SECOND CHANCES - RECOVERY Author: Jacqui Email: Rating: R Disclaimers: The usual...Main characters belong to the TV show etc..etc..Sam & Joe and anyone else not in the TV show are mine...poetic licence taken with anything legal or medical as I am neither a lawyer nor a doctor and this is just a story.. Rating: I'm thinking M15- some reference to violence. Once again thanks to Kate for beta reading for me. **********"I know what he said..but believe me he'll never know it's there... It's a body heat sensor in the handle. He can practically tear the case apart and he won't find anything.. thing is, it's experimental but considering the terms it is still better than nothing and you will still have a" Nick pulled into the car park of a deserted warehouse complex. It was a moonless night, pitch dark with only the odd sliver of light from an outdated lamp. He couldn't help being grateful for Matt crouched down in the back seat of his car and even more grateful that Joe and his officers were not too far away. He hated how dark it was, not being able to see much in front of him. He sat in the car with only the parking lights on as instructed. "Can you see anything?" "No..Matt stay down will you. I don't want to take any chances he can see us and don't expect me to answer you. For all I know he's watching right now." Nick had leaned forward so he couldn't be seen speaking from outside the vehicle. He knew she was here somewhere but once he handed over the money, how in the hell were they going to find her. The place was full of empty warehouses. His eyes searched up and down the rows of buildings, wondering where on earth to begin. He leaned back against the headrest of his seat and closed his eyes. "Please let her be here..God please let her be ok" ******* Darger approached Nick's home. He had no chance of getting a warrant issued based solely on the email he'd received so he decided to act on his own. Knowing there was no-one home he went around to the rear of the house, picked the lock, hopeful that with everything going on, Nick wouldn't have remembered the alarm. He was right. He shone his flashlight around the kitchen, making his way across the dining room and into the hallway. He didn't really know where to start but as he was certain he had a few hours to look so he headed upstairs. The bedroom was as good a place as anywhere to start. ******* "Matt stay down, someone's coming" Nick could barely make out the person approaching the parked vehicle. He stopped short of stepping into the light and motioned for Nick to get out of the car and go to him. Nick picked up the briefcase and opened the car door. "Nick be careful" Matt whispered not moving from his hiding place until Nick got out of the car. He stayed down behind the front seats edging in between them, lifting his head enough to keep an eye on his friend as he made his way towards the figure in the darkness. "Don't come any closer" "Where is she?" "Oh she's around..somewhere" "If you think I'm just going to take you word for it and hand this over to you you're...." "Mr Fallin, the clock is ticking" "What?" "I have the instructions of how to find her..but there is a time limit..If you take too long, there just might be a little accident." "You son of a bitch, you won't get away with this" "Oh I think I will. Now the case..Open it. Just want to make sure you haven't packed it with newspaper" Nick opened the case and showed Sam the contents. "Good, now hand it over" "Not so fast. Where's. My. Wife?" Sam handed Nick a piece of paper. "What the hell is this?" "Instructions" Sam grabbed the bag from Nick and held up what seemed to be some kind of remote control with a timer. He stared straight at him as him pressed the button. "I'll give you a hint, somewhere in these four buildings but the clock is ticking Mr Fallin" He hissed as threw the control to Nick and stepped back into the darkness. The second Sam stepped back into the darkness, Nick raced back to his car. He and Matt huddled over the instructions. Within minutes police cars and paramedics joined them. Nick handed Joe the paper. "He' s not too bright is he?" "He doesn't have to be. Here's a timer..we have an hour. ..I can't see how to turn this off..' "You can't" "He said these four buildings, but how do we know....and then... I don't know what..he..he didn't say..It could be a bomb it could be anything" "Or it could be nothing more than a diversion" "Well I'm not prepared to take a chance on that. I'm not standing around any more I want to find my wife and we haven't got much time." The other officers gathered around. "Ok these four buildings and she could be in any of them..or not" Joe looked directly at Nick admitting the possibility he was right and Sam was giving them a bum steer. "The clues are not much to go on. I don't think they are anything more than part of a diversion so..keep them in mind but we just have to search, thoroughly. Let's split up..Nick, Matt , Al, come with me..Phil take these three guys, start on the first building. Carl, Tim Jock and you, sorry don't know your name, building guys the third building and we'll take the last." Joe instructed the paramedics to stand by and be ready for anything. "What about the bastard?" Matt managed as they ran to the last building. "We're getting a good signal from the transmitter and I have men on it already. We'll deal with him later. Let's split up, Matt start at the top, Nick take the middle two floors and I'll start in the basement" "Oh god there's too much, we'll never..." "Yes we will now go..." Nick kept an eye on the timer as he searched calling out Claire's name. It could be pointless calling out to her. As much as he hated to admit it, she probably wouldn't be able to answer. They searched frantically for half an hour. Joe checked in with the other officers but there was still no sign of her. Nick was beginning to lose control when there was a sudden crackling in the walkie talkie. "We...have..building...C....Ba...ment.....need......Par....dcs..= .." Within minutes of the call all personnel converged on the third building and headed down to the basement. "Where is she, where's my wife?" "Mr Fallin, over here" "Jeff any sign of any incendiary devices..anything that might be controlled remotely?" "Only this one, and it's a dud..I don't think this was anything more than a delaying tactic" Nick pushed his way past the police and the paramedics. Claire was lying curled up on one side. "Oh God!" He fell to his knees beside her as two paramedics tried to help her turn over. "Don't hurts..everything hurts" she could barely get the words out. "I know honey, but these guys are gonna help you. We have to get you to a hospital" Nick looked to the paramedics for support. "She won't let us touch her. She needs pain relief so we can move her but....." "Claire, they just wanna give you something for the pain...please" She tried to respond but was unable. It was Nick's decision "Do what you have to help her" As one of the medics attempted to administer a painkiller injection, Claire managed to grab hold of Nick's hand. "No drugs...please...Nick ..don't" "Claire..." "I'm pregnant.."She whispered "Don't hurt our baby, please don't...please= ..." Nick was stunned, this he hadn't expected. He didn't know what he should do giving the medic a pleading look. "Hold her still tell her it's ok..this will not harm the baby, but we have to move her and get to a hospital now.."he lowered his voice. "While there still is a baby" the paramedic gave Nick a look he was glad Claire hadn't seen. Nick nodded in agreement, leaned down and whispered something only his wife could hear. As Claire was finally being lifted into the ambulance, Nick turned to Matt handing him his keys and cell phone. "I'm going in the ambulance, call my father, please and me there..ok?" "Wild horses and all that..I'll be right behind go" Nick climbed in the back of the ambulance, sitting near Claire's head so he could lean down and talk to her. He knew she wouldn't be able to answer him having been given painkillers and a sedative, but there was a part of him that just wanted to reassure her he was still there. He took her hand in his, bending down he rested her hand against his cheek. At least she looked somewhat comfortable, and he was grateful, that for a short while she wouldn't worry about the baby, only now it was one more thing for him to worry about. `A' he thought to himself. This was not something he had given much thought to, yet now that he did think about it, they hadn't really taken any precautions to ensure it didn't happen so he shouldn't really be surprised. ................"I'll do better than that, I'll meet you for lunch. I might even have a surprise for you, seeing as you were * soooo good * last night" "Seriously, will you behave? How am I supposed to go to work when you look at me like that?" "Guess it'll give you something to look forward to later" "Well on that note, I `d better be going. Be. Careful" he slipped his arms around her waist and kissed her. "I do love you, you know" "I know. I love you too. I'll see you later. Now go to work".......... Nick closed his eyes as he recalled their last conversation, gently squeezing her hand and just for a moment he thought he felt her squeeze back. ****** Darger spent some time going carefully through Nick's things making sure he left things exactly as they were. No one could know he had been in the house. He had been waiting for the delivery of a mail box key and the address so he could collect the purported information about Fallin's involvement, but he was an impatient man and decided to take the opportunity to search the house while Nick was otherwise occupied. So far he'd found nothing. There was nothing he could do but head back to his office and wait for the key. ******* The ambulance finally pulled in to the emergency bay at Allegheny General Hospital, medical staff already waiting for them. Claire was rushed into emergency, Nick following closely behind but was stopped from going into the treatment area. He tried several time to get in the room and was thwarted every time. He paced the hallway outside getting more and more agitated the longer it took for anyone to come out and speak to him. Except no-one came out to talk to him...Suddenly the elevator doors opened and three people came rushing towards him. "Nicholas..son are you ok?..Nicholas?" "Dad..yeah...I" "Claire?" "She's not in too good shape but I don't know anything. No one will talk to me..Dad I don't know anything" "Nick let them do their jobs ok..give them some time" Ellie and Matt sat huddled together not wanting to intrude between father and son. Nick looked around anxiously trying to get the attention of a nurse or one of the doctors, but everyone was occupied. Burton took him by the arm and led him away from the trauma room and made him sit. Ellie, organised coffees for all of them and then there was nothing left to do but wait. SECOND CHANCES-RECOVERY PART TWO ............"She's not in too good shape but I don't know anything. N= o one will talk to me..Dad I don't know anything" "Nick let them do their jobs ok..give them some time"......... Nick paced the waiting room, his distress increasingly evident at not knowing what was happening with his wife and unborn child. If there was ever a time he really could have done with a hit, it was now, but as soon as the thought occurred to him, he hated himself. This was no solution to the way he was feeling and as badly as he felt over what was had happened, it was Claire who was suffering the most. He just wanted to see her, needed to see her and if someone didn't tell him what the hell was going on soon, he would not be responsible for his actions. Burton watched his son as he paced. There was nothing he could do to help him, nothing any of them could do but wait. It had been more than an hour and no-one had bothered to come and tell them a damn thing. Surely there was one person who could have updated them. Nick was slowly losing it, how much more he would be able to take Burton didn't know; regardless he would stay right there with him. He prayed Claire would survive this, because if she didn't ..God he really needed a cigarette. Matt & Ellie had stayed, not willing to leave until they knew how Claire was doing. It had been a really, long night and now in the early hours of the morning as Ellie dozed against his shoulder, Matt was truly grateful that she was here safe with him. He watched the anguish in his friend's face and remembered how in their college years he would have liked to have traded places with him on more than one occasion, this was not one of those times. He kissed his sleeping wife and held her closer to him. Burton watched as his son approached the nurse's station again, only to be told, again, that a doctor would be out to see him soon. Burton had to wonder if the woman even knew what the word soon actually meant. He watched Nick's expression, as he argued with the nurse; it became suddenly obvious that there was something Nick hadn't told him. Ordinarily this would not have come as any great surprise, but Burton worried that whatever Nick was keeping from him would only make matters even worse than they already were. "Nicholas?" "They still won't tell me anything dad" Nick kept to himself the one bit of information he'd been able to get out of the `desk Gestapo' At least now he knew that there was an obstetrician in with her now, but that was all he knew. ******** Darger leaned back in his chair and stared at the envelope that had been left on his desk. The anonymously delivered envelope contained the key he had been waiting for and the address of the security box supposed to contain the information he was hoping would bring Fallin down. It would be a long night; not being able to get access to box before 10am tomorrow was going to drive him insane. ******** Sam kept driving away from Pittsburgh and with every mile he was convinced he was home free. He hadn't been able to get on a plane as he had hoped. Fallin really had some pull, the airport, bus terminals already had patrols looking for him, there had been no point in trying the bus stations; just as well he had a map of the back roads. As he drove further away, the temptation to keep the money grew stronger. `What if he just headed to the Caribbean and disappeared, he could live forever on the money he had with him and no-one would ever find him, not even the bastards he owed the money to. He could always have a little surgery done, change his appearance and Fallin would be left to deal with the fall out.' Yes, the idea grew more appealing by the minute. He did not notice the headlights in his rear view mirror. The car that followed periodically lowering it's lights in an attempt not to attract undue attention. He did not know about the heat-activated sensor in the handle of his brief case, and that once activated it just kept right on sending the signal and he had no idea of the people waiting for him at the end of his journey. ********* Joe had alerted the state police to Sam's whereabouts, providing, a couple of his best men to assist, but he did not want them to act too soon. As much as he wanted the bastard, he also wanted the guys he owed the money to. Acting on some of the information Nick had been able to provide, he'd discovered what appeared to be network of fraudulent activity within a certain record label and who knows how far outside the label it might extend. Joe was determined to find out. For tonight, someone else could take care of it,now he was heading to the hospital to check on things there. ******* Finally, after what had seemed like an eternity, the doors to the trauma room opened. Nick jumped to his feet as Claire was wheeled out and down the hallway. "Hey, hey wait a minute. Where are you taking her?" "Mr Fallin? Dr Jonas Bartholemew, please come take a seat " "Take a seat! I have been waiting for what has seemed like hours for someone to tell me what the hell was happening. I want to see my wife. NOW" Nick was in no mood to be polite. "Well?" Nick shook off the doctor's hand. "Mr Fallin, please take a seat. You can see your wife shortly. She * is * going to be all right but we need to talk, please" the doctor patiently directed Nick back to a seat in the waiting room. As they sat down, the doctor glanced to the other occupants in the room. "It's ok, they can stay" Nick mumbled tiredly running his hands over his eyes. "You were saying?" "You're wife will recover from her injuries for the most part they actually look worse than they really are. She has several cuts on her face that needed stitches and they may scar..we could consider cosmetic..= ..." Nick waved him off. "And?" "And, she has a broken arm which will take some time to heal properly which you already know..and some severe bruising which is a cause of concern" "In what way?" "Ideally I would like to do some Xrays...I am concerned that there may be some bleeding but under the circumstances...Mr Fallin, it is nothing short of a miracle, that the pregnancy is still viable.." "Excuse me? What did you say? ..Viable pregnancy? You are talking about my child, our child.." Burton, put his hand on his son's shoulder to keep him from doing anything stupid. So that's what he had been keeping to himself. "I apologise, you're right, of course." "I just want to know if they are alright, is our baby alright?" "Your wife has been through quite an ordeal. I want to keep her here indefinitely. We need to monitor her closely and the baby. So far everything appears to be ok but she needs rest and a great deal of care. As I said I am concerned about some of those bruises" "When can I see her?" "Soon.." "Again with the soon..." "They are setting her arm and we are getting a private room ready for her. It really shouldn't be much longer" "Good..I.." Joe stepped out of the elevator and into the waiting area looking for Nick. He wanted to check on Claire and to let him know what was happening about Sam. He acknowledged the others in the room but stood back waiting for him to finish with the doctor before trying to attract his attention. As he watched Nick finish speaking with the doctor, he couldn't understand how anyone could possibly think he could have had anything to do with this. Darger had cornered him when he arrived back to the station. He couldn't help himself, gloating, that by mid morning the next day he would have some information that was going to put Nick Fallin where he belonged. Joe needed to talk to Nick and find out if he had any idea what Darger was talking about. Nick watched the doctor for a few seconds as he walked away before he noticed Joe waiting for him. "Have you caught him yet? "No..." "Why the hell not?" "Nick, this whole thing..there's.." "What?" "We acted on some more of the information you gave us. This guy ripping Claire's only the start of it..We have information that indicates there's a lot more fraudulent activity within the company and we have to take it further. It isn't just about Claire anymore. We have to try and get to the guys at the top." "Oh...So it's not about my wife anymore....And what if he gets away." "I promise he will not get away, he won't get a chance to spend a cent..." "You think I give a damn about the money. I want him to pay for what he did to her. I want.." "Nick we have to talk, there's something else I .." "Excuse me Mr Fallin? You can see your wife now" "Joe I gotta.." "Go, go on I'll talk to you soon" Nick followed the nurse down the hall to Claire's room, his father, Ellie and Matt watching him as he went and hoping they would also be able to see her briefly. Everyone was exhausted and would have loved nothing better than to be able to go home and get some sleep, but no-one was leaving without seeing her at least for a minute. Joe took Burton aside to speak to him privately. He knew that Nick wouldn't leave Claire's side now so it was unlikely that that he would be able to speak to him any time soon. At least he could bring Burton up to speed and alert him to Darger's intentions. Nick approached the bed silently and cautiously put a chair as close to her as he could without disturbing her. She looked comfortable at least. The nurse had told he him could only stay a few minutes, but she was dreaming if she thought they would be able to make him leave. There was no way he was going anywhere and they'd all better just get used to the idea. Burton tapped lightly on the door. "Dad, hey" "Can we come in for a minute. Nurse `Hatchett' is not at her desk so we thought we'd just see how Claire's doing and head home" "Sure. She's pretty doped up. I guess she'll sleep for a long while yet" "You gonna go home?..Right.. stupid question..but you have to get some rest Nicholas or you wont be any good to her" "I..I will..I promise..hey you guys had better be quick..someone is heading this way" Ellie, Matt and Burton were shocked at the bruises and cuts but refrained from commenting out loud. "You'll tell her we were here ok?" "Sure I will. Hey dad, can you give Matt my spare keys. You two have to stay at my place.." "Nick.." " hotels, you'll be more comfortable..I insist" "Thanks, buddy" "I should be thanking you. I'm glad you were here..Now, you guys better go= " Nurse `Hatchett' stood at the door tapping her feet and signaling for them all to leave. Nick refusing, glared right back at her and daring her to try and make him. Turning back to watch his wife as she slept, he couldn't help run his finger gently down the side of her face. He knew he wouldn't wake her, but he just needed to touch her, the tears finally allowed to flow freely in the privacy of the hospital room. Then holding her free hand in his, he rested his other hand on her stomach as if trying to establish some contact with his child. He wanted to make sure Claire knew he was there, and although he knew it wasn't possible this early, he wanted his child to know daddy was right there with them. `Daddy!' God he was going to be a father and after all fear and sadness there was finally just a hint of a smile. SECOND CHANCES-RECOVERY PART 3 Nick dozed fitfully in the hospital issue armchair. He was extremely uncomfortable and every time he moved, he woke completely. Claire was still sleeping peacefully, thanks to the drugs but he knew when she woke she would expect him to be there. Nick went over the events of the last 36 hours, alternating between relief and extreme anger that anyone would do this to her. The hospital staff had made repeated attempts to get him to go home but Nick had point blank refused to leave. He dozed again, and just as he began to sleep a little deeper he was suddenly jolted awake by screaming. Claire was in the throes of a nightmare and it took considerable coaxing to get her to settle down. He sat next to her on the bed and wrapped his arms around her, careful not to put any pressure on her broken arm. Kissing the top of her head, he rocked her gently until she settled. The doctor had spoken to him briefly again about some of the bruising, and he was afraid he would be asked to make a decision, which could put his child at risk. His wife or his child, this was not a decision any man should have to make and he would wait as long as he could before making it. Hopefully the bruising would start to go down on it's own and there would be no need for Xrays which could cause serious health problems for the child or surgery which could result in a miscarriage. His indecision could put them both at risk. Nick gently pulled the pillow behind his back and eased down a little to get comfortable. Claire nestled into him and they both slept. He woke to the gentle shaking from a nurse bringing him some breakfast. Technically they shouldn't have brought him breakfast, but the guy was gorgeous and it was obvious to all of them how much he loved his wife. Besides, his father's firm represented the hospital so they put in just a little extra effort. The girls on duty couldn't help a tinge of jealousy and had decided that if a hot breakfast and some coffee might elicit a smile out of him then it was worth it. He graciously accepted the tray of food, not really hungry but as she had gone to the trouble to bring him something to eat, he couldn't really refuse it. Anyway he sure as hell needed the coffee. After freshening up, Nick took his cup of coffee and stood staring out of the window at the activity below. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply as he rested his head against the cool glass. "Nick?" *** Closing his office door behind him and locking it, Darger took a deep breath before he opened the security box. He didn't know exactly what he expected to find but he sure as hell hoped it was worth it. The box contained an audiocassette, a couple of photos and a floppy disc. `What the hell?' The photos could have been anyone, but they were dated and labeled `Fallin meeting' and it could have been him. He put the tape into the cassette player and sat back to listen to it while he booted up his computer. This was one time he didn't want any interruptions. The voices on the cassette were hard to distinguish, but the conversation was definitely about money and arranging a meeting time. At this point, he didn't want to have to take it to the crime lab; there were already enough people who thought he had a vendetta of some kind against the guy. It should have been easier than this. As he rewound the tape, he diverted his attention to the floppy disc. `Well, well, well!'…He may not need the tape after all. He couldn't believe what he was reading. Copy after copy of emails, back and forth between Fallin's email address and the kidnappers email address. The guy was a lawyer. Could he really be so stupid and send and receive emails from his business account? But it wasn't enough; anyone could have used the computer. He foraged around in the bottom of the box, a map, more scraps of paper and at the very bottom another envelope. Inside, hard copies of letters, typed, but signed by Fallin. Now he had something. Darger pulled out Nick's arrest file for the drug offences and located his release forms. The signature sure looked like his. He had enough to bring him in for questioning and once he got him in to the station he was not going to let him leave easily. It was time to call in a few favors. He was so going to enjoy this. *** Claire slept on and off. She had a killer headache and despite Nick and the doctor's reassurances that everything was all right with their baby, she still couldn't settle. There was something they were not telling her. Nick didn't leave her side, which was just as well as she did not want to be left alone. Every time she closed her eyes, she could see and hear *him*; and she didn't want to. Everything hurt and the painkillers they were able to give her barely made a difference. She didn't care about the pain, she would not consider taking anything else even if it were offered. Matt and Ellie visited briefly, bringing Nick a change of clothes and Claire something of her own to change in to when she felt up to it. They kept her company for a short time, while Nick showered and changed. Burton called by, found Claire asleep; spoke to his son briefly and left. Nick watched Claire as tossed and turned. No matter how hard he tried to reassure her that the baby was fine, he knew, she knew, there was something he wasn't telling her. Nick poked his head into the hallway and attracted the attention of a passing nurse. He wanted to see both her doctor and the obstetrician as soon as it could be arranged. **** Claire woke suddenly. She wasn't sure what had woken her but as she glanced around the room looking for Nick, she couldn't help the rising panic at his absence. This was the first time he hadn't been right there with her when she woke. There was a light tap on the door as she struggled to sit up a little so she could have a drink. Burton poked his head around the partially open door. "Good you're awake. Hey, honey, how are you feeling?" he asked as he slowly entered the room. He was unsure as to how Claire would react to his visit, not having been too supportive of the couple, but things were different now and Burton was exited at the thought of becoming a grandfather. He and Nick had reconnected a little over the last few days and when the doctor had finally told Nick the bruising was going down, albeit slowly and he now didn't think there would be a need for any surgery, they had both breathed a sigh of relief. He had been wrong in reacting the way that he had and now, would have done anything Nick had asked, to help them. Promising Nick he'd check in on Claire, he still hadn't quite worked out what he would say when she asked the inevitable. "Tired, everything hurts…I have such a headache…Have you seen Nick?" There it was… the inevitable…. "He..aahh…he had to see the police about…you know…what happened. He's helping them to piece everything together…" "Is he coming?" "I well I don't know about tonight, it's getting late and…well… honey he held off as much as he could but they have Sam in custody and now he has to spend some time sorting this…taking care of business" Claire closed her eyes as she lay back down. Burton turned to leave. "Can you stay for awhile?" she whispered. "As long as you want me to." Burton held her hand gently as she dozed again. He couldn't fathom how anyone could possibly think Nick had anything to do with this. If he wasn't let go soon, he didn't know how he would break the news to Claire. *** Darger prepared to confront Nick, going over the information one more time. He'd wanted to get Nick in for questioning a couple of days earlier but figured until his wife was out of danger it wouldn't happen and he hadn't had enough to charge him with, still didn't really. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw him walk into to the police station. Obviously Joe had asked him to drop by, how convenient that he had been sent out on another case. He watched from the observation room. This was one cool guy. Nick sat in the interview room stunned by the events of the last couple of hours. He had refused to say anything until Matt showed up but no-one had been in a hurry to let him call make his call. When they finally did, his first priority had been to make sure that someone would look out for Claire. Matt had promised to call Burton and let him know what had happened and have him call in on Claire and make sure she was ok. Ellie hadn't wanted to go, as she knew she would not be able to keep this latest development from her friend. He stared at the wall in front of him, wondering where Joe had disappeared too. Surely he didn't believe this crap. Why he hadn't just talked to him, instead of luring him down to the station, Nick hadn't quite worked out. The door opened and Nick turned not quite knowing who or what to expect now. "They * say * they have enough evidence to charge you" "Charge me? What the hell with?" "Conspiracy, kidnapping, false imprisonment….." "Seriously?" Nick waved Matt off as he spoke. "I just don't get it what the hell kind of motive am I supposed to have had?" "Money…" "Oh money…like I don't have any money. Then why the hell would I have paid the ransom from my own pocket?" "Cold feet….Darger is convinced you're behind this and his argument is that you got cold feet and pooled your resources to pay the ransom as a way to throw everyone off your trail" "The guy's an idiot…Where's Joe?" "That's another thing…Suddenly he's out of town on business" "Oh great, the one guy who can pretty much vouch for me in all of this and he is out of town…A little bit of a coincidence don't you think? When do we get to know what this so-called evidence is?" "Any minute now. Nick, I need time to go over everything. DO NOT say anything to anyone without me in the room-not even Joe if he shows…ok?…OK?" "Fine…fine...Matt?" "Yeah buddy" "Get me out of here…I need to be with my wife…She doesn't know about this does she?" "No…not yet, but I don't know for how long…They are going to want to talk her and soon and we won't be able to stop them....Don't are a corporate lawyer not a criminal one...leave that to me understand?" "Yes..Matt...She's...she's not in any condition for any of this and I won't allow her or my child's health to be compromised. Is *that* clear?" "Yeah, I know Nick. I'm sure between your father and I, we can keep the dogs at bay for a little while at least." The door slammed, grabbing the attention of the occupants of the room. TO BE CONTINUED IN SECOND CHANCES - FALLOUT