour before they both decided to call it a night. Both men declared they had big days tomorrow. Nick thought to himself, if Jake only knew how big. Jake had no idea that tonight was the last time they would be talking to each other as fellow employees of Fallin & Associates. Nick had decided that he would turn in his resignation the first thing in the morning. Tuesday, September 11, 2001 Burton awakened at about 5:50 am after a very restless night. He had turned in to bed about 10:15 pm the night before, but he kept having a strange dream about his ex-wife Anne, Nicholas's mother. She had been dead for nearly 20 years. It always troubled him, when in his dreams she was concerned about their son. He recalled a dream he'd had a couple days before Nicholas had gotten arrested. In that dream, it appeared Anne was still alive and the three of them were still a family living together. Nicholas was grown and working at the firm with him. Burton and Nick came home together one evening and Anne was very upset with her son. She never told Burton why, but it seemed that Nicholas had done something that displeased her. As Nicholas sat his briefcase down and flung his jacket over the sofa, Anne ordered him to go to his room; then she told him he could forget about having his dinner. He got angry and told his mother that he was a grown man, so he would do whatever he pleased. He then stormed out the door, slamming it like he does in real life. Then Anne turned on Burton, yelling at him, telling him to go after Nicholas and bring him back. She said that Burton needed to find him and discipline him. She kept pleading for Burton to find our son before we lose him! When Burton first woke up from that dream, it really didn't trouble him at that time. He found it rather amusing that Anne could get so upset with her baby boy that she wanted him disciplined. Even though it was only a dream, he couldn't imagine what Nicholas could have possibly done to upset his mother so much. Then, two days later when the call came that Nicholas had been arrested for drug pocession, his mind immediately focused on that strange dream. Burton now couldn't help but wonder if this new dream was a warning for something that may happen concerning Nicholas. They had been fighting like cats and dogs for weeks and Nick even threatened to quit his job. Last night's dream was somewhat similar to the earlier dream; only this time Anne was upset with Burton. She was accusing him of losing Nicolas. Burton couldn't distinguish if Anne was dead or alive. He could only remember hearing her voice, very sadly accusing him of losing their son when he promised to take care of him. "He's lost, Burton. Our son is forever lost and it is all your fault. You promised to take care of him." Burton tried to reason with her that Nicholas was a grown man and he was just fine. That he could take care of himself, but she kept insisting that Burton had lost their son. Then he heard Nicolas voice calling his mother for help. When Burton told him that he was here, "Daddy can help you son." Nick responded that, he did not trust Burton; he needed his mother. It seemed to Burton that every time he closed his eyes and went back to sleep, that same dream kept re-occurring, over and over, all night long. He decided that he might as well just get up and get ready for work. If he hadn't rested all night long, chances are another hour in bed would not make any difference. This would give him time to enjoy a leisurely breakfast and review the Davis contract of Jake's that he was too tired to look at the night before, thanks to Nicholas. As he stepped into the shower his mind went back to the events of the previous evening. Burton thought, last night was the biggest fight that Nicholas and I have ever had. We fought about everything that happened from now till 20 years back. It really hurt to know that he has harbored so much resentment towards me over the years. Just because I didn't baby-sit him 24 hours a day for 20 years doesn't mean I didn't love him and care about what went on in his life. I have always been there for him. I have always protected him from the big bad wolves that wanted to destroy him just because he is my son. He will never know some of the things I have had to do to protect him and keep him out of trouble and out of jail. He thinks I don't know about his misadventures in prep school and college. I even know the day he lost his virginity and who found it. The only thing I didn't know about was his drug abuse and addiction. I think what really hurt was when he had to nerve to stand in my face and call me a lying-ass hypocrite. I am his father and he showed me no respect what so ever. It was as if he hated me. Of course I will have to forgive him; I am his father and I do love him, but it won't be easy and it won't be today. (Monday Sept 10, 2001, 6:20 p.m.) Nicholas had approached his father with a plan that he felt would not only help him meet his community service responsibilities, but would benefit the firm as well. Nicholas seemed very excited about his idea as he presented it to his father. He wanted permission to take a six-month leave of absence from the firm, unpaid of course, to fulfill this obligation. Burton asked Nicholas just how did he suppose a leave for six months would help the firm. His response was, with all of the community service work behind him, he could devote all his time to the firm, rather that having to keep shuffling schedules and often having to work as much as 80 hours to meet the needs of both jobs. Burton's reply not only surprised Nicholas but it hurt his feelings and made him very angry. He said, "Nicholas, I have no intention of granting you a six day leave let alone one for six months. You have a full time job here at this firm with full time responsibilities. If you happen to have two fulltime jobs, that require 80-hour workweeks, that problem is neither the firm's nor mine. Your first responsibility is here, the place that gives you your paycheck. Whatever you do over there at Children's Legal Services is between you and your probation officer. Just make sure it does not interfere with your duties here. Do I make myself clear?" Nicholas replied, "Dad, then just three months will help, just until I get the hang of this thing. I need some time to adjust. These cases are all so new to me and each one is unique in itself, I never know what to expect from one day to the next. Just three months, Dad." Burton looked at his son and replied, as he got up from his desk to show him the door. "Not even three days." "That isn't fair!" Nicholas yelled at him with a voice filled with anger. "How many times do I have to keep apologizing to you for getting myself arrested! I'm sorry, Dad. I'm sorry I embarrassed you. I'm sorry I brought shame to the good Fallin name, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Burton looked at him and said, "My decision has nothing to do with the trouble you got yourself into. I have told you before that you cannot expect special privileges around here just because you are my son. What I do for you, I would have to do for the others." "And what others would that be? Who else needs time off to work without pay just to work six hard months without income? Unless there is someone else around here, who is in this office 7 days a week and working over every night, You are just making excuses. He ranted on and on while Burton just ignored him. Burton thought to himself, He even went so far as to accuse me of being responsible for him getting started on drugs. He called it a crutch that comforted him through his troubled teen years and if I had given a damn about him I would have raised him myself. He even went so far as to say he thought he was adopted because he couldn't understand how a biological father could not love his own son. Now that hurt and I told him it did. "Yeah, the truth always hurts." He hurled back. Through his anger he confessed to me that he started smoking marijuana and popping pills when he was 14 years old. He claimed it was because he felt so lonely, like an orphan. It comforted him because he didn't think that I loved or wanted him and he thought he might have done something to make me turn against him. He went on to say me that by the time that he was old enough to figure out that he had done nothing wrong; that I was the one who had the problem, it was too late. He was already hooked on drugs. He did admit that the cocaine came later when he was in college. I told him that by the time he was in college, whatever he did behind my back was his responsibility because he was old enough to know better. I told him this conversation was over and I wanted him out of my office. He was not going to blame me for getting himself in trouble. His request was still denied. I repeated that however way he decided to work off his community service was fine with me as long as it didn't interfere with his responsibilities at the firm. But his request for a leave of absence was still denied. Then he snarled back at me that the fact that I refuse to take some responsibility for his teenage addictions only proves me to be a hypocrite. He said, "You are the one who supplied the money for my habit. You were stupid enough to believe that enough money could fix anything. So rather that to give me the time of day, you choose to stuff my pockets with money so I could buy myself what ever you thought would pacify me, whatever I wanted, whatever I thought I needed. How come you could never realized that what I really needed was you. All I ever really wanted was just a little of your attention, Dad. That's all, just your time and your attention. As I got older I figured if I couldn't have that, coke was the next best thing." "You will never understand how much it hurt me to be shipped off to strangers before my mother had even settled in her grave. You knew she would not have approved, but you did it anyway. I had never given you any trouble before so I couldn't figure out how you thought I would get in the way of you and the firm that you were building. I always thought that this firm would be a part of my inheritance; something that my father would be proud to pass down to his grandchildren and me. But I can see now that when you leave this world, you have plans of taking it with you." I was absolutely shocked at the bitterness that was in his voice. Then he accused me of being envious of his success in New York. He told me that I only wanted him to work at my firm because I couldn't stand to see someone else reap the benefits of his talents, from the expensive education I had paid for. I looked at him like he was from another planet and told him he had lost his mind. If I thought he was angry before, he was now enraged. When I finally had enough I told him "Nicholas, this conversation is over. Permission for your leave is still not granted. So, you can best go home and think up some other nitwit scheme because this one is not going to happen. If you want to work around here Sonny, you are going to have to pull your fair share of the load." That is when he really did lose his mind. He told me that everything I had ever done for him was about me. I never considered his needs or what he wanted without first considering how it would affect the firm or myself. As an example, he told me what he thought about an expensive Christmas gift I bought him a few years back. He said, "You asked me what I wanted you to buy me for Christmas, I told you pajama bottoms and tee shirts was the only things that I really needed. So, what did you buy me? A freaking country-club membership! You thought it would look impressive for you and the firm, if your son had membership there. You never considered that I might not have wanted to associate with those lying-ass hypocritical snobs. You never considered what I really wanted, all you considered was yourself." Buddy, that made me really hot. I felt like jerking him up in his collar and choking him. "Nicholas," I said, "Number one, I paid good money for your membership at that club. I can think of a dozen or more people who would die to have the privileges that your membership card entitles you to. Number 2, just when in the hell did you start sleeping in pajamas or anything else for that matter? And number 3, since I am a member of that country club, does that make you see me as a snob? "No, he answered, just a lying ass hypocrite!" And that is when I slapped him before I knew what I was doing. I didn't care if I hurt him, as a matter of fact, I wished that I did. Then later on I really felt bad about it because it seemed that hurting my son is what I always seemed to do best. It stunned him. He wasn't expecting that and I wasn't either. He was pretty upset. He practically ran out of the office. I called after him but he never looked back. I know I hurt him, because I hurt myself, my right hand stung like crazy. I hope he didn't do anything stupid like getting drunk or snorting some of that uh; no, he's not that foolish. I don't know if he went home or hung around the office a bit, I just gathered my things and left after Jake dropped off that contract. Dear Lord, what's to happen with my son and me? You know how much I love him. I would give up my very life for him, but I can't take much more of this fighting and bickering. He's hinted a few times at resigning. There is no way I could ever fire him regardless of what he puts me through. But if he ever gave me a resignation, by golly, I'll accept it. Then I would give him cab fare when he turns in the keys to the BMW. Did you hear that Anne! I am fed up with that brat of yours! So, from now on, go haunt him in his sleep and let me get some rest!" As he stepped out of the shower and was drying himself, Burton pondered the dream that had given him such a restless night. He wondered if it may have had something to do with their fights and Nick's lasted threat to resign. Anne did say he had lost her son. "Oh the hell with it, now lets see what do I want to wear today, Um, the gray looks good." ~*~ Tuesday, September 11, 2001: Nick awakened 25 minutes later than he had planned. He didn't sleep well either because he still had mixed feelings of whether he would actually present his resignation and a personal letter to his father. He hoped his hot shower would make him feel better. He felt drained of all his strength from the fight with his father the previous night. His head hurt from drinking too much alcohol, and the left side of his face was still sore from his slapping. His stomach felt sick because he really couldn't remember whether he actually ate last night. He remembered driving through a fast food restaurant and ordering some food, but he wouldn't know if he ate it until he went into the kitchen. But what he did remember was updating his resignation on his computer and running off a copy and putting it in an envelope. Then he revised a personal letter he had addressed to his Dad months ago and never gave to him. It was about why he came to work for the firm and his real reasons for resigning. He stated how he felt about things of the past and present, and his hopes and plans for the future. It was really a rather touching letter because he was pouring out his heart and his true personal feelings. He hoped his Dad would not think it was silly and would consider the things he had mentioned. He stayed in the shower until the water began to turn lukewarm. Well, he thought, "I can't hide out in here." He didn't even bother to dry off; he just went back into his bedroom and fell backward on the bed, staring at the ceiling. As his mind began to ponder what to wear on his last day of work, he began to feel drowsy. He was on the verge of submitting to the temptation and the pleasure of some much needed sleep, when he suddenly remembered that it was Tuesday and Dee would be coming in to work shortly. Shit! he thought, as he hopped of the bed and dashed to the dresser to retrieve some shorts. The last thing I need, today of all days, is for that woman to catch me asleep like this. ~*~ Tuesday, September 11, 2001: Jake Straka arose at his usual time. As he prepared himself for his day ahead he noticed he felt unusually chipper, but he couldn't quite figure why. As he got further into his morning ritual, he began to recollect the events of the previous night. He remembered the fight that Nick and Burton had, and how Nick shared the juicy details with him. He recalled how free and open Nick had been about discussing his personal business with him, which was a rare treat, indeed. Jake didn't know if Nick was so candid because he was upset with his father or because he had been nipping from his flask. It was probably a combination of both. But, whatever the reason, Jake enjoyed every minute of every detail. Jake felt a bit guilty about prying information out of Nick when he knew he was upset and vulnerable. He also felt a little disloyal because he knew that whenever Burton was upset with Nick he always gave Jake more praise and attention. He didn't know whether or not Nick was aware of that fact. But getting Burton's attention was not an everyday occurrence, so Jake thought what the hell, he didn't ask for it. Having learned a little more about Nick and Burton's relationship, or lack of one, made Jake feel a little sorry for Nick. He always liked him from the first time they were introduced and he rather thought of Nick as a big brother type, even though Nick was younger. He figured it was because Nick was so "street-smart." Hiding behind his Ivy League education and Armani suits, Nick bore the perfect description of a "Bad-Boy." He represented everything that Jake envisioned in his fantasies as the man he wanted to be. Through Jake's eyes, Nick didn't appear to be afraid of anything or anybody, not even his father. Jake could never recall anyone at the firm actually standing up to Burton until Nick came to work there. He was never afraid to actually say or do the things that most people only thought and wished they had the nerve to do. The thing Jake admired most about Nick was the way he had with women. Nick had confessed to Jake a while back that he had lost his virginity on his 16th birthday. When he asked Jake when did he "give it up," Jake just nervously laughed and said, "Later Nick, much later. Once he had asked Nick about the secrets to his success with women. To his surprise, Nick told him. Of course Jake could never have done the things Nick told him to do. All he really wanted to know was how to pick up a girl every now and then. Jake once said, "Nick, did anyone ever tell you that you should write a book?" "No, Jake, but someday, I just might do that." Jake went on about his morning routine whistling and eager to see what the new day would bring. Ever since Nick Fallin had come to work for Fallin & Assoc. each day was new adventure in itself. One never knew what to expect anymore. ~*~ Tuesday, September 11, 2001: Dee arrived early at Nick's apartment to get a head start on her day's chores. She had told Nick last Friday that she would be coming in early on Tuesday and leaving a little later since she had an appointment on the upcoming Friday afternoon. She also left him a message on his voice mail in case he had forgotten. She figured he would still be at home, getting ready to go to work, but she really wished that he had not overslept or had an overnight guest who was still there. It was very embarrassing when he had a lady friend in his apartment when she arrived. Those women had no pride whatsoever. Well, Nick didn't either, but men can get away it. She couldn't believe the nerve that some of those hussies had when Nick had to leave the apartment before them. They acted as if Dee did not deserve to be treated with respect just because she was the cleaning lady. She would usually just go on about her work and pretend they weren't there until they left, which generally wasn't very long after Nick left. But one of them, Nick called her "Judy Baby," took her patience to the limit. Dee was sitting at the kitchen table making herself a cup of tea when Judy walked up behind Dee and said, "Oh that looks delish; referring to the danish pastry that Dee had brought from home. I'll have the same thing, only with black coffee. And uh sweetie, be a dear for me and toss these in the wash, while I take a shower. She was holding a bra, panties, and a blouse. I'm going to do a little shopping before I go home, so these shouldn't take very long to do. The blouse may need a little touchup with a warm iron. Mr. Fallin assured me that you would get me whatever I needed." Dee turned around and saw that Judy was clad only in a towel. Dee turned back to her breakfast without saying a word. "Uh sweetie, perhaps you didn't hear me. I need these laundered and a little something for breakfast to tide me over for a while. Do you think you could manage?" This time Judy's voice was very firm. The fake sweetness had disappeared. Dee turned around and asked "And you are?" "Oh," she giggled, " Perhaps I should have introduced myself. I am Judy, Nick's friend." How soon do you think you can have my things ready? I really need to be somewhere in about an hour." Dee looked up at Judy and replied. "Judy, I'll introduce myself. I am Mrs. Coles, Nick's housekeeper. He may have given you permission to be here in his absence and that is fine. But, the washer is through there, the refrigerator and stove is over there and the phone is right here if you want to call Nick and ask him if my job description includes washing anybody's drawers other than his. Enjoy your shower." Judy turned and ran back into the bedroom and within 5 minutes, Dee could hear the front door slam. Fifteen minutes later the phone rang just as Dee had finished her breakfast and was about to put a load of laundry in the dryer. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Nick calling from his office. She spoke into the receiver in a voice that was obviously pissed. Yes, Mr. Fallin?" "Dee, I uh, uh, I'm sorry about Judy. I never should have let her stay after I had left. It won't happen again, I promise." "Wait a minute, now. Just what did "Judy Baby" tell you. Why are you apologizing instead of her?" "Well, I won't get into what she told me, but to make a long story short, she wants you fired." "And what do you want, Mr. Fallin?" "Well, you know I can't fire you, because you know too much of my business." That made Dee laugh. Which was probably Nick's intentions for making that statement. She then knew that Nick was not upset with her insulting his lady-friend. "So what I want is for you to accept my apology and pretend like Judy never pissed you off. The way I figure it, I can have myself another playmate ready to greet you good morning by Friday when you come in. But I can't find another housekeeper like the one I have. You cool with that?" "I'm cool with that, Mr. Fallin." "Good, because when I told her I had no intentions of firing you, she told me that I could go to hell; that you and I deserved each other." Again that made Dee laugh. "So, does that mean you are coming back on Friday and making me some goodies for the weekend like you always do? Are you, huh, huh?" "We'll see, Nick." That made Nick smile because Dee never called him Mr. Fallin unless she was upset. Dee smiled, as she entered the apartment, remembering that day the first year she started working for Nick. She was surprised to discover that Nick had already left. She saw no signs of any one else being in the apartment, but she knocked on his bedroom door, anyway, before entering. She then went about gathering up dirty laundry from his bedroom and bathroom and went about her usual Tuesday routine. ~*~ Tuesday, September 11, 2001 6:30 am, New York City: "Get up Baby, we're going to be late." "Bud, for heaven's sake, the appointment is 3 hours from now; we have plenty of time." "I know, but we might get stuck in traffic and you know I want the results as soon as possible, so I can call up the posse and tell them the good news." "Why don't you just tell the truth, Bud. You can't wait to brag to Nick that you are going to be a father. What is it with you two. Don't you think if Nick wanted to get married and have children, he would?" "Gail, I keep telling you that "Hot-pants" Fallin don't know what the hell he wants. That's what his posse is for; to tell him what he needs and then see to it that he gets it. When we have our little bundle, Nick will be the only one of us left out. You know he can't stand for us to have something that he don't have." "Bud, I keep telling you, Nick does not want to get married." "Maybe, not, but he's going to want a son after I have mine. And he'll get married just to keep his old man off his back. You know how he talks about his daddy being so straight-laced and old fashioned." Gail just shook her head as she proceeded to get out of bed, "Men." No, let me correct that. You men. You and your so-called posse." "Okay Gail, you'll see. I'll give Nick 6 months after he sees our son. Then, he is going to be on the prowl looking for a wife." "Bud, what makes you think our baby is going to be a boy? And are you absolutely sure your boss didn't mind you taking off this morning to go to the doctor with me?" "I didn't ask his approval." Bud said bitterly, "I just told him of my intentions. I get vacation time just like everyone else. This time I didn't explain my personal business to him. If he didn't like it he can deal with me later. But I'm going to be a part of my son's life as of right now, starting with your doctor's appointment. So you get a move on woman! We can't be late!" Gail called back to Bud from the bathroom, "Are you going to ask Nick to be godfather tonight when you call him or do you think we should wait a spell?" Tuesday, September 11, 2001 At approximately 8:45 Nick knocked on his Dad's office door then proceeded to enter without waiting for permission. Burton was surprised to see his son so early; Nick usually headed to CLS first and came in later, depending upon his schedules. "Morning Nicholas, you're here early." "Morning. Dad do you have a minute?" "Of course, son, have a seat. You want some coffee." Nick shook his head no. "Well what can I do for you?" "Dad, I uh, I'm sorry about last night. I treated you in a disrespectful manner and I apologize for it." "That's alright son, I didn't handle the situation very well either. I apologize for slapping you, I really didn't mean for that to happen. I guess things just kind of got out of control." "Apologies aren't necessary, I deserved that. But, Dad I also came in here to discuss something else. I don't know how to say it, so I just want you to listen for a minute. As of today, I am resigning from the firm" Burton started to say something, but Nick held his hand up to stop him. Then he continued. "I have thought about this long and hard and it is the only thing I know to do right now. I would be lying if I said the fight we had last night didn't have anything to do with my decision, but that is only a small part. It is all the fights we've ever had since I've come to work here. But, it is mainly about the time I have to spend at CLS. Now I take full responsibility for that. That was my fault alone. But I don't know how I can manage to do both jobs at the pace I have been putting forth without getting sick or resorting back to substance abuse. I've finally come to grips that my addiction was a security blanket that got me through rough times, and if I go back to that, I know I'll end up in jail. Dad, quitting the firm is the only thing I know to do, if a temporary leave is out of the question." Nicholas handed Burton the envelope that held his resignation. Then he handed him another envelope simply addressed: "To Dad." "I would rather you didn't open this one until later, maybe after you get home, it's rather personal." "Well, son, I don't quite know what to say. I guess you have to do what you feel you have to do. So I assume you plan on working full time at CLS until you are finished with the gig? Nick shook his head, yes. "How will you live? That means you will have no income at all." "I can manage, I'm not exactly broke you know." "Where will you work when you have finished up your 1500 hours?" "I don't know." "Well, son, I don't know either but you said you have thought this thing through so I have to assume you know what you are doing. So I am going to accept your resignation and I wish you the best of luck." Burton extended his hand to Nick. Nick was shocked; he thought his father would at least ask him to reconsider. Surely they could have worked something out. Nick gave his father his hand, they shook and Nick turned slowly and walked out the door in disbelief. He now realized that he really didn't want to go. Burton went to his desk and proceeded to finish reading the Davis contract. Nick stopped outside of the door, leaning up against the wall with his eyes closed as Jake came running down the hall shouting, "Nick, go to the conference room, something has happened at the World Trade Center and we don't know if it is an accident or at attack on New York City." Nick didn't budge. Jake grabbed him by the arm. "Nick, are you alright? Did you hear the news?" Nick suddenly became aware that Jake was talking to him. "He opened his eyes and said, I've got a little head-ache, you know from last night, the flask." "Oh yeah. Did you hear the news about New York City?" Nick looked puzzled, so Jake continued to fill him in. "Come on with me to the conference room. An airplane flew into one of the Twin Towers and it is too early to tell if it was an accident or if it was on purpose. Everybody isn't here yet, but those of us who are here are going to watch the report on the large screen TV. Oh I'd better tell Burton so he'll know what's going on. I'll see you in there, Nick." Jake knocked and entered Burton's office. Nick was stunned. He felt as if he was in the middle of a bad dream. He didn't know whether it was from his father's unexpected rejection or the news he had just heard from Jake. Surely what he just said about the Twin Towers was just a bad joke. That couldn't possibly be true because he knew too many people who worked there. He even had clients in those buildings when he worked for Swann & Cranston. He had been there many times for business and leisure. Some of the shop and restaurant workers even knew him by his first name. If he hadn't made the mistake of leaving New York to come and work for his father he may have even had an early appointment with one of his clients at that very moment. That is when the impact of Jake's words hit him. ONE OF THE TWIN TOWERS HAD BEEN HIT BY AN AIRPLANE! He rushed in the conference room where employees were beginning to gather, all staring at the TV screen in disbelief. At that point it still wasn't certain exactly why this unfortunate event occurred. Nick stood against the wall with his arms folded across his chest. He had a look of shock on his face nd he never uttered a word. The room was filled with the noise of everyone stating their opinions of what had happened. It almost seemed like a party atmosphere. Jake came back in with a few more employees, but without Burton. Suddenly the room became chaotic with screams of "Oh my God! Jesus Christ! What the hell is happening here! Dear Lord, this can't be happening!" A second plane had crashed into the other tower, and this time it was evident that this act was done on purpose. Probably by terrorist enemies of the United States. Some ladies started crying. Larry came to their rescue by taking them in his arms and comforting them, leading them to seats if they weren't seated already. Jake ran back to Burton's office to tell him what had just happened. Nick still stood in his same position, as if in shock, still he never uttered a word. About forty-five minutes later Burton realized that his entire staff, with the exception of Sheila, was in the conference room watching television. He thought he had better do something to try to assure his employees they had nothing to worry about. What he didn't know was how to coax them away from the TV and back to their desks without seeming heartless. By the time he reached the conference room he decided it was best if he left everyone alone at least for the time being. He told them it was okay for them to continue to watch TV, but they should notify Sheila of their whereabouts in case they got important calls or were expecting clients. He told Jake he was going back to his office and for him to fill him in on any new developments. That is when He caught a glimpse of Nicholas standing against the wall with his arms folded. He never noticed how distressed he appeared. All he could see was his son staring ahead at the television set with tears streaming down his cheeks. Burton thought to himself, "Good Lord, Nicholas, get a grip." You're a grown man crying like a baby. Don't you realize that people are watching you?" Nearly everyone in the room had tears in their eyes, but he only noticed his son's. Then he motioned to Jake to meet him outside the conference room door. When Jake approached him he said. "Uh Jake, I am not sure if you know this or not but Nicholas resigned from the firm this morning." "What?" Jake asked in utter disbelief. "Well, it happened just before this here thing in New York so I guess he really hasn't had much time to say anything. But, I am going to be sticking pretty close to my office and Sheila's desk so I'm not sure just when he's going to leave. So, I just need you to remind him to leave his cell phone and keys with Sheila, and make arrangements with her within the next couple of days about the car lease. I appreciate it, Jake." Jake stared at his boss in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. His son was visibly upset because he may have lost many of his old friends and acquaintance in New York and all Burton could think about was stupid keys, a car lease and a cell phone! He acted like he was glad his son was leaving his firm. Maybe Nick was right when he said all his father ever cared about was his firm. "Uh, uh, Burton, I don't think this is the right time to approach Nick about his resignation, the car lease or anything else. I mean he's really upset about the situation in New York." "Yeah, I noticed" Burton said in a rather disgusted tone of voice. Jake picked up on Burton's sarcastic tone and figured that Burton was embarrassed by the emotions that his son was publicly displaying. "What I mean, Burton, is that Nick had a lot of friends and clients in New York who may have- - -." Before Jake could finish his statement, chaotic screams could be heard throughout the conference room. Jake and Burton rushed back into the room just in time to see one of the Twin Towers collapsing to the ground. Through all the confusion, Burton searched out his son in time to witness him slowing sliding down the wall from his standing position until he was sitting fetal position the floor. He wrapped his arms around his knees and buried his head as he wept silently. Jake started towards Nick to offer comfort but Burton stopped him saying, "Let him be, he'll be alright." In reality, Burton did not want to attract any attention to Nick in his weakened state. He just couldn't understand why Nicholas couldn't control his emotions. If he just had to cry like a baby, the least he could do is go to his office where he could do it in privacy. He was about to beckon for Jake to follow him back to his office so they could discuss the Davis contract. That is when he noticed that Jake's face was red and his eyes were brimming with tears. Burton looked around the conference room and for the first time, he noticed the confused and emotional state that his staff was in; it wasn't just his son. He looked at Nicholas again who was still sitting in the same position with his head buried, although he was silent, it was obvious he was weeping. The reality and horror of the situation was finally beginning to sink in. He looked back and forth at the television and at his employees and he began to feel that as their leader he should do or say something to acknowledge this situation. The first thing he thought about was shutting off that damned television set. He wondered who had turned it on in the first place. It was still a workday around here. He didn't see the remote control on the conference table and it would have been too much trouble to get through the crowd to turn it off so he decided to stand in the doorway and just give a brief little speech of encouragement. Then everyone go on to his or her offices and do the best they could. "Uh, uh could I have your attention, could I have everyone's attention please? Uh would someone turn the TV off for a moment please, I need your attention." Amanda took the remote control and turned the volume down, instead of turning the set off. He wanted that damned thing turned off, but he figured he wouldn't push the issue. The room got quiet except for the sound of sniffles throughout the room. "Uh ladies and gentlemen, I uh, well, I really don't quite know what to say. We've all just witnessed a very unfortunate and tragic act of terrorism this morning. I understand that reports are still coming in of various other acts similar to this one in different locations of the United States. Whether they are true or just rumors, it is still too soon for any of us to really know for sure. So, at this point there is really nothing any of us can do, except pray to God for those unfortunate victims and for our own strength. So I think before we return to our desks a word of silent prayer will be in order. Now if everyone would bow their heads, you can have your own private prayer. The room was as quiet as a mouse. After about 30 seconds had passed, Burton said with authority, "Amen!" Now, before we go back to our offices, I just want to say---but before he could finish what he was saying he was interrupted by a strong tenor male voice singing the lyrics to Amazing Grace. Everyone was looking around the room to see where the voice was coming from. Then the beautiful soprano voice of Sylvia joined in perfect harmony on the line "I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see." Sylvia walked over to where Nick was sitting on the floor and as she extended her hands to help him to his feet, she motioned for everyone to join them. They started the song over again from the beginning and one by one people would join in and sing along with them. They repeated the first verse twice and then started the second. By the time they had reached the third verse Nick and Sylvia were singing alone again, because no one else knew the lyrics. But the staff hummed along with them until the song was over. Everyone either sang or hummed together in perfect harmony. Burton was pleased that there now appeared to be some calm and order in the conference room, unlike a short while ago. But mainly he was shocked. He never knew Nicholas could sing, let alone know all the verses to a religious song like Amazing Grace. He, himself, didn't know all the verses to Amazing Grace and he used to go to church every Sunday when he was growing up. He was quite impressed as well as proud of his son. When that song was over, Burton opened his mouth to tell his employees it was time to go back to work, just as he made eye contact with Nicholas. Nick raised his head and closed his eyes and in a loud voice of authority, he began to sing "America the Beautiful." Everyone joined in immediately, even Burton. Again, Nick and Sylvia, along with a few other employees, knew all the verses. Those who couldn't sing, hummed. As Burton sang he took the opportunity to observe Nicholas while he still had his eyes closed. Although his eyes appeared to be red and swollen, he appeared to be back in control. Burton noted the left side of Nicholas' face had a slightly darkened appearance. Burton shamefully admitted that would have been from the slapping that took place the previous night. Just before the song had ended, Sheila came up behind Burton who was still standing in the doorway. He followed her into the hallway and she gave him updates of news happenings about the terrorists' attacks of New York, Washington DC and the plane crash right outside of Pittsburgh. She filled him in on clients who had canceled their appointments and the schools and businesses who were closing up shop for the day. She had messages for a lot of the employees from their families and clients. And she had messages for Nick from his housekeeper and from Alvin Masterson. "Well, Sheila, You think that maybe we should call it a day, also?" "Whatever you think Burton. I heard the singing, it sounded nice. It seems as if it boosted everyone's morale." "Would you guess in a thousand years that Nicholas got it all started?" "Nicholas? No, I never would have guessed. Did he get his talent from you?" "No," Burton laughed, "He may have gotten it from his mother, but certainly not from me. I don't think I've heard him sing since he was in kindergarten, so you can imagine my surprise." By that time, Sheila's phone started to ring, so she ran to answer it. Burton returned to the conference room with the information he had gotten from Sheila. Everyone was still singing patriotic songs and Burton decided to wait until "God Bless America was over before he interrupted. He noticed that the television was turned off. He sung his way through the crowd until he was at the front of the conference room. When the song had finished, he spoke up in his loudest voice. "Ladies, Gentlemen, I need your attention once again!" When the room had quieted Burton said. "It has come to my attention that a lot of our local businesses, schools and government offices are closing up early or have already closed, due to our great nation being under siege. I am not sure how much of the reports you all have already witnessed or heard about, since I wasn't in here the whole time, but I have reports that the second tower has also collapsed, another airplane has crashed into the Pentagon, and a fourth airplane that was headed for the White House has crashed right here outside of Pittsburgh." The room was still quiet. Burton didn't know if his staff already knew of these reports or it they were in shock. He continued, "So in the best interest of my employees and your families, everyone here is permitted to leave and call it a day if you so desire. I know some of you have children that may need to be picked up. I suggest you get in touch with the schools and your families as soon as possible. Also, I have some messages for some of you and I will give them to you as I call your names. Also before you leave please get in touch with your clients if you had any appointments or business that needed to be addressed today." "I will still be here for most of the day and of course if anyone does not want to leave, well you know you are welcome to stay. Oh, and please sign a sheet that will be located on Sheila's desk stating what time you leave. That is just for security reasons, so we'll know who is here, and I think everyone can understand the reasoning behind that. So, is there anything else to cover or does any one have any questions?" Burton paused and looked briefly around the room, then he continued. "Well, lets remember our nation, the victims, our president and each other in prayer. Enjoy your day. Now I have some messages for some of you, please don't leave until I have called all of your names." After Burton had called all the names and delivered all the messages, the conference room was nearly empty when he called to Nick just before he turned to walk out the door. He turned around when he heard his father's voice, but he just stood there until Burton continued. "Nicholas, I have two messages for you; one from Alvin and one from Dee." Nick came forth and took them from his Dad. I saved yours for last because we never finished talking this morning. Are you going to be here for a little while or are you leaving with the rest of them?" "I still have to pack up my things and tie up a few loose ends. I'll be here for a little while, I guess." "Good, good. I thought I might order in some lunch. I want Sheila to call it in early in case the deli decides to close up, also. "What can I order for you? The treat is on me." "Thanks, but I'm not really hungry." Nick said. He hesitated a moment to see if his dad wanted anything else. As he turned to walk out the room, Burton called him back again. "Yes, Dad," Nick eagerly responded. "Uh, son, about your resignation, you know you have to turn in certain things like your cell phone, keys and the car. Well, I just want you to know, that anytime within the next few days would be fine. You don't have to worry about all that right now. Just communicate with Sheila what your plans are, especially with the car lease." Nick felt disappointed that his father was dismissing him so easily. It seemed that his dad was happy to be rid of him. He never was really sure that he wanted to leave the firm. He thought what he really wanted was his father to understand what he was going through and that he really was working hard to make everything work. Nick just shook his head, okay, and left the conference room and headed for his office. As Burton was leaving the conference room, Jake approached him. "Well, Jake, what are your plans?" Burton asked him. I'm ordering lunch from the deli for Sheila and myself. Would you like to join us? It's my treat." "Could I have a rain check, Burton. I know we didn't go over the Davis contract but if you don't mind I'd like to leave and check on my mom. She has some relatives in New York and I know she is upset and, well my Dad isn't the type to administer comfort in times such as this." "Of course, of course I understand. You go see after your mother and be real sweet to her." "Thanks, Burton, I really appreciate it. I noticed Nick was in his office. Is he really going to resign? He haven't changed his mind after all that's happened today?" "Not that I am aware of. We really didn't have time to discuss it much before this thing in New York happened." "Well I was really concerned about him. I really didn't get a chance to talk to him but I might call him tonight. You know how he is, he might say he's fine but he'll keep everything all bottled up inside." "The way he turned on the waterworks, it didn't look like he was bottling up anything. I don't know why he couldn't have just gone to his office if he couldn't keep his emotions in tact." Burton said in a disgusted tone." "Burton, don't be so hard on him," Jake said in a very compassionate voice. "Although everybody in that room was upset. Nick is the only one of us who really has something to grieve about. He loved those Towers. He talked about them all the time. Just before he got arrested, we were making plans to go up to New York some weekend. He was going to show me around and take me to some of his old hangouts and introduce me to some of his friends. Burton, some of those friends worked in the Towers. The Towers was one of the places he was going to take me to see, as Nick would call it, on his famous sightseeing tour. He had old clients that worked there too. Burton, I just realized, that if Nick hadn't come back here to work for you, he could have been in one of those buildings. He said he used to have early morning breakfast meetings there with his clients." Burton didn't respond, so Jake continued talking. "So I can only imagine what was going on in Nick's mind when we eye-witnessed the plane crashing into that second tower. He saw both buildings collapse with his very own eyes. I can only imagine." Burton noticed tears welling up in Jakes eyes, as Jake tried to turn his head away. "Oh I'm sorry Jake. You were saying? There was a tone of distraction in Burton's voice. "So, I was just saying I've got to go; Mom is making lunch for me. I don't want to give her anything else to worry about. I'll see you in the morning." "Take care Jake." Burton gave Sheila his lunch order and returned to his office. After about 20 minutes, his phone rang. "Yeah Sheila." "There is a Deirdre' Coles on line 1. She had called Nick earlier, but now she wants to talk to you." "Okay, Put her through. Oh, Sheila, let me know when the order come in and check with me just before you leave. Right now no one else is here but the two of us and Nicholas." "I will Burton, here is Mrs. Coles." "Hello Dee, what can I do for you. Is that bad boy of mine behaving himself?" "He's a perfect gentleman," laughed Nick's housekeeper. "Burton, he is the reason I called. I haven't been able to reach him. Sheila told me he was there but he didn't answer or return my calls on his office or cell phone. How is he holding up, you know after all the things that has been happening, especially in New York." "Oh he's fine. He was upset at first, but he's okay. Where are you; are you over at his place?" "Yes, I'll be here until around 3:30 or 4:00. I came in early but he had already left. That is another reason I was concerned about him, because I got there before 7:30 and he was already gone." "Well, he's in his office now, so I can transfer you over." "No, I can talk to him later, because I do have some good news to share with him. I really wanted to talk to you for a minute. Burton, we both know how Nick is. You know, he will say he's fine when in reality he isn't. (Burton thought, where did I hear that same statement?) "So after all that has happened, I just thought you might want to keep him occupied so he won't get drunk or do something foolish. I know him well enough to know that he is upset, regardless of what he says." "What do you mean by doing something foolish, Dee? Do you mean like snorting that stuff?" "Well, I didn't mean that exactly, but it could be a possibility. I guess what I mean Burton is that he's alone, and he don't have a wife or a steady girlfriend that he can turn to when he's distressed. You are his father and the best friend he's got right now whether either of you realizes it or not. You are the only person he can turn to right now. So, I'm just suggesting that you sort of watch over him without letting him know you are doing it." "So Nicholas told you about the resignation?" "What resignation?" "What are you talking about Dee?" "I am talking about the collapse of the Twin Towers, Burton. What are you talking about?" "Nicholas resigned from the firm this morning. He is in his office packing up his stuff right now. He came in very early to hand me his resignation. That is probably why you missed him this morning." "Of course you didn't accept it." "I most certainly did." "Burton Fallin, how could you do such a thing?" "Why would he give me his resignation if he didn't intend for me to accept it?" "For attention, Burton, for attention!" "Attention, did you say? Well he certainly got enough attention in the conference room this morning, balling like a baby when that first building collapsed. He embarrassed the hell out of me. And you can tell him I said so." "Oh, Burton," Dee sighed, "You just don't understand do you." "Understand what? Nicholas now lives in Pittsburgh, this is his home. I know it was a tragic thing that happened up there in New York; well, DC and a few miles from here as well. Now I'm not exactly heartless, but there was nothing he could do about it. So he needs to let the past be the past and move on." "Burton, can I ask you why Nick resigned from his job at your firm? Whatever we discuss is confidential, but I am still working for him and if I know it will make it easier for me to deal with him if he gets moody. You understand?" "Sure, I'll tell you. Last night he threw one of his childish tantrums because I wouldn't grant him a 6-month leave of absence so he could go over there and work at that Children's Legal Services thing fulltime. I told him he had a full time job here and whatever he had to do over there was his business and his probation officer's. Neither the firm nor myself needed to be involved with the mess he got himself into. So he got angry and stormed out of here and the next thing I knew, he showed up early to give me his resignation. What was I supposed to do other than accept it?" Dee smiled to herself because she knew Burton was not telling her the whole truth. She was very much aware that it was he who instigated most of the fights he had with his son. Then, when Nick gets angry enough to fight back, Burton shows him no mercy. She felt sorry for Nick because he tries so hard to please his dad. In some ways, he was still like a young boy, seeking his daddy's approval. Poor thing he missed out on a normal father-son relationship when he was young, due to Burton shipping him off to boarding school when his mother died. And even now Nick still wants desperately to be a part of his father's life whether he actually realizes it or not. She really hopes Burton will come to his senses and realize how much his son still needs him before he loses him a second time. It is obvious that Burton had not fully forgiven his son for the embarrassment he caused by getting himself arrested on a drug charge. She half suspected that Burton was happy to be rid of Nick. "Well, Burton, let me ask you this? Are you going to miss Nick when he's gone?" "Well, Dee, I'll tell you this. I will not miss all of the chaos he stirs up around her. He's always picking fights with me and slamming doors. He can be downright rude and disrespectful. Oh, he'll never tell you what he did just last night, right here in this very office. He won't tell you that because he wants you to think he's a saint. He was so disrespectful to me that I ended up slapping the hell out him. Now he won't tell you that. He'll want you to feel sorry for him so you'll make him some comfort food and mother him. But he will never tell you what a naughty boy he's been. And you can ask him about it if you like. Dee almost laughed in Burton's ear because except for the door-slamming, that was the exact same way Nick describes his father's actions. "I can't ask him what he did Burton, because we aren't having this conversation, remember? He might tell me in due time, but I doubt it. But Burton, what I meant was this. Will you miss Nick, your son? Not the chaos, not the fights and the confusion. Will you miss your son when he leaves the firm? Will you miss the way he whistles to himself when he isn't even aware he's doing it? Will you miss the raised eyebrows he causes when he throws in one of his famous sarcastic remarks? You know that nobody can do that like he can. Oh, and you know how the ladies carry on when he passes through. Now you know that Jake can't create that kind of a stir. So, I am talking about Nick, the person, the heartthrob, the bad-boy, your son. What's the office going to be like when he's gone. "Are you going to miss him?" "Of course, I will?" "Then why did you accept his resignation?" Burton didn't know where Dee was going with this and he didn't really care. He just wanted her off of his phone. He wanted to ask her "don't you have something to clean or iron? Why don't you go cook Nick some comfort food because he's going to need it, if he hangs around here very much longer." But instead of insulting her, he simply stated, "Dee, if your job is what you're worried about, Nick is not exactly broke. He could still pay you if he didn't work for a year or more." "Just work with me a minute, Burton and I won't hold you much longer, I know you're busy. But why do you suppose that Nick was upset enough to openly cry in front of all his co-workers and even you, his worse critic. Why do you suppose that?" "Well, he cried because he was upset, and that's okay, we all were. But I figured he did it because he's got no self-control. Over anything, for that matter." "What you mean, Burton?" "Well, he's always looking for a quick fix and he never thinks things through. That takes self-control. If he doesn't get his way, he gets angry and slams doors. Take that drug thing. He couldn't control it, so he got into trouble. He gets drunk because he don't know when to stop drinking when he knows he's had enough. And he screws women like he's, Oh! Oh! I'm sorry Dee. I didn't mean any disrespect. You're a church lady, please forgive me!" Dee laughed, "Okay Burton, we both know your son is a borderline slut, but he's lovable, so we won't hold it against him. Hey Burton, how would you feel if Nick told you he was gay?" Burton laughed. She always knew how to pry your foot out of your mouth and ease an embarrassing situation. No wonder Nicholas loved and respected her so much. "Uh what was your original question, Dee, uh before I got a little carried away. You see that was Nicholas' fault. Now you see how he affects me?" Dee laughed, "Nick isn't here Burton." She imagined his face had turned beet red. "Okay since you owe me one, lets try something else and I'll let you get back to your work." (Halleluiah! Burton thought at that last statement). "Burton, how do you think you would have felt if moments after you saw those buildings in New York collapse, someone called you and told you that your son Nicholas was in one of those buildings as it was collapsing. Don't answer yet; I want you to seriously think about this. You had already witnessed those buildings collapsing, with your very eyes, only a few hours ago. Now, you are being told that your son went down with them; meaning he was lost forever. Then you begin to realize there was no hope of you ever seeing him again. Are you listening to me Burton? Someone said your only son, your baby boy, your Nicholas whom you've known and loved for 32 years is missing. He is dead, gone forever and you will never hear his whistle, see his face, or tell him that you love him ever again because, you know he is never coming back. How would you feel?" "Dear God," Burton thought as cold chills ran down his spine. That's what Anne had said in that dream. She said that our son was lost forever and it was all my fault! "Burton, you still with me?" "I'm sorry Dee, I was taking in the impact of what you said. My god, I don't think I could handle it. I think I see what you mean, especially after eye-witnessing how all of that happened." Burton wasn't thinking about Dee's words as much as he was thinking about Anne's in the dream he only had last night. He remembered Anne was so sad, because Nicholas needed help and he had promised to take care of him. And since Nicholas couldn't trust his father to come to his rescue, he was lost because his mother was dead and she couldn't help him. So she blamed Burton for loosing their son. "Dear God," he said aloud, "This is amazing!" "You okay, Burton?" "Yeah, it's just that what you said reminded me of a dream I once had." "Well to get to my point, I want to tell you that I believe with all my heart that God sent Nicholas back home to work for you for a reason. We may not ever know just what that reason is, but one fact we do know is that Nicholas is alive today, because he is here in Pittsburgh instead of New York." "Wait a minute, I don't follow you." "Do you realize how many clients, friends, and acquaintances your son had working in those Twin Towers. Burton, he once told me that when he worked in New York, he often had early morning business breakfasts with some of his clients from both of the Towers. When he had out-of-town friends and clients visiting, he used to take them there for sightseeing." "Yeah, he was going to take me there once when I was visiting him, but we ran out of time. So you're telling me that it's an act of God that my son didn't perish in one of those buildings, because if he was still in New York, there was a chance he could have been in one of them this morning." "I couldn't have said it better." Burton was silent, little did Dee suspect that his eyes were filling with tears as the realization hit him that at that very moment, he could have been grieving for a son he would never have seen again. Dee went on to say. "That's why I called you to check up on Nick because I feel I am close enough to him to know that he is feeling pain for those he cared about. He is a very sensitive person and he tries very hard to hide it. So I know he isn't okay. I can sense his pain even though I haven't seen him or talked to him today. I know he is grieving for all the people he knew who were probably in those buildings and didn't make it out. Nick knew those people; they were very real to him. That's why he couldn't control his emotions; because what he felt was real. That was strength he was displaying in that conference room today, not weakness. Only a real man could do what he did in front of all his peers and not be ashamed. Don't be hard on him, Burton, today of all days. He may never admit it to you or even to himself, but today he really needs his daddy. Be extra kind to him and proud." "And I need my son." Burton said, as if to himself. He was finding it difficult to speak as there seemed to be a big lump in his throat. "I know it may be difficult to believe sometimes the way I act, the way Nicholas and I both act towards each other. But I am proud of Nicholas and I love him very much. He is the only reason I have to keep on living. Why if anything ever happened to my boy, I, I." he choked up again and couldn't finish. Dee interrupted, "I know Burton, I am a parent too. I know how you feel, and we both know that Nick can sometimes be a handful?" "I don't believe I heard you correctly," Burton chuckled. "Did you just admit that Nicholas is a handful?" "I did" "Well the way you are always defending him, I thought he really had you snowed. Well I'll be." Burton never thought he would ever hear his son's beloved housekeeper ever say anything negative about her employer. "What I do is try to see Nick for who he is. That is the way he really wants everyone to accept him. Not for what he could or should be, or what someone thinks he ought to be, but who he is. And that is the way I feel about myself. I think that is why we get along so well, we think alike, well almost alike." Burton had to laugh, because he still felt that his son sometimes acted as if he was from another planet. "Oh, Burton, before I hang up I have to tell you why I called in the first place. Please tell Nick that his friend Bud in New York played hooky from work this morning to take his wife to the doctor. So Nick will be very happy to know that one of his good buddies who would have been working in the Towers this morning is alive and well. He especially wanted Nick to know that he and his wife are expecting their first child; that was what the doctor's appointment was all about." "Oh Dee, that is just the kind of news Nicholas needs to hear. I can transfer you over to his office so you can give him the good news yourself. "No, Burton, you tell him. He's avoiding me, that's how I know he's upset. He figures I will have 101 questions for him about how is he doing and how many people did he know in the Towers, etc. He can't handle it so he just won't return my calls until he can." "How do you know him so well? I've know him for 32 years and I still can't figure him out." "He'll tell me what he wants me to hear, but I guess I just listen to what he doesn't say. So tell him that he do not need to return my call, I just wanted to deliver Bud's message. Oh yes, Bud left his cell phone number so Nick can call him tonight. I put it by the phone. So I'm going to hang up now so you can deliver the message. Oh, and Burton, you may want to reconsider that resigna- tion. We both know that Nick really does not want to leave the firm. Just trust me on this one. Be good to my boss now Burton, you promised." "If you say so. Thank you so much for calling Dee. I know this news will brightened Nick's day, you certainly did brighten mine." "Thank you Burton, God bless you." "Bye, bye, Dee." When Burton hung up the phone he had mixed emotions about that conversation. He always felt amused when he talked to Dee. He thought to himself, I should be paying that lady babysitting fees, the way she nurtures and spoils my son. Whatever he pays her to clean up his messes, certainly isn't enough. There are only two things that I don't like about Dee. One is that she is always on my case about how I should deal with Nicholas and the other thing I don't like is that she is always right. The impact of that conversation left Burton feeling ashamed and sad. He was ashamed that everyone had been concerned for Nicholas except for him. Everyone could sense that Nicholas was hurting and they all knew why. Everyone knew but him. He was Nick's father and he should have known. All he knew was his son's public display of his emotions embarrassed him and that was all that concerned him. That lump in his throat returned and tears began to sting Burton's eyes. "Dear God, Dear God," was all he could utter as he could no longer hold them back. He covered his face with his hands, but even that couldn't stop the wet, warm flow streaming down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry, son. I am sorry for not understanding what you are going through. I am sorry for all you have been through and for all the pain I inflicted upon you all through the years for not being a good father to you. I am sorry for not being there for you when you needed me. Dee is right. She is always right and I thank God that at least you have her in your life to show you the love and support that you need. And from this day on I am going to be the one you can turn to for whatever you need. And that's a promise. I can't believe after all you've been through that you still want to call me Dad. I will pray to God, that he will help me be worthy of that title." Burton's thoughts were interrupted by Sheila's familiar knock on his door. He suddenly sat up straight in his chair and tried to compose himself before he answered, "Come in Sheila." "Burton, the food is here." She said as she entered his office and sat his order on his desk in front of him. "Thank you for lunch. I am taking mine with me. I need to get on home and check on a few things. I have switched the phones to voice mail with a note that you would be in your office until 4:00 pm. Nick has left, so now you will be the only person here after I am gone. Is there anything else you need?" "No, Sheila, go on home and try to get some rest. I'll see you in the morning. And thanks for all you've done today." "Just doing my job. I'll see you Burton. Oh, is Nick okay? He didn't look very well. I can understand, though. He left an envelope on my desk with his keys and cell phone and said he would be getting in touch with me in a few days about the car lease. So, he really is resigning? I just don't understand why." "Well, we really didn't have much time to discuss it. We had a little disagreement and he just wanted a little attention. He'll be back to work; you'll see. I am going to call him on his cell phone. His housekeeper had been trying to reach him with some news he needs to hear. And then I'll let him know that we can work this thing out." "Burton his cell phone is in my desk." "Oh that's right. Well, I'll catch him at home. Don't worry about him, he'll be fine." When Sheila left, Burton reflected again on all the events of the fight with Nick the night before and the events of that morning. His mind kept replaying the concerns that people had over Nick; Dee, Sheila, and even Jake. Then he began to worry and nothing then was more important to him than reaching his son. He needed to tell him about his friend surviving the disaster. He needed to tell him that he did not want him to leave the firm, that he was too valuable an employee to lose. Whatever their problems were, something could be worked out, even if it meant granting Nicholas a temporary leave. But more than anything, he needed his son to know how important he was to him. He couldn't remember the last time that he had told Nicholas that he loved him. He couldn't remember if he ever had. But whatever he had to do, he was determined that he was not going to lose his son a second time. He finished his lunch. And put a message on his phone that the office was closed for the day. He gathered up his belongings and the 2 letters that Nicholas had given him, then he went to look for Nicholas. First he went to the Incline and no one had seen him there. Then he headed for the second place where he was positive he could find him. That was at his mother's grave. ~*~ When Burton approached Nick, he was sitting on the ground in the same position he was in at the conference room. His back was against his mother's headstone and his head was facing the sky with his eyes closed. He was not aware that his father was present until Burton called his name. "Nicholas, you mind if I sit down, son?" Nick only nodded and Burton knelt beside him. He wondered if Nicholas was aware that he was ruining an expensive suit, sitting on the ground like that. "You've had a rough day haven't you son? I wanted to give you these, as you can see I haven't opened them." He said as he handed Nick the two envelopes with his letter and his resignation. "If it is okay with you, I would like to keep you around a little while longer, at least until you are ready to run the firm yourself. Ha, ha, you may not have noticed but I'm not getting any younger and somebody is going to have to step in and run the place when I can't handle it any more. That person should be you, son. So I guess you can understand why I can't accept your resignation. I'm not sure what's in that other letter, but if you want me to read it, I will." Nick just shook his head no. Then he asked. "Why do you want me around, Dad?" "Well," Burton laughed, "For a number of reasons. One reason for sure is the place would be down right boring if you left. I think all the ladies would go on strike and demand my resignation if I let you walk out that door." Nick didn't catch the intended humor, so Burton continued. "But, seriously, son, you belong there. The firm needs you." Nick did not respond. Then Burton said. "Son, I need you. Why don't you take the next few days off and think about it. I believe we can work something out that would allow you to fulfill both your duties at the firm and CLS. You get with Alvin and you two work up a schedule and let me know so you and I can sit down and work out something around it. Does that sound fair enough?" "Yes sir, that sounds fine." Nicks voice had a hint of relief in it. "Oh yes son, before I forget. I have some very good news for you." Nick looked up at his father with eager anticipation. "Dee called me, she said she had been trying to reach you all morning and you never returned her phone call." "I, I, I'm going to call her," Nick mumbled trying to dismiss the subject. "Well, what she wanted to tell you was your friend Bud played hooky from work this morning, therefore he was spared from the World Trade Center disaster. Nick just stared at his father, speechless. "Nicholas, did you hear me, are you all right?" Nick found his voice and asked, "He's alive? You mean Bud is alive, he wasn't working in that second tower when it went down?" "Yes son, he is fine. He called Dee himself. He was trying to put a message on your recorder but she just happened to be there to pick up the phone." "That is great news! Great news." "You want to hear something else? The reason he played hooky was so he could take his wife to the doctor. It seems they are expecting their first baby next spring." "A baby?" Nick grinned, "Bud isn't qualified to be anyone's father!" Nick was coming back to life and it pleased Burton. "Nicholas, besides the obvious, just what does it take to be a father?" Burton challenged him. "Well, you would just have to know the guy. At least the baby will have a good mother." "It sounds like you care a lot about these people. Were you very close to them?" "Yeah. In college and New York, Bud and I ran around together with 3 other guys. We were like a posse. But, Bud and I were best buddies and remained friends even after everyone started getting married and having kids." Burton spread out his handkerchief and sat down beside Nicholas. "Are you the only one who hasn't married yet?" Nick started to grin. "Yeah. According to them, I should have been married, because I was Bud's best man and I caught Gail's garter. But I don't believe in tradition so I'm going to prove it doesn't work." "Well, I don't know son, I once caught a bride's garter and the next thing I knew, me and your mother got hitched." Oh, don't look so scared, we didn't get married for five or more years. I hadn't even met your mother then. When did your friend get married?" "Three years ago. "See, you've got at least two more years to play hard to get. But, son, please don't wait two long. Your father is not a young man anymore. I would like to still have enough strength to sit my grandchildren up on my knee and tell them stories about their daddy when he was a little boy." "Grandchildren? You want grandchildren? Why didn't you say so? I don't have to get married to give you grandchildren. I could have taken care of that a long time ago. How would you like a bouncing little baby grandson, or granddaughter around father's day? You say the word and I'll see what I can arrange." "Nicholas, son, uh remind me to sit down and have a long talk with you sometime. As your father, there are some things I need to talk to you about that goes beyond that little birds and bees talk I gave you when you were nine years old." "Correction, Mom gave me that little birds and bees talk because all you could do was stammer." "Whatever." Tuesday, September 11, 2002 Burton suddenly became aware of the amount of time he stood gazing out of the window, remembering the past year's events. Yes, he thought it is amazing the difference one year can make. I can truly say that although it has been a long and trying year, a lot of good has come from the results of that terrible day one year ago. I can honestly say that Nicholas and I have made tremendous achievements at mending old fences. Although, we still have fights and disagreements, neither of us takes it personal. We are learning to respect the fact that it is okay for each of us to have our own opinions and we don't have to always agree. The biggest lesson for me has been to put business matters in its proper perspective and make an effort to spend time with my son and listen to him. And more importantly as Dee once said, listen even more to what he isn't saying. I have learned that Nicholas is not all that complicated to figure out. When I ask him something and he starts mumbling, is when I start paying the most attention. That means there is something he is not telling me. Most times I can figure out what it is to the point that now he thinks I can read his mind. I am also listening more to Dee. She is so full of wisdom and I am very grateful that Nicholas heeds her advice. She was right when she told me that if I ever wanted a lasting relationship with Nicholas I was going to have to tell him that I loved him and he is a very important part of my life. She said that he felt the same way about me, but he was just too pigheaded to acknowledge his feelings. I later found out that she told Nicholas the same thing about me and that I was too pigheaded to acknowledge my feelings to him. I am ashamed to admit that Nicholas was the one who made the first move. I had every intention of telling him how I felt, but he didn't waste any time. I was embarrassed and I tried to apologize and make excuses for not approaching him first and not being a good father in the past. I will never forget his reply. He said, "Dad, Whatever happened between us in the past, I need to leave it there. That has been my whole problem all along. I couldn't move forward for living in the past. Every time I ever screwed up, I blamed it on the past, or you. But I am learning how to take responsibilities for my own life now and I want to move on with it. I need you to be a part of my life, just the way you are. It is not fair for me to expect you to accept me the way I am if I can't accept you for who you are. You can have another son, but I can't have another father; you are it. So I am ready to move forward, will you do it with me?" I was so overwhelmed, I couldn't speak; all I could do was grab him and hug him. He started laughing, saying "Okay Dad, that's enough, let me go, I can't breath." Burton's eyes welled up with tears as he thought. "Dear God and to think I almost lost my precious son this very time last year. It frightens me to think what would have become of us if that terrible disaster had not happened. I never would have had that talk with Dee when she called to check on Nicholas, and I would have accepted his resignation and allowed him to walk out of my life. Dee was right. The resignation was his cry for help in the only way he knew how to get my attention. And Nicholas was right. I was so embarrassed and hurt by his drug arrest that I could not find it in my heart to forgive him. I never let him forget what he did and I reminded him every chance I got. The truth is, I wanted him to feel the same pain I had felt. The terrible fight we had that Monday night before the disaster hit has been a wake up call for me. Those things that Nicholas told me, in all his anger, made me stop and think. At first I just thought he was being rude and disrespectful. Now, I have to admit, that he was right about everything. And just like he said, I did slap him to shut him up. The truth really does hurt. As bad as I hate to admit it, I am probably responsible for breaking up my family and causing much of the dysfunction in Anne's and Nicholas' lives. If I had spent more time with them, life probably would have turned out differently for both of them. Anne would not have sought attention and affection through her affairs or needed pills for a crutch. That was how Nicholas described his addiction. He said he started dabbling with marijuana and pills in his early teens because he was lonely and felt unwanted. I had no idea that sending him away after his mother died would have such a negative affect on him. And now it has taken 20 years for his wounds to begin to heal. Of all the things he told me in his fit of anger, he still never told me why he hated boarding school and wanted so desperately to come home. I recently found out, by accident, that Nicholas had been beaten up and molested by older boys, soon after he arrived at school. When I asked him about it he admitted it was true and he never told me because he didn't feel I would believe him. He was afraid I would just think it was another one of his gimmicks to persuade me to let him come home. As I pried for more information he told me that he coped by pretending to make friends with the boys, even though he hated their guts. He gave them his spending money and they left him alone and rather protected him from other bullies. They had bad reputations and probably should have been in juvenile detention, but he only cared about being safe. He said one eventually got expelled from school and the others introduced him to marijuana and pills. I told him, "Son, if I had only known. I didn't have a clue." He replied with agitation in his voice "Please, Dad, lets just drop it. It's something I don't like to think about and it's over now." "Son, I am so sorry, I..." He didn't allow me to finish. "I said drop it!" he shouted at me, then, "I'm sorry Dad, I'm sorry." He said as he turned his back towards me. I walked over to him and touched his shoulder. I half expecting him to jerk away. When he didn't I positioned myself where I could look in his face and he looked terribly distressed. I embraced him and asked him to please forgive me, I didn't understand. We both wept in each others arms for several moments. I believe that 20 years of frustration, anger and misunderstandings were dissolved in that embrace. I felt so bad for him and ashamed of myself. I never paid attention to the drastic measures he went through to escape boarding school. And then maybe I did. Maybe I just convinced myself that I was not able to care for a young boy and run the firm at the same time. Or maybe I just didn't know how to parent a soon-to-be teenager and had a drastic fear of failing. It is only now that I realize that without having him around, my life and running the business had been a lot less complicated, but only at my son's expense. I really can't fault him for not telling me important things that I needed to know as his father, when there are so many things that I never shared with him. Maybe that was why he couldn't trust me in that strange dream I had last year. I was just content to blame him for being a disloyal and unappreciative son for things he was unaware of. He never knew until recently that I sacrificed the firm to keep him from serving jail time. But I held it against him for not being grateful for my sacrifices. We are finally beginning to accept each other just the way we are. I no longer get on his case about being responsible; meaning getting married and having kids When he tells me that he is not ready for that type of responsibility. I now know it doesn't necessarily mean that he wants to act like a wild jack rabbit. What I am now reading between the lines is that he cannot commit himself to anyone and be a good husband and father until he gets his own life in the perspective it needs to be. Well, when it does happen, he is going to make someone a wonderful father. I've always said that and just last week confirmed it. Nick called me on Saturday night to cancel going to church with me on Sunday morning. I wasn't surprised, because the only reason he agreed to go, was he wanted me to help him with a project he was working on at his house. Of course I would have helped him anyway, but it didn't hurt to ask him to go to church as part of the deal. I was somewhat shocked when he agreed to go. "Dad," He said, "I still intend to go to church with you sometime, but my friend Bud and his family are traveling back home from their trip to Charleston, West Virginia. They are going to drop in tomorrow afternoon and I insisted they spend the night here instead of staying at a motel. They will be driving on to New York on Labor Day. So, I am going to cook dinner out on the grill and I want you to come over and meet them. Remember, Bud is my friend who survived the World Trade Center disaster last year. They are bringing the baby, who just happens to be my goddaughter and I think you would enjoy meeting them. Oh yeah, Dee is coming over later tomorrow evening, Bud insisted that I call her so she can see the baby and meet his wife." I agreed to come over to his house right after I left church, in case he needed some help with anything. When I got there, Nicholas was sprawled all over the sofa reading the Sunday paper. He was barefooted, wearing those silly khaki shorts with all those pockets and a Steelers' tee shirt. He did not portray someone who was expecting special guests. My first thought was that he had lied just to keep from going to church with me. I asked him "I thought you were expecting company, where is everybody?" "They haven't arrived yet." "Well, I thought you were going to cookout on the grill. What are you planning to serve? I don't smell anything. Is Dee going to cater your meal?" "No" "Oh, I see, you want me to cook, that's why you called me to come over, isn't it. Son, you don't fool your old dad a bit. Did you buy groceries or do I need to run out to the store?" "Just whatever you find in the pantry or the fridge, that's what we'll have, Dad. Man I can't fool you one bit." "Well I'll get things started as soon as I change. And you might want to get dressed, too, while you still have some time." "This is what I'm wearing, Dad." I just shook my head and took my things upstairs to change. I had brought a pair of khakis and a polo shirt to change in. At least one of us would be looking decent. When I came back downstairs, I didn't see any meat thawing so I looked in the freezer. The only things in there were ice cubes, Popsicles, garlic toast, and a couple TV dinners. As I was opening the refrigerator, I was cursing to myself, thinking, I am going to have to run out to the store and buy something to grill. Well he is going to pay for it or else he is going to have to take his guest out to dinner. And he's taking me too, since he invited me. When I opened the door I couldn't believe what I saw. There was a huge bowl of tossed salad and all kinds of pans and dishes covered with foil. "Judas Priest!" I said out loud, "I know he is not going to try to make me believe he prepared all this food himself. Dee probably came over and did this for him." "What did you say, Dad; I didn't hear the last part?" I jumped. Nicholas was standing right behind me. "Oh, son you startled me, I didn't know you were behind me." "Why would Dee have to come over here and cook for me? If you can cook, why wouldn't you believe that I can cook. Just so you will know, I prepared everything myself except for garlic toast and the cheesecake which I bought at the deli." That marvelous dessert will be served with fudge sauce, right here, and fresh strawberries over there." He said pointing to two small covered bowls. "Dad, you see these pans here? This one has rib-eye steaks that are seasoned and ready for the grill. And this one is chicken breast that will be grilled and orange glazed with my special secret sauce. This tray is shrimp cocktail, our appetizer." Then he proceeded to take a couple dishes from the refrigerator and line them up on the counter to let them set at room temperature. "Right here we have twice baked sweet potatoes, and this one is a double cheese zuchinni casserole. Both are little tricks I learned from the Food Network on TV, all prepared and ready to be heated when my guests arrive. For the zuchinni, I didn't have any herbed stuffing mix for the crumb topping, so I used crushed potato chips. And, I still found time to set a very lovely table on the patio. Would you care to take peek? I went out side to the patio and saw where Nicholas had 4 perfect place settings on a brown and black ethnic print linen tablecloth with matching linen napkins. The dishes were black hexagon shaped. The glassware was tinted black and the flatware had casual bamboo handles that matched the napkin rings. Nick had covered the entire table with a large clear plastic cover to keep the place settings fresh until dinner was served. It was weighted down by a coordinating silk floral arrangement in a casual wicker basket. When I came back inside, Nick was opening a can of spiced peanuts and three different type bags of store bought party mix. He poured everything into a large bowl and sprinkled it with onion salt and tossed it all together. He grinned and said, "I have a reputation for making the best party mix in town." He then took the empty bags, stuffed them into the empty can and placed it high upon a pantry shelf behind some dishes. "Dee suspects that I am a phony chef so she will be looking for evidence that I took shortcuts. But, she won't find it here." I reached into the bowl and sampled the mix. It was delicious. "Well Nicholas I am impressed. But what is it with you two? Just who is the boss around here anyway; you or Dee?" "Dee is," he grinned sheepishly. "I just pay her so she will act like I am." "Well the party mix is great even if you did cheat. And, I must say I admire your taste in tableware. I think Martha Stewart just may have some competition. Where did you learn to set a table?" "Mom taught me. You know how she was about table etiquette." "Oh yeah, do I ever. Burton laughed, "Son, do you remember the time she caught you wiping you mouth on your sleeve?" "Oh yeah, do I ever. If she were alive, I wonder what she would say if she knew that most times I don't even bother with napkins; I'll just grab a paper towel." Burton laughed, "I shudder to think what she would say. But one thing is for certain; I know she would approve of your tableware. It is very nice." "Dee calls it "masculine casual-elegance, if that makes any sense. But I must confess, my boss, I mean Dee bought everything; the linen, the tableware, whatever. She loves to shop for this place. Ever since I moved in her she has taken it upon herself to browse catalogs and shop here and there for whatever she thinks the place needs. She just buys things with her debit card and has them delivered for me to check out. She always says that she will gladly return anything that I don't like. So far we haven't exchanged anything." "I hope you appreciate her, you've got yourself got a jewel you know." "I know and I do appreciate her. She won't be here till later because she is going to some church program. That's why I didn't set her a place. She is anxious to meet Bud's family. She has met Bud several times, already, to the point that she now tries to boss him around." "Son, how is it that your housekeeper has met your best friend but your father has not?" "Well, every time he has been down here, it was during a time when your weren't speaking to me for some reason. And whenever you mistreat me, you know Dee comes to my rescue, so that must be why." Nick grinned mischievously as he glanced to see his dad's reaction to his statement, the added, "I would have invited Dee even if Bud hadn't insisted. I would be in the doghouse if the baby was here and she didn't get to see her. She nearly flipped out when I told her I was making something gourmet. She's so afraid that I'll make something better than her version; like the orange-glazed chicken." "Well where did you get the recipe, she didn't give it to you?" "Heck no, I made it up. It's just boneless chicken breast with garlic salt and pepper. The glaze is nothing more that a jar of orange marmalade, thinned down with some orange juice. There is no way I'm going to tell her how simple everything is. Oh, don't tell her you found me on the couch when you came in. I want her to think I've been sweating all weekend. Oh, I got rid of the marmalade jar yesterday." "Well, Son, your secrets are safe with me." He was right, I laughed to myself; Dee is in charge. "Dad, would you grill the meat for me?" "I thought you would never ask. I was beginning to feel a little useless around here. Are we going to tell Dee the truth about who did the grilling?" "Yeah, that's cool. Then she can believe I got my chefly talents from you. ~*~ Nick's friends arrived around 3:00 and later we all had a great dinner out on the patio. Dee dropped by around 7:00 pm. She got to meet Bud's wife, Gail, and she also got to witness Nick asleep on the chaise lounge with the baby asleep on his chest. Gail took pictures of them and said she couldn't wait to send Nick the "evidence" that he loves babies, even though he constantly denies it. Bud and Gail both confirmed what Dee has always said about Nicholas being a great father some day. I told them that I believe that too, but I was hoping that he would make someone a great husband first. They all laughed and Gail said, "Don't you worry, Mr. Fallin." "Burton, my name is Burton." "I'm sorry, Burton, I keep forgetting. But Nick, Bud, and the rest of the posse, as they call themselves, are all very competitive. What one gets, the other ones think they have to have, also. The way it stands now, Nick is the only one of the 5 who has never gotten married and had any children. So, eventually he will decide that if the "family" thing works for his posse, it will work for him." Then Bud said, as he handed Burton dishes to load in the dishwasher, "She's right, Burton, just take a look outside. The proof is right there. Whoever dreamed that anyone would catch old "Hot-pants Fallin" asleep with a baby attached to his chest. If that baby hadn't felt good snuggled up in his arms, he would have put her back in her carrier a long time ago. He even whistled her to sleep. Nichole took to him time he picked her up." Then he turned to Dee, who was sitting at the kitchen table talking to Gail as she sampled Nick's cooking, "Gail even let Nick feed and change the baby." Dee made a gesture like she was going to faint. Then she turned to Burton and asked under her breath, "Is he back on drugs? Just what kind of herb did he season his chicken with?" Gail said, "Of course, we had to persuade him to do it. Nick did okay changing the baby. Apparently he had done it before at some time. But when Nick took Nichole's bottle and had been feeding her for a few moments, dearest husband couldn't resist telling Nick that he was feeding her breast milk." Bud starting laughing, "I wish you could have seen the expression on his face. Old "Hot-pants" turned 3 shades of red. He didn't know what to do with that bottle, he was so embarrassed." "Well, being the gentleman that he is, unlike his best friend over there, he just continued to feed the baby until she was full," Gail said shaking her finger at Bud and Burton who both thought that was funny." "Uh, tell me Bud," Burton asked, "I know I'm going to be sorry for asking, but I will anyway. Just where did Nicholas get the nick-name "Hot-pants?" "Well, Burton, all of us guys in the posse have nick-names. Actually, my name is William. You may have heard Nick call me Billy-Bud. Bud is my nick-name because of the brand of beer I loved to guzzle, back in the day. Now, you didn't even have to ask how Nick got his name, if you know him like we do. But it had something to do with the ladies being attracted to him for God only knows what reason. So we just named him that because it suited him. The other guys' names are Rag-time; it had to do with the way he dressed, which was really stylish. You know back in our college days, we used to call nice clothing rags. Another guy is called Skittles. Nick named him that by the way he dressed. He was color blind and he used to wear a lot of really bright colored clothes and sometimes he looked like a clown. Nick said his name had to be either crayons or Skittles. So you get the picture. And the last fellow, is called Cruise. He had a real smooth line with the ladies. He was the coolest of all of us, but Nick still got the women. Man, he didn't have to do anything but stand in a corner with his arms folded and you should see the girls prissing all up in his face. They all laughed and Burton said, "Maybe we'd better check on Hot-pants and the princess. They've been out the a pretty good while." "No way! Gail protested, leave them alone. This is the most peace I've had since Nichole has been born. Her sorry daddy spoils her when she's sweet and dry and the minute she needs changing or she cries, then he hands her over to me." "Females have always been attracted to Nick, from infant babies to wrinkled old ladies." Dee said. "There is just something about the guy. Do you remember the stir he caused in this neighborhood, Burton, when we were helping him move into this place?" "Yeah, and he was dressed just like a street bum. But, I'll bet you every female within a mile radius of this house made her way on this street to eyeball him." "Yeah," Bud sighed, "It was the same way in college and New York. I just don't get it." "Me either," Burton said. Gail and Dee looked at each other and laughed as they both said at the same time. "We do!" "It's something that only women understand. So, don't give yourselves headaches trying to figure it out. My son is 20 years old and he don't have it like Nick has it, but he is not too from it. And you can best believe I am guarding Derrick like a watchdog from all those hunger heifers who wants to eat my baby for lunch." And Burton, if Nick's mama were still alive, she would be doing the same thing for him." "Why Dee, is that the way you church ladies talk about girls interested in your sons?" Bud teased her. "You shut up, Daddy, because in not so many years from now, your are going to be guarding your daughter from men like Nick and my Derrick, and yourself. If you ran around with Nick, then I know you were no angel." We all got a good laugh out of that one and as Gail hugged Dee in agreement to what he had said, Nick came into the kitchen with Baby Nichole in his arms. She was awake and cooing softly as she looked up in his face. "I thought I heard my name, he said. Were you guys talking about me?" "Of course we were." Dee said as she reached to take the baby from Nick's arms. "Now, would you please be a doll baby and fix me a plate to take home?" She told him she had sampled everything and it all got her stamp of approval. Then she told everyone, "I trained him well. I haven't quite figured how he made the chicken, but I will. And I know that party mix is a fake because it has all these different ingredients in it, but there is no sign of any leftover ingredients in the pantry or anywhere else for that matter." "Dee, sweetheart, would I ever lie to you?" Nick asked, trying to look like he was deeply wounded. "Okay, Chef Fallin, just tell me this. What kind of herbs did you put in your food?" It was all anyone could do to keep straight faces. Gail showed Nick the cute little outfit Dee brought Nichole. Then she showed Dee the little musical lamb that Nick had bought her. Dee had brought along two of her famous lemon pound cakes. One cake was for Bud and Gail to take home and the other one was for Nicholas and Burton to share. ~*~ When Burton got home around 10:30 he just sat and reflected on the wonderful day he had shared with his son and his friends. He thought to himself "Bud and I got along as if we had known each other for years. While Nick and the baby were snoozing, Bud and Gail filled me in on a lot of things about my son that I was unaware of. All good reports, but most of them were funny. Nick would die if he knew Bud told me so much of his personal business. Like, who would have guessed he had a tattoo on his behind. Bud told me that he and Nick both got tattoos when they were in college. Nick had his put on his ass so I wouldn't find out about it, knowing that I disapproved of him having one. Bud showed me his tattoo on his arm and he said that Nick's was a familiar phrase. He wouldn't tell me what it was. He said I was just going to have to find an imaginative way to trick Nicholas into letting me see it. Bud suggested that I could maybe walk in on him while he's taking a shower. Gail protested. "Bud there you go with your deceitful tactics again. Burton, if you want to see Nick's tattoo, just ask him. He's not a little boy anymore, I'm sure he would show you if you asked him." Bud said, "No Burton can't do that because then Nick will know I told him. Then he will violate his probation to come to New York and kick my ass. Then Nick would wind up in jail and I would wind up in the hospital and Nichole wouldn't have her Daddy to love and care for her. So, that's why Burton can't ask him to see it." Dee simply stated, "I've seen it." She looked at all of us, smiled and continued to eat her shrimp cocktail. I guess all of our mouths were hanging open. No one knew what to say. After a while, Gail said, "Dee can we at least ask how you've come to see Nick's tattoo? Dee laughed and said, I thought you'd never ask. I don't see why it should be any big deal. Knowing Nick, half the ladies of Pittsburgh and the other half of New York have probably seen it, already. And it is quite impressive, I must say. But, I'm sorry, I can't tell you how I've see it other than stating that it was strictly by accident." "You mean you have seen Nick's behind and you're his housekeeper? I haven't seen it since he was a baby, and I am his father? What's wrong with this picture? All I know is, now I am going to see that tattoo or die trying." "Burton," Gail said again, "Just ask him, and be sure to tell him that Bud told you about it." ~*~ After Nick prepared and bagged Dee's food, we all went into the living room to have coffee and some of Dee's pound cake. I said, "Bud is that a tattoo on your arm; can I see it?" Bud caught on quickly. He said, "Sure Burton." And adjusted his sleeve so I could get a full view. "Well," I said, "that's pretty impressive. I heard they are a lot safer nowadays. I remember back when Nicholas was in college, he wanted one, but I was against it, you know for safety and health reasons. But, today I wouldn't object at all. Now that they are a lot safer and are similar to works of art. I might even consider getting one myself. What do you think, son?" "Dad, what I think is this. If you want to see my tattoo, why don't you just say so." "What do you mean, son? Are you telling me that you have a tattoo?" "No, I don't have to tell you because Bud has already told you." He shot Bud a look that appeared the two of them understood and then he shouted at Bud "This night, prepare to die, you ass-hole". Bud jumped off the sofa and started to run for the hallway, squealing like a little kid, "Gail made me, Gail made me tell!" Nick ran after him and tackled him in the hallway. They wrestled a bit, then Bud got free and ran back through the living room and headed for the kitchen, with Nick on his heels. As Bud ran past Burton he shouted, "If I win, he has to show you his tattoo." Nick, shouted, "No way, he's gonna die." When Gail seemed unfazed by Nick and Bud's behavior, Dee and Burton looked at her puzzled. "What was that?" Burton asked. Gail replied, "Oh that's just two little boys disguised as adults. Just be grateful it is only Bud and Nick. It could have been the whole stupid posse. Then the neighbors would have to call the cops on them for disturbing the peace." Gail continued to be unfazed. "Well, what are they doing out there? You think we need to check on them?" Burton asked with a hint of concern in his voice. "Oh, they're just shooting hoops. You should have seen Bud's eyes light up when he saw Nick's basketball hoop. Well, Burton, you may as well prepare to get mooned, because Bud said Nick had to show you his tattoo if he lost." "You mean Nick don't have a chance at winning?" "Well, let's put it this way, Nick is good but Bud is better. Nick knows that, but he will die before he ever admits it and he'll spend the rest of his life trying to whip Bud." "Well in that case, I'm going out there and cheer for Bud. I want to see that tattoo. You coming ladies?" Burton grinned mischievously. "Well I'm going to be loyal and cheer for my paycheck, I mean Nick." Dee said as she gave Gail the baby to hold as she put her shoes back on. Gail draped a little pink blanket around the baby before Dee took her out on the patio with Burton. "Well," Gail said to Burton and Dee, "I am just going to stay in here and enjoy the peace and quiet for as long as it lasts and pray that the neighbors don't call the cops." It turned out that Nick got himself whipped by nine hoops. Bud was jumping up and down like a little kid, insisting that Nick had to show me his tattoo. I hadn't seen Nick laugh so much and act so free and playful since he was a little kid. It made me happy to see him so happy and having so much fun. He laughed and smiled so much that day that I had almost forgotten that he even had dimples; it had been so long since I had seen them. Bud insisted on staying in the room while Nick showed me his tattoo because he said he didn't trust Nick. I was both impressed and amused that Nick thought I would never see that silly thing. But, I must admit, it was a very clever work of art. It was a little cupid holding a banner that said "Carpe' Diem" meaning "Seize the Day," in Latin. Well, in Nicholas' case, I guess that kind of makes sense. You would just have to know him I guess. After Dee left and Gail and I had a moment alone, I asked her why she and Bud chose Nicholas to be the baby's godfather. She said, "Burton, I know this may be hard to believe, especially after seeing Nick and Bud go back to their childhoods this evening, but Nick is the most mature of all of our friends. We felt if anything ever happened to both of us, we could trust Nick to do the right thing for our daughter." I said, "Well that's some kind of complement, but what about your families? Wouldn't they want guardianship of Nichole?" "Well, that's a long sad story. All Bud has is foster siblings scattered here and there and an elderly foster mother who wouldn't be able to care for a child for very long. And as for my family, well, they are still upset that I married Bud. It doesn't matter to them that he worked his way out of poverty and educated himself and is very successful in his career. In their eyes, he is not of the right race, religion, or political party to suit them. Therefore, they want no parts of me or my child as long as I am married to Bud. None of those things matter to Nick. He and Bud love each other like brothers and they really do have a lot in common. "Oh I see." I said absent-minded. As if she read my mind, Gail said, "Burton, I know what you're thinking. Bud and I both know about Nick's problems with drugs and the law. He made some mistakes and that does not make him a bad person. People can change and we believe that Nick has changed and is trying very hard to stay clean." "I hope you're right." "Burton, you sound very skeptical. "Don't you trust him?" "I try to, I really do. It is just that I hadn't a clue that he had that problem as well as being a border-line drunk. He never shared any of his personal affairs with me, so you must understand how shocked and disappointed I was when I got the news that he had gotten arrested and why. I know he is trying really hard to get his life in order; I've seen him struggle with his demons. Sometimes he seems so unhappy; it really hurts me to see him that way. I just wish there was something I could do to help him. We aren't as close as a father and son should be but I think we are making progress. God only knows that my son means more to me than anything in this world. "Burton, I believe that feeling is mutual. I also believe that Nick needs to hear say that to him. If you communicated to him face to face I believe you will discover that he feels the same way about you. You should see the pride in his face when he talks about his dad." "Well, I'm very proud of my boy and don't care who knows it. I just wish he would allow me to share his burden." "Burton, all you can do is be the best father you know how to be. You can't share what he is struggling with because you have never been there. But, some of his closest friends have. And those are the people who are here to support him through those struggles and lift him back up when he's weak. Those are the people who understands exactly what he needs." "But, I'm not so sure Nicholas needs to associate with people who have been involved with drugs and alcohol. Who is lifting those people up and supporting them? "Burton, I am referring to Bud and myself. Yes, we've both been there and done that. And it is our duty to help Nick any way we can. Close your mouth Burton." Gail laughed, "We have made mistakes, just like Nick; we're nobody special, just human beings. There were a couple of times that Bud and one or two of the guys from the "posse" came down here to assist Nick when he was having a hard time coping. Don't be hurt that Nick didn't call you. Those guys have been there too. That is why they are all so close; they have all shared the bad times as well as the good." "Well thank you for caring so much about my son. You, Bud, and his friends are a blessing sent from God because you can reach him in ways that I cannot. You are a most generous wife to allow your husband to care so much about his friend to leave you to come to his aide." "Nick would have done the same for us or anyone else he cared about. He is the most generous person that I have ever met. He just pretends to be hard and unfriendly at times, but that is because he is so soft and sensitive on the inside. That is his way of protecting himself from being hurt. I would describe him as an M & M candy. You know, hard shell outside, soft and sweet inside. "Is this when he is asleep or awake? I am not sure I have been introduced to the person you just described. I think I've always compared him to that can of spiced nuts he put in this bowl of party mix, here." Burton joked. Gail laughed, "We both know you don't mean that, because it is very evident that he inherited that soft center from you and you both try very hard to hide it. Now tell me if someone other than a sweet softy would do this for a friend. I know Nick didn't tell you this because it is just not his style. But, the next day after the World Trade Center disaster happened, Nick wired us a very generous amount of money to live on while Bud looked for another job. We were still in shock and the reality of all that had happened and the future problems we would encounter had not yet fazed us. But it had fazed Nick. This was a gift, Burton, not a loan; we didn't even have to ask. He saw that we had a need and he met it. God used Nick to meet our needs. Bud and I now attend church; well Bud attends sometimes. But Nick is in our prayers constantly and now that we have met his dad, you will be in them, also." ~*~ On the following Saturday night, Nicolas called me and told me he hadn't forgotten his promise about going to church with me. He asked what time he should leave. I told him I would be picking him up (I knew that way he couldn't back out or just not show up). Then I requested he wear that outfit of his that I liked so much; his gray suit and the lavender shirt with that lavender and gray striped tie. He laughed and told me that was exactly what he had planned on wearing. I picked Nicholas up at exactly the time we had agreed upon. I watched him as he made his way down his steps. He looked very handsome and to my surprise, he wore black tasseled dress loafers and black dress socks, instead of the boots he always wore to work. He smelled good too. The fragrance he was wearing was different from the one he wore to work everyday. I think I might tell him to get me some of that for Christmas. On the drive to church, he was very quiet and he appeared to be a bit nervous. I tried to make a little small talk but I didn't get much feedback from him. When I told him I was treating him to lunch after church, all I got was, "Thanks." I was able to find a good parking spot. I introduced him to everyone I knew as we walked from the parking lot till we entered the church and found seats. He refused to accept a visitor's card from the usher. After we were seated he just kept his head down as he thumbed through a hymnbook. He seemed unaware of the stir that his handsome presence had created. People, especially ladies were whispering, wondering who he was. Several people whom I knew came over, shook his hand, and welcomed him to the service. About a dozen ladies came over and shook both our hands and made introductions, greeting us good morning. When Old Lady Dunlap did her welcome address, she only read 2 visitor's cards which belonged to 2 sisters who appeared to be in their 40's. They were in Pittsburgh for a funeral. When the ladies sat back down from being recognized, Mrs. Dunlap said. "Before we move on to our congregational hymn, I would like to take this opportunity to recognize a very distinguished young guest in our midst this morning. He must have forgotten to sign a visitor's card, so I will introduce him. We have Attorney Nicholas Fallin the son of our very own Attorney Burton Fallin, of whom we are all accquainted. Stand up Mr. Fallin." Nick looked at me and I told him that she means you. He stood up and raised his hand as if to gesture a wave. And the audience applauded as they do for all visitors. Nick half grinned and was about to sit back down when the old biddy asked. Doesn't he look handsome. And ladies I hear he is single. Everyone chuckled and poor Nick looked like he was going to die right where he stood. Would you like to say something Mr. Fallin? "Morning, its nice to be here." Then he sat back down. I silently thanked God that he didn't turn and walk right out of there. He was visibly embarrassed. I doubted if he would ever come back. When the greetings and announcements were over, we were instructed to turn our hymnbooks to Amazing Grace as our morning hymn. When the organist began to play I heard Nicholas clear his throat. Then I heard that wonderful tenor voice of his sing in perfect harmony. Several people heard him and turned around to see where that voice was coming from. As he sang all the verses without a hymn book, I laughed to myself thinking, "Now he is showing off." When the service was over. I got to introduce him to the pastor and a few more ladies introduced themselves to Nicholas and welcomed him to come back. He was very polite and charming, the way his mother and I raised him to act in social situations. We didn't talk much until we got to the steakhouse and placed our orders for our drinks. Nicholas looked more comfortable now so I thought that would be a good time to see what he was thinking. "Well son, what did you think? First I want to apologize for Mrs. Dunlap putting you on the spot like that. She means well, but sometimes she just doesn't know how to stop meddling. I hope she didn't run you off. The second time around won't be so bad because you won't be the new kid anymore. You will come back with me again won't you?" Before he could answer me, our drinks came, and he took his gingerale from the waitress before she could place it on the table. He drank nearly half of it and then told her he was going to need another one. I just assumed he had no intentions of ever coming back and was avoiding my question. So it thought I had better find something else to talk about. After Nicholas drained his glass, he said. "Dad, you don't need to apologize. Little old ladies are going to meddle as long as they are little old ladies. She did embarrass me, but I know she didn't mean to. But, what I would like to know is, who are these ladies? Do you know them?" He pulled from his jacket pocket as assortment of folded pieces of paper with the names and phone numbers of several ladies who had introduced themselves earlier. He shoved 6 pieces of paper across the table for me to inspect. I looked at him and asked, "Nicholas, when did all this happen?" He grinned and replied, "During the handshaking sessions. When they grabbed my hand to shake it, they slipped these in my hand. Do you know any of them?" "Well let's see. This one I don't know. These 2 here seem nice. Misty is single, never married and Kay is recently divorced. Okay, now this one here, Marsha, you don't need to call her." "Why not?" "She is trouble waiting to happen, forget her, son. She is one hot mama." "Dad," he grinned, "That's just the kind of woman I'm looking for. I love hot mamas." I just looked at him then I tore up the piece of paper and moved on to the other two that were left. "These other 2 I am not sure if I know them or not; maybe if I saw their faces. I can't seem to place their names." I shoved the 5 numbers back across the table to him. "Are you going to call any of these girls?" I asked him. "No, I want that one," he said pouting, as he pointed to the torn up pieces of paper I placed in the ashtray. "Well son, let me put it this way. Do you remember Billy Jean Conley out at the country club?" "Sure, everybody knows her. Why do you ask?" "Well Marsha, that hot mama I am trying to keep out of your britches, could be Billy Jean's daughter. Now if that is the kind of woman you want to marry and live with for the rest of your life, well, I think I can piece those scraps of paper back together." "Hold up here, Dad! Who said anything about marriage and me letting some woman get into my pants. All a phone number means is a phone call and maybe a casual date." "Not with Marsha it doesn't. If you take her out, all she'll want to do is get into your pants." "Is that so bad?" And besides don't I have a say as to whether I want to sleep with someone or not?" "No, son, you don't have a say. All Marsha has to do is shake that big behind in your face or show you a little cleavage of those silicone boobs and you are a dead man. You won't come to your senses until you wake up in her bed as husband #4. Oh, she'll give you back your pants, but she's going to keep your wallet and every other dime you can earn. So think about it Nicholas, would you want to marry Billie Jean Conley or her daughter? He didn't say anything so I went on "Oh, here you go, son. I've pieced the number back together for you." I slid the pieces of paper across the table to Nicholas and watched in amusement as he picked up each piece and tore it into smaller pieces. Then he shoved them back across the table to me and said. "I'm ready to order, Dad, how about you?" "That's what I thought," I laughed. Halfway during our meal, Nicholas asked. "Dad, how do you know so much about all these people; Marsha, people you introduced me to." "Oh I guess it just comes with the territory of running a business, I just make it a point to try and get to know people. Now, women like Marsha and Billie Jean are every parent's nightmare when they start showing an interest in our sons. I guess I am like Dee. What did she say? She is trying to protect her son from all those hungry heifers that are trying to devour him for lunch." "What if we want to get devoured?" "Well son, nice girls get hungry too, you know." On the drive back to his house, Nicholas passed up my invitation to watch the ball game with me at my place. He said he was going to take a nap and then catch up on some paper work. He asked me whom the lady was who sat in front of us with the twin boys. I told him she was Rebecca Curtis, a first grade school teacher. He said the twins were cute kids; they looked like they would probably be in the first grade. I told him they had just turned 5 years old. "Nicholas, they kind of remind me of you when you were their age. You were freckled with the same shade of curly hair." I had noticed the boys turning around meddling with Nicholas several times. He in turn would wink or smile at them. Once, Rebecca turned around and smiled apologetically at Nicholas when she caught one of the boys trying to get Nicholas' attention. "What are the kids' names?" "Jason David and Justin David; their father's name was David." I explained. We then we rode in silence until I pulled up in front of his house. Then he asked. "Is she currently married?" "Is who married son?" "Rebecca, I mean Mrs. Curtis. When you told me the kids' names, you put their father in the past tense. Where is he?" "Well no, as a matter of fact, she isn't married. She was widowed about 3 years ago. Her husband was broad-sided by a drunk driver. I helped her with some of her legal matters. That's why I know a little of her back-ground." "Oh, he said, that's too bad about her husband." I glanced over at him and he seemed to be in deep thought. I wondered what was going on in that head of his. Then he suddenly threw open the car door and said, "It was nice, Dad, and thanks for lunch. Oh, I'll be picking you up next Sunday. Let me know what you think I should wear." "Bye, son." Uh, huh, I thought. Gail, Bud, and Dee just might be right about Nicholas finally thinking about settling down. They all seem to know him a lot better than I do. Well we will just have to see. Yep, despite all the disasters, fighting, misunderstandings, apologies, and the slow process of healing, it has been a great year for the Fallins. The End