Indigent Author: Eileen Thomson E-mail: Summary: Holidaze Challenge using the words, ornate flask, riot and full moon. Authors notes: Thanks go to Suz and Linda for their beta-reads. They take my fanciful imagination and pound it into a readable piece. Linda keeps me right on idioms and poor Suz gets to fix my lousy grammar and tweak the story line. You're the best. --+-- Nick enters the office of LSP glad just to be out of the cold. He stops, and taking off his gloves, rubs his hands together to get them warm. Looking towards Lulu's office, he sees that she is still not back from vacation. He knocks on the door of Alvin's office. Alvin holds his hand up for him to wait while he finishes talking. "Anything for me?" Nick asks as Alvin hangs up. "Erik Karbava, indigent. He's in your office. The cops found him this morning sleeping at the back of this building and brought him in. See if you can find him somewhere to stay until Social Services can catch up with him. This place is bedlam this time of year. Why do holidays bring out all the nuts?" "I'm on it boss," Nick jokes with Alvin, pulling a face as he speaks. The man stands up as Nick and Alvin enter the office and Nick is taken aback at the height of the man. He must be at least 6'5", and in the small office space he seems to be the same in width. His clothes are the brightest Nick has ever seen. They are a riot of color. His shirt is scarlet with bright blue and white stripes with multi colored birds in the white stripes, his jacket is royal blue and the top coat he has hanging over the chair is a deep red. He stands with his mouth slightly open, giving him a vacant expression. Alvin touches Erik's arm and says, "This is Mr. Nicholas Fallin. He is your attorney. He is going to help you. Good luck, Mr. Fallin." Alvin leaves with a smirk on his face, making Nick feels he has just been handed the proverbial pig in a poke. "Please sit, Erik. May I call you Erik?" Nick realizes that his client is mentally handicapped. He deliberately makes his tone friendly and gentle. "I came to find Harry, he's my cousin. When I find him I'll get a job and go live with him." Erik states his case as if he had rehearsed it. "Where did you come from?" Nick asks him. "Allentown. That's where I lived when my Mat wasn't dead. Can you help me find Harry, Mr. Nicholas Fallin? Then he'll let me live with him and I'll have done what Mat said to do." His face creased into a big grin and Nick felt a tug on his heart for this huge man. "Who is Mat? Is he your brother?" "Mat's my mom. She died three weeks ago and I came to find Harry, but I didn't do like I was told and I lost the paper. Now I don't know where he lives. Will you help me find Harry, Mr. Nicholas Fallin?" Tears glisten in the gentle man's eyes. "I wish I'd done what my Mat told me." "Erik, please call me Nick. Let's see if you have any kind of knowledge about where Harry is. Then we'll take it from there." Nick looks at Erik's hand and notices they are scrubbed clean. "Where do you go to wash Erik?" "I have to keep clean," he states simply. "Mat said. So I go to the bus station. That's where I got off when I came from Allentown." Nick takes information from Erik and discovers that his cousin works in a laundry. `A big one.' Nick's not sure what a big laundry constitutes but he is willing to try. First he must find a place for Erik to stay. Three hours later and Nick is having no luck. He has phoned homeless shelters, churches, and welfare organizations, but there is no where for Erik to go. "I'm going to sleep at the back of the building." Erik says when Nick tells him he has had no success. "Then I can come in tomorrow and you can find Harry. All right Mr. Nicholas Fallin?" "As soon as the building opens I'll be here for you. I'll bring you something to eat and we'll try to find Harry, I promise." Nick is loath to have the man leave but there is simply nothing to be done for him. After Erik leaves, Nick sits with the phone book and compiles a list of laundries in the city. He starts with the private ones, and then lists the ones attached to hospitals. He sits, trying to think of any other places where laundry would be done. *I'll phone and ask Laurie. If anyone knows these things, she will.* ~*~ Lying on his back and just surfacing from sleep, Nick is attempting to think what has wakened him. His eyes pop open and he leaps out of bed. The room is bright and when he gets to the window he can see that snow has fallen and the streets are covered. *Erik. Oh God, what will you do? Come on, Nick, do something.* He stands shivering, his body covered in Goosebumps. *Gerry! I'll phone Gerry.* Gerry had been a close friend ever since they had worked together against the Unions defending charity workers. Gerry is a mine of information about all charity groups in Pittsburgh. The phone rings on and on until finally Nick hears the sleepy voice answer. "Nick Fallin, you had better be dying and want me to be one of your pallbearers or I'm for sure going to kill you," Gerry grunts into the phone. He was going to ignore it, but when he saw the caller ID said `Nick' he thought it might be urgent. "Do you have any spare clothes?" "Mine won't fit you," Gerry says sarcastically. "I'm 6'4 and you're a midget. Is this about the tie? I'll give it back." "Gerry, listen to me." Nick tells him about Erik and tells him what he is going to do. "You know, good works will get you a bad name," his friend tells him, but with pride in his tone. "Cut it out, Gerry! Help me, or stop being sarcastic." "Get out of bed, Mr. Nicholas Fallin," he says echoing Erik's most annoying habit. "I'm coming over in the SUV. The snow is fresh, and your Tonka toy is not good for these roads. Let's go find Erik Krabava." ~*~ Driving on the fresh snow is easy for the SUV and Nick is happy to be a passenger. When they get to the LSP building, Nick and Gerry both get out and look up the back alley to see if they can see Erik. "There's no one here," Gerry says. "Can you see anyone?" "Erik," Nick shouts up the street. "Are you looking for me, Mr. Nicholas Fallin?" Erik rises from a bundle of boxes behind Nick. "Erik! You scared the living daylights out of me." Nick is holding his hand over his madly racing heart. "Don't sneak up on people like that. Come with us. This is my friend, Gerry. We're taking you to a hotel for a few days. Just until we have time to find Harry. I don't want you on the streets in this weather." Nick didn't say he couldn't bear the thought, that his inability to find Erik a place to stay had haunted him all the evening before. *And I'm not able to face up to the fact that you may die of hypothermia. I don't want that on my conscience.* ~*~ Once Erik is settled in the small family hotel, Nick and Gerry turn to leave. "Mr. Nicholas Fallin, my Mat told me I had to keep this until I found a kind person to take care of it. She said it would help me and Harry to be together, even if I couldn't find a job." Erik lifts up his bright shirt and Nick sees he is not so well built as he had first thought. Under the shirt is a large canvas bag flattened and rolled round Erik's stomach and tied in front. He unties it and hands it to Nick. Sitting on the bed Nick unrolls the bundle. In it he finds documents dating back to December 1917. Also there are three wills dating back from that time and including Erik's mother's will. He can't understand them as they are all written in Russian. He removes the lumpy bundle and opens it. He looks blankly at the object in his hand. It is an ornate flask covered in pink enamel, encrusted with stones. *It's not what you think it is, Nick. Stop being fanciful,* but his heart dances in salsa rhythm just the same. "Holy shit!" Gerry reaches over and takes the object from Nick's hand and says in a hushed voice, "Faberge." "I… I thought it was, but, Gerry!" Nick is speechless. Pointing to the top papers he indicates towards them. "Look I think these are providence documents. We need a translator." Fingers nipping at his bottom lip he looks at Gerry and changing his mind he says, "No first we need someone who knows antiques. Then we need a translator. "Will you sort it for me, Mr. Nicholas Fallin? Will it help to find Harry? I want to go home to Harry soon. I'm frightened now. I was very cold, and I need to find Harry, Mr. Nicholas Fallin." "What time is it?" Nick asks. "I've forgotten my watch." "Just after Midnight." They look at each other and say together, "Michael." "You phone him and get him up. It's something you're good at," Gerry prods Nick. ~*~ "You want me to put his picture in the paper with the headline, `I'm looking for Harry.' You'll be inundated with hoax calls. Are you crazy?" Looking at the big man sitting open-mouthed staring at the pictures in the magazine they had given him, Nick says, "Sadly, I don't think anyone who doesn't know him will come forward, but I think Harry will. We have to try." "On your head be it then." Michael turns and says, "Erik, can you come over here and I'll get this man to take your photo. Can you smile for him?" ~*~ Erik settles into the hotel for the night. He takes a picture from his pocket and puts it on the side of the bed. "Who is that?" Nick asks kindly "Noushka, I miss her most of all. I wish I had her with me." Great tears fall down the giant's face and Nick is at a loss what to do. "The manager has promised to give you breakfast before you leave," he tells Erik. It's all he can do for the man at the moment. Erik nods sadly, his mind already lost in thoughts of Noushka. He has also agreed to let Nick take away the flask and the papers. Sitting in the car, Nick turns to Gerry. "Can you even imagine what this is worth if it is Faberge? We're running round in the middle of the night with an object which could be worth $1 million dollars. That's scary! We need to find some one who can tell us if this thing is real." "Well, I know one of the professors at Pitt. This time I'll phone. I would make you do it, but he would hang up on you. He's the guy whose wife took a shine to you at that last fundraiser." "Hey, that's not my fault," Nick spluttered with laughter, remembering the elderly matron who would not leave him alone. "I remember how terrified I was she would bid to have a dinner with me." ~*~ "It's three in the morning and I can't imagine why you would think I would be glad to see you." Saying nothing, Nick unwraps the flask and puts it on the coffee table in front of them. Professor Wright stares at it, his mouth working, but no sound coming forth. "It can't be! Oh God it's one of the Zabav Prosada flasks! You do have the other one?" "No, but I think I maybe could find it," Nick says. Gerry looks at him in puzzlement. "Share, pal. Where do you think the other one is?" "Gerry, if they have had them since they came from Russia, then it's not unreasonable to assume the other one is with Harry. Neither flask has ever been heard of since they were made, so none of then were ever sold. We'll find out the day after tomorrow when the ad runs in the paper." ~*~ Two days later, Harry walks into LSP and calmly asks for his cousin. Nick is sent for, and he soon realizes that Harry, too, is mentally impaired. He is suspicious, and he refuses to speak to Nick. When Nick asks about the flask, Harry clams up completely. Nick knows he should have waited for Erik. When Erik is brought into the room the two men pound each other on the backs and, because of their size the room seems smaller. Erik, speaking in Russian tells Harry about the flask and Harry pulls up his shirt and reveals an identical bag. Nick marvels at the ludicrous idea of two men wandering round with irreplaceable pieces of Faberge round their waists. ~*~ Nick lies in bed, but sleep won't come. The sale is expected to net over $5 million dollars, because of the rarity. The pair is intact and in pristine condition. The items are so rare the bidding is going to be fierce. The flasks were ordered for the two men's maternal great grandfather who then fled to America with them and his family. Why he had never sold them, no-one could fathom. Fallin and Fallin would be guardians of the money for both Erik and Harry. A house had been quickly bought and they were moved in. Everything was right with the world. *Then Nick, what is it that keeps you awake?* ~*~ "Nick for God's sake it two in the morning! Don't you ever sleep these days?" Gerry is sleep deprived and testy. "What do you want this time?" When Nick tells him, Gerry laughs uproariously. "I swear I will dine out on this for years to come. Can I take it you phoned the poor woman and got her out of bed as well?" "She didn't laugh at me," Nick says huffily. "I wouldn't miss this for the world. I'll pick you up in an hour and I will drive you to Harrisburg." Still laughing Gerry hangs up the phone. ~*~ "Well, off you go then. We came all the way from Harrisburg, go and finish this." Gerry still can't resist a poke at his friend. "Come with me. I feel stupid now." Nick says rubbing his chin. Knocking on the door of Erik and Harry Krabava, Nick stands shyly to one side. When the door opens, Gerry steps in and says to the two men, "Nick has a surprise for you. Close your eyes and hold out your hands." Nick sideswipes him as he passes, but finds the two men just like children with their hands out. He gently deposits the two tiny Blackberry Black Russian Terrier puppies, one in Harry's out stretched hand and then another in Eriks. "Merry Christmas," he says. When he opens his eyes tears run down Erik's cheeks. "You brought me another one. She isn't Noushka. What did you call her?" "Call her what you wish, she's yours." "I'm calling mine Mishka," Harry rubs the small dog on his grizzled chin and in a sing song voice whispers, "Mishka, Mishka." "Please Mr. Nicholas Fallin, what is her name?" Erik stands with the tiny dog curled into his sweater. He caresses her gently with a hand big enough to crush her. Nick chooses the first Russian sounding name he can think of. "Her name is Sasha." ~*~ In the car Gerry turns to Nick and tells him, "You know, you once asked me why I do charity work. Well, that buzz you have just now, that's what you get out of it. Don't you feel great knowing that you just made someone's life a little bit better?" "Their great grandfather did that with the money they'll get from the Faberge." Nick is pragmatic. The money will see Erik and Harry safe for the rest of their lives. "Tomorrow morning when they get up, do you think they'll think of their grandfather or you when they see their little dogs?" The rest of the ride is silent, with both Nick and Gerry lost in thoughts about the men whose lives they had just touched. ~*~ Nick gets out of the car hoping that now he'll be able to sleep. He had just reached the stairs when Gerry calls to him. "Hey, Nick," Gerry implores. "Let me sleep tonight." Nick waves back to him, and keeps on walking. When he has gone up the first set of steps he turns back and Gerry's SUV is still sitting in the street. The car door opens and Gerry stands up. "It's a full moon, Nick. Maybe instead of turning you into a werewolf it turned you into Santa Claus." His laughter echoes round the empty street. Nick puts his hands on his slim hips and, in an imitation of Santa and laughing with delight, he shouts, "Merry Christmas to All, And to All a good Night The End