Tie That Binds Author: Eileen Thomson E-mail: indigotoast@yahoo.com Rating: PG Summary: A September `Full circle' story Authors notes: In August I was reading the Pittsburgh post when I happened upon a story. Being a strong union member I was dismayed at the stupidity of some of the union beliefs. Two days later I read a letter to the editor in the same paper. This letter is copied at the end of this fic. The opinions in the fic are mine. In no way do they mimic what would really happen if all volunteers stopped giving so freely of their time. The world would just stop revolving. Again I am indebted to Suz and Linda, who give their time and energy to encourage new writers to keep going. With their help and guidance I have the courage to post these stories in the hope that someone will like my scribbling. --+-- When Brian had handed back the box containing the photographs instead of books, Nick had taken a quick look through it. Wallowing in memories, he had eventually found and picked up this particular picture. He had kept it close to him in his desk drawer for over a year, taking it out every so often and staring at it. He had always known he would want make something of it for his Dad, but until now nothing seemed to fit. His lessons in glass over the past year have given Nick a new outlook. He passes many hours now researching and copying simple styles. He studies the glass work of Hunting, Townsend, and Ed Kachurik. Shayla is impressed by his keenness and ability to encompass a totally new life style and new ideas. He mixes with the all of the workmen, and usually asks their advice when he get overwhelmed with any procedure. His interest lies in solid glass objects and he has shown no willingness to start blowing ~*~ Nick sits alone in a corner of the Club. He is thinking hard of how he will achieve his new project. Shayla has indicated she would be willing to help, but single minded this time, he really wants to do it by himself. He looks at the photograph in his hand and sighs. Nothing is coming to him and he has been looking at the same thing for weeks. Stretching his long slim body out in the chair he restlessly drums his long fingers along its sides. Pulling at the front of his hair, he looks tousled and slightly disheveled. The sepia tones of old photographs have always intrigued him. He thinks they lend an air of mystery to the past. Nick gazes at Burton Fallin when he was just a young boy, standing with his head tilted, looking up at his father. Burton had never said much about Nick's grandfather, but he knew from what little had been said, that Burton had loved and respected him. The stern man stares hard into the camera, as if daring it to work. Young Burton gazes up in adoration. The love on young Burton Fallin's face had pulled at Nick and he decided there and then he would keep it and have Shayla make a frame. Since that she had shown him how to gather and layer the setting color of glass, he thought he would make one himself, never even considering for a moment he did not have enough experience for such a task. *Not a frame… something different, something to set it apart. I want to make it into something special.* Lifting it up he puts it close to his eyes and it goes out of focus. It bends in the middle, bulging out into a convex shape. *Got it! A paperweight. That will be fantastic!* he thinks. Having made up his mind, Nick is a blur of activity. Jumping up, he leaves the Club to go fetch find his laptop from the car. He collides in the foyer with a tall man coming in the opposite direction. "Mr. Fallin? Nicholas Fallin?" "How can I help you?" asks Nick, still trying to move to the door. "The unions want to stop volunteers cleaning up the parks," the man states baldly. Nick stops in his tracks. "What! What have the unions got to do with volunteers?" The man has Nick's attention now--- anything to do with his beloved Pittsburgh will halt him. As soon as he has asked the question, the thought comes galloping through his brain like charging horses.*Don't take on the Unions.* Dismissing the thought he says, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?" The giant of a man smiles and says, "Dunn, Gerald Dunn. My brother is a barman here. When this problem came up, he suggested I talk to you." The man grins, "Says you're always `waxing lyrical' about Pittsburgh." Nick laughs, slightly abashed to hear himself described that way. "I'm sorry, but did you say that the unions are complaining about volunteers cleaning parks? They want you to stop picking up dog shit, rubbish and needles?" "Yes." The man smiles shyly. "They have a lawyer who is going on TV to give an interview. They have offered to let me have a say, but I wanted to get some advice first." "Let me look into it and I'll get back to you. Here, I'll give you my card." He regards the man earnestly. "You know they can't be serious. Volunteers are the backbone of any town. What work they do, no man wants to earn a living doing. I can't see what the unions are griping about!" "They think we are taking work away from their members." "When is the interview?" Nick asks. "Next week. There is to be a demonstration in Point State Park the day after tomorrow, though." Nick scratches the back of his head thoughtfully, "There has to be more to it than this. This is crazy! I'll call you later." ~*~ At DeMarko's Glass, Nick is sitting in front of the glory hole furnace, looking for inspiration. "Well young lad, what are you doing?" The speaker is old Nettles. Even Nick doesn't take offence at his tone. Everyone is young to him. He has taught most of the men in the factory, and he is well respected. "I want to put this into a paperweight." Nick holds up the photo to allow him to see. "Get a lot of copies of it made just so you can burn them. Do you know how it can be done?" "Can it be done?" Nick asks. "Work it out, kid. If you can't do it, come to me and I'll show you how." *Not in this lifetime* thinks Nick, but answers the old man, "I'll work it out." "No doubt." Nettles says tersely. "No doubt." ~*~ Late in the afternoon the next day, Nick is busy when the phone rings. "Nicholas Fallin." "I'm sorry, Mr. Fallin, its Gerald Dunn. The interview has been brought forward it's being taped tomorrow in front of a live audience. I have to make up my mind whether I'll go on or not. The union lawyer is Ms Hannigan..." "You are going nose to nose with Siobhan Hannigan? Are you crazy? She'll eat you up and spit you out! We have to meet. Where are you?" Nick can't believe this is happening over dog shit! "I'm at the Serendipity Club with my brother." "Stay there…no wait, go to the Incline. Siobhan could be at the Club." "Do you want me to go now?" Dunn is confused at the sudden urgency in Nick's voice. "Right now, I'm on my way." ~*~ In the Incline, Gerald has Nick's full attention as he explains what has been happening in the city. *How did it get so out of control* he thinks. Rubbing his temples and lost in thought, he takes a deep breath and starts to speak quietly. "I need you to do this my way. No questions, just believe me. This is the only way you will come out of this unscathed. Do you have a list of all salient points you want to get across?' Gerald takes a piece of paper out of his pocket and offers it to Nick. "Read them to me. Then we'll sort them out. Gerald reads. 1. The volunteers make the parks safe and clean. 2. They assist in the care and upkeep for everyone. 3. They add their labor to the workers willingly, and will help in any way however disgusting. e.g. cleaning waterways and removing waste 4. They appear whenever they are requested, and do all the thankless tasks the Municipal workers balk at. Gerald has a deep melodic voice and Nick thinks he will come over well on television. "All right. Now if I asked you to speak for two minutes on each of these points could you do it?" "I think so, I would sure try." The quiet man is blushing at Nick's intensity. "Then this is what I want you to do. When Siobhan asks you a question or brings up a point… ignore it. Answer with one of your own. We will number them in order of importance. It doesn't matter whether they are close to her query or not, just put over succinctly what you have on the paper. I want you to make small cards and carry them on to the studio floor with you, just in case you get nervous and forget. Don't look her in the eye. Trust me she's tiny, but she can be as intimidating as hell!" "Mr. Fallin, won't that make me look stupid?" "Gerald, have you ever listened to a politician? They never answer the question put to them. It drives people nuts, but the audience only remembers the answers given. I'm going to meet with you before the taping and go over the answers you will give. This has to look smooth or it won't work." Nick smiles a devious grin at the thought of Siobhan facing this gentle giant. *No contest!* ~*~ Working late into the night, Nick tries time and again to meld the photo with the clear gathered glass. Each time the gather either splits or the photo shrinks. The heat is just too powerful. *Back to the drawing board* he thinks before calling it a night. *Just as well I took Nettle's advice and had the photo copied twenty times. I might even need to order more!* Discouraged, he sets off for home. ~*~ Gerald and Nick sit in the Incline discussing points before he has to go to the taping of the interview. They have finally gotten things to a level where Nick is happy. "Lose the jacket," Nick tells him. "It is too formal, and I think the tie is wrong. It's too bright. Here, you can borrow mine; the silver blue grey goes with your shirt. Roll up the sleeves just two turns." Nick looks at him. "Right, you're ready to go. Once the segment is taped I want you to come to DeMarko Glass and tell me how you got on." "I want to go to the demonstration first," Gerald says. "Then I will have to inform the `volunteer core' of the results." "Volunteer core? You have a list of volunteers?" Nick exclaims. "We have just won and they don't even know it!" He is excited by the news and has Gerald show him his list on the laptop. "I want you to inform all the volunteers to boycott all work two weeks from now. Make it Monday and Tuesday, which will give everyone time to make other arrangements. The unions want to work, we'll give them work. The Pittsburgh city government won't know what hit them! They have to come out on the side of the volunteers. The city will grind to a halt." "Nick!" Gerald is aghast. "That will cause chaos! All of the crossing guards? All of the voluntary drivers across the city? Helpers who read to the patients in hospices. You don't know what you are asking us to do. Delivered meals, visitors for the homebound, oh God, the list is endless. We can't do it!" "I'm asking you to make a huge point. The city can't run without its helpers and the union should be made aware of all the good works they put in jeopardy. It will never happen. The mere threat of it! The scale of it will scare City Hall into talking sense to the unions. Believe me, this is a no-win situation for them." ~*~ Siobhan Hannigan is infuriated with Gerald Dunn; he has just brought her down in front of the studio audience. The audience backed Dunn with cheers and booed her off the stage. To top things off, here is Mr. `I'm Wonderful' Dunn coming to talk to her. She lifts up her chin and turns to face him. "A wonderful performance Gerald. Of course you are still in the wrong and I will fight you with whatever means I have at my disposal." Gerald Dunn is not what she expects. He turns out to be a quiet, gentle man, whom she doesn't believe could have thought up this ruse alone. Something is familiar about the man and she can't quite put her finger on what it is. A thought trickles through into her brain. *No, he wouldn't do that to me!* It chills her and she can't resist asking. "This has Nick Fallin's footprints all over it!" Gerald blushes, confirming her idea. "You spoke to Nick Fallin, didn't you?" Siobhan is infuriated; she is beside herself with temper. "I'll kill him, I swear! The turncoat, I'll rip the skin from his back, I'll strip the enamel from his teeth. Where is he? Tell me!" Gerald smiles. "Mr. Fallin said you would be mad. He said to say `Hi'." "He's dead! You tell him. Aghh! Nick Fallin!" Siobhan hurries away muttering threats against Nick to the sound of Gerald's quiet laughter. ~*~ To Be Continued. Letters to the editor, 08/29/03 Friday, August 29, 2003 What right does a union have to banish citizen volunteers? Regarding "Volunteers Banished From City Parks: Citing Layoffs, Union No Longer Allows Them" (Aug. 27): How foolish and stupid it is for any union of this great city to deny volunteers their rightful place in our city parks. I truly wonder who is running the show here in the 'Burgh, the unions or the citizens themselves (government). If volunteers never do work that has always been done by city employees, then what difference does it make to anyone that the volunteers are there in the first place? No wonder, with unions calling the shots around here, more and more people feel compelled to leave this city and find a more welcoming place to live. Shame on the city government and its unions for allowing these types of callous decisions to occur, when volunteers make all the difference. All parks, no matter where they are, are for everyone -- not just for unions and the jobs they keep (or not)! Name supplied Stanton Heights ~*~ Tie That Binds Part Two Siobhan is waiting in the parking lot for her lift when Gerald arrives. "Are you going to Point State Park for the demonstration?" "Yes, my lift has been held up. Can you take me there? You are going, aren't you?" "Sure, come on or we'll be late for the main speeches." Gerald turns to her. "You don't believe the unions are right on this, do you?" "I'm just the mouthpiece, but I don't always agree with the way they think. I can't see how volunteers can influence work quotas. I think the whole thing will blow up in their faces." Siobhan pauses, "Please don't speak, but I have to say it. If Nick Fallin is involved with your campaign to fight for the volunteers, you should listen to him. He is good and will get the best for the volunteers. I always wished that he had been interested in union work," she laughs quietly. "I still can't believe he sicced you onto me without a second thought. He can be a ruthless bastard when he wants to be." Giving a big sigh, Siobhan stretches herself out in the front seat. "I'm not talking out of turn here. This is still an unofficial thing and I don't think it will ever become anything other than that." Gerald blows out a long breath in exasperation. "I would give anything to not be in this position. Being adversarial is not my thing. I want to help people and give respite to the needy. I don't want to have to go in front of studio audiences to beg for their approval. I feel that I lowered my standards today and I don't like myself for doing it." Gerald speaks softly and Siobhan wants to reach out and touch him to give him comfort. This gentle giant has touched her heart in a deep and appealing fashion. ~*~ The speeches in the park were full of threats and bad feelings. Gerald is worried that things are going sour. He turns to Siobhan and suggests they move from the stage. He and Siobhan reach the back of the stage and are about to step down when the shouting begins. Someone throws a bottle and it explodes in front of Siobhan. Gerald turns to see where it came from and doesn't notice that Siobhan has been hurt. "Gerald," Siobhan voice is small and fearful. "Please help me." As he looks back he sees the blood spouting from her leg. She is cut in several places and Gerald has no idea what to do. He picks her up and hurries off the stage to a quiet spot. Laying her down, he looks at the damage. Her leg is cut in three places but one of the cuts is very deep, with the glass still embedded in it. It is from here the blood is spurting. Knowing not to move the glass, he calls for John, one of the volunteers who can render first aid, to come assist him. He knows he will have to move quickly. Taking off the tie, he hands it to John who winds it round the top of her leg to stem the flow of blood. Then Gerald picks her up and moves towards his car. "Where is the nearest emergency room?" he asks while carrying Siobhan as gently as he can. "Allegheny General," John says. "It's about fifteen minutes away." "Can you direct me? I don't know this area." "Go right out of the park and take the Fort Duquesne Bridge. I'll direct you from there." "How is her leg? Will she be all right? Should we have waited for an ambulance?" "She is bleeding quite badly, but the tourniquet is holding it." John squints out of the car trying to see where they are. "The cops will have to quell the crowd before an ambulance could get in. She's better with us. We'll get her there sooner. Turn right up the north ramp and exit on East Ohio Street. James Street is second on the right. See? There!" John points in the direction he wants Gerald to go. "Through three stop signs and then left. Go straight on down the road to the Trauma Centre." As Gerald lifts Siobhan out of the back of the car he notices some of her blood has gotten on to the end of Nick's tie and he pushes it out of the way. ~*~ Dr Ian Norris is holding his breath hoping that nothing will go wrong today. His parents are to renew their wedding vows this afternoon. He is just waiting for his replacement to appear when the call comes in. The nurse from admissions station beckons him and tells him about the riot in the Point State Park. "They're all on the way here. Do you want me to try and get Dr. Demel? There are no serious injuries but approximately twenty walking wounded." The words are just uttered when Gerald bursts into the Trauma Centre with Siobhan in his arms. "Bring her this way!" Taking in the bleeding and the pallor of the patient, Norris knows this one will need some speedy attention. After Siobhan, there are 27 more casualties from the fracas in the park and now the Doctor is running very late. He calls to the nurse as he passes, "Has Dr. Demel come in yet?" "Yes, he's here. Go now or you'll miss the ceremony, and that would never do." She mocks him kindly. Everyone knows this is a young man who dotes on his parents. Dressing in haste, he buttons his shirt and puts his hand in his pocket for his tie. Empty! In panic, he searches each pocket frantically to find where he has put it. *Stop and think.* He hits his head gently with the palm of his hand. *It's in the bathroom at home. Do I have time to go buy one?* He looks at his watch and sees now that he is seriously late. *I'll do without* Rushing out, he quickly puts his head in the door of his first patient of the riot. "Everything okay?" he asks the nurse. "Doctor Demel has just been in. She was lucky. He's gone to see your other patients as well. Now, will you go to the wedding?" The nurse goes to fill the water jug, and as he turns to leave, Doctor Norris sees the blue grey Italian silk tie on the table at the side of the bed. The very end has some dried blood on it. He leans in towards the sleeping Siobhan and whispers almost inaudibly, "Do you mind if I borrow that tie? I'll bring it back tomorrow." The next stop is the florist's, where he picks up the bouquet of blue and white roses for his Mother. "Are there any of those left?" "A few but mostly they are just buds. They are too small to be of any use in a large bouquet." "Put something pretty in with them and make a small basket for me, please, I'll pick it up tomorrow." ~*~ Nick sits in front of the glory hole furnace. *Right, I'll try this again* He checks he has everything he thinks he needs. The solid rounded shape for the photo to sit on. The beveled piece of glass which will cover the picture and in the furnace the gather of clear glass with which he will attempt to meld them all together. From up in her office, Shayla watches Nick. She is drawing some new pieces for her next collection. Looking, she sees him start the procedure and her heart stops. "Nick, Stop!" Dropping everything, she starts to run down the stairs to him. As she moves, she sees old Nettles moving in the same direction and silently thanks God for his attention to all the apprentices. The glass gather explodes and Nick shouts with pain. Shalya reaches him and taking hold, she shakes him. "Where is it? Where? Nick where do you hurt?" Nick is white with pain and shock and is trying to get his shirt off his arm. Shayla takes his arm and plunges it into the barrel of cold water beside the work bench. She needs all her weight to keep Nick from pulling his arm out. "Let it harden. Nick, listen to me. You must let it harden. It will do less damage if you leave it on." Nick finally hears what Shayla is saying and stops struggling. "Let me see," he asks, but Shayla ignores him. "Nettles, will you get my car and come with me to Allegheny General?" ~*~ The next day, Shayla picks up Nick from the hospital. Nettles is with her again. "Do you know what you did, young lad?" he asks "I put the hot gather on the cold glass mount," Nick answers quietly. "How stupid can you get? That must have been the first thing you taught me, and I forgot it. I have a reminder though. A three inch scar where no hair will ever grow again." "Now, don't feel bad. You're not the first to do that and you won't be the last." Laughing, he lifts up his shirt and shows Nick a silver snake-like scar running the full width of his stomach. "I was even more careless than you. You won't do it again." Nick's arm is in a sling and he has resigned himself to not working on his glass project for at least a week. Lost in thought, he bumps into a giant of a man who stands in his way. "Gerald! What are you doing here?" Gerald explains about Siobhan, and leaving Shayla and Nettles, Nick hurries with him to her room. Siobhan is sitting up and is happy to be visited by two of her most favorite people. They are sitting talking when the door opens and Doctor Norris enters. Shamefaced he hands Siobhan the small basket of flowers as he tries to explain about the tie. "Don't worry about it. Did you enjoy the wedding?" Siobhan asks, handing the tie to Gerald. He turns round and hands it to Nick. Siobhan stops talking and stares at Nick her face turning white with fury. "It's your tie! You gave him that tie to demolish me in front of all these people! I gave you that tie for your birthday. You're sick, Nick Fallin" Seeing that Siobhan is about to explode, Nick makes a hasty exit smiling his most enigmatic smile. ~*~ Two weeks later and Nick sits once more in front of the glory hole. This time he waits. When Nettles comes in, Nick calls to him. "Could you please come and help me with this?" "That's my boy. Now you've learned the very first rule in glass work. It some times just can't be done alone! Tell me what you have?" "I went to a firm in Nazareth and had them coat the photos. These four have Teflon AA on the back and polyvinyl chloride of the front. Both are the best clear heat resistant products I could find. Just in case they don't work I had them put Teflon on another four with acrylic. The last four have Teflon AA and polypropylene on the front. Twelve in all. The glass mounds are heating and the pure glass covers to put over the photos are in the small oven as well." He stops and waits to see if Nettles has anything to say, then continues. "I have some amber borosilicate in the furnace. I wanted to put an amber seal around the glass when the photo is in and then when the gather is added it will run and look as if the photo is coming towards you… I think. It matches the color of the picture. What do you think?" "I think we have a lot of work to cover and we'd better get started. Off you go then." "You want me to do it?" Nick is surprised he is to be trusted. "Your work… you do it." Twelve attempts later and Nick is getting weary. The last gather almost held and he thought it was a success. Then it turned into another Goober and had to be thrown away. He takes the glass mound out of the oven and places it carefully on the granite work table. He cautiously places the photo with its heat resistant covering on top, then quickly places the finishing glass over it. Taking the amber color, he seals the picture in the mound. Nettles has the gather ready for him and Nick places it in a downward stroke on to the mound… it holds. Almost fearing to breathe he picks up the whole gather with the picture inside and taking the damp newspaper rag he starts to shape the paperweight. When it is done he looks to Nettles, who gets the amber for the base from the glory hole. While Nick holds the weight, Nettles joins the amber on to the bottom. Nick then takes over at that end and Nettles uses the punty technique to transfer the glass from one end to the other. Leaving the amber at the base of the pole, and the clear glass uncovered from the other end. The rest of the shaping takes very little time and then it is done. "Well? Is it a Goober?" Nick asks. "This one's going to be all right. Will you let me do the grinding for you? It would be a shame to spoil it. I think it's going to look good." Nick knows this is high praise coming from Nettles and he is embarrassed and ill at ease. He pulls at his ear and mutters, "Thanks." ~*~ It is Friday. The week is done, the Unions have backed down in the face of the volunteers withdrawing all their time and things seem to be on an even keel once more. There is still one thing Nick has to do. Taking out the box from his desk drawer he looks at the paperweight. It is early morning and he is alone in the office. *We just don't do gifts!* Drumming his fingers on the desk he has to make a decision. *Right* He takes the paperweight and puts it back in the dark blue box he bought for it. Tearing a page from his yellow legal pad he writes. "Dad, I made this for you. Nicholas." It's enough he thinks. Taking the box and the note, he places it in the middle of his `Dad's' desk. He goes back to his office and, the problem solved, he moves on. Burton Fallin sees the box and the terse note when he comes into the office. He reaches out and gently touches the box with his finger but does not open it. *He made it for me?* Burton can't remember ever getting a handmade gift from Nicholas. Sitting down he reaches over and lifts the lid. He is overwhelmed with the beautiful object. Taking it out from the confines of the box, his eyes mist over when he realizes the photograph is of himself and his father. How well he can remember the day it was taken. He wondered too, where Nicholas found it. Clasping it to his chest, he moves to the window and turns only when he hears the door open. "Nicholas… It's beautiful… Thank you." Nick stops and looks blank. Already, the paper weight has slipped from his immediate memory and he is uncertain as to what he should say. He rubs his neck, "Ah…Okay… that's the file you wanted done for the meeting at ten." Still unsure, he looks at his father then turns to leave the office. "Nicholas…" "You're welcome," Nick says as he quietly closes the door. He stops, and lifting his brows, he smiles. The End