GUARDIAN Author: Eileen Thomson E-Mail: Rating: G Summary: A tale of Nick and a boy. Author's Notes: I'm thinking of putting Suzanne and Linda up for sainthood. Thank you again for all your help, your tweaks and your guidance. --+-- The long day has been a good one for Nick. He has finished all the work that had piled up for him in the last two weeks. Everything is up to date, and he is just congratulating himself on his thoroughness when his father comes into the office. "Nick, son, I'm so sorry. I have some very bad news for you. Judge Tilson has just phoned and told me that Ruth and Graeme Caveney have been killed in a car crash. A drunk driver ploughed into them. They died outright; the couple with them also died." Nick puts his head down on the desk his hands covering his eyes. These two people were Nick's strongest and best friends in New York. Their loss is devastating to the young lawyer. He suddenly lifts his head. "What about their son? What about Joey?" Burton raises his eyes in surprise. "Judge Tilson never mentioned a child. Maybe you should finish up and go see her. She should be out of court in about an hour." "Dad, I will have to go to New York. Can I get Jake to take over anything that needs to be done?" He pauses playing with his pen and thinking of everything that must be done. "I will have to get in touch with my probation officer as well if I am going out of state." Burton looks at Nick with great sadness. Just another brick to add to all the others in his sons wall of misery. How he wishes he could take it from his son. "Go, my boy. Go and do what must be done. Let me know when you are going and when you will be back." Nick drives to New York with Judge Tilson. Their conversation is sporadic at best, both lost in memories of a loving couple. -*-*- Nick cannot help the quick plummet his heart takes when they reach their destination. It is the first time he has been to the city since September 11, and the loss of the two beautiful towers is agonizing. He remembers too all the good times he had here with his friends, and is heart sore. The funeral too, is a sad affair, and Nick tries to stay away from everyone. He has always been best when left to deal with his grief alone. Judge Tilson approaches him. "Nick, I'm sorry, but this can't wait. Did you know that Graeme's parents were dead?" "Yes, they died three years ago, within a few months of each other. Why?" "Joey is the care of the court, Nick. There is no one to take him. Ruth was orphaned very young, and neither has siblings. The only hope are his God parents. His mother was quite religious. Joey was baptized. Do you know who the Godparents were, off hand? It would save the court time and get him out of the system quicker." "Ahh, Lesley Dinton was one and I was the other," Nick replies quietly. "You, Nick? Do you know where Lesley is? "Oh God. I think she went to New Zealand to do some work with her husband. I know some one who would know how to contact her." "Nick, you have to appear in court tomorrow. You are about to become custodian to a four year old boy. It's the only way to persuade the judge to let him out of foster care." "A judge won't allow me to take a child!" Nick says desperately. "With my record they will not condone it." The judge studies Nick with somber eyes. "I am going to vouch for your good character Nick, I think we can swing this." -*-*- Nick leaves the court the next day, hand in hand with a very quiet Joey Caveney. He is small for his age, but bright when he does talk. The boy reminds Nick so much of Graeme he wants to cry. He is still bemused at how readily the judge granted him custody of the child. Nick will go now with the Judge Tilson to pick up clothes and toys for Joey's to trip back to Pittsburgh Judge Tilson has been in touch with Lesley Dinton Krantz. She will be in America as soon as she can get things tied up in New Zealand. The judge says that the Club will have all the legal documents for Lesley by the time she arrives in the States. She does not intend to keep Joey in New Zealand, but she needs to be able to take him out of the country for a few months while she completes her assignment. At last, back in his own home, Joey comes out of him shell. He runs round touching everything, sadly saying over and over, "Never coming back, never coming back." Nicks heart is bursting with misery for the little boy. Nick gets down on his knees and takes hold of Joey as he passes. "Joey, I'm Nick." "I know who you are," he pipes up. "Look, there is a picture of you on the table. My Mom, my Dad, and Uncle Nick," he points. "My Uncle Nick, that's what Mom says. `Pretty Nicky.'" Nick blushes at the playful jibe that comes out of Joey's mouth. Ruth called him that all the time. He feels tears well up and is unable to speak. "Am I coming to live with you, Uncle Nick?" "Yes, for a few days, until your Aunt Lesley gets here from New Zealand." "Am I never coming back to *my* town?" "Of course you are. Lesley is working in New Zealand for a little while, that's all. Then you will come home. But you will live with Lesley and her family from now on." -*-*- The journey has tired Joey so much that he has fallen into a fitful sleep in the back of the car. He twitches and groans. Nick keeps looking over his shoulder worriedly. "Judge, what am I to do with a child? I don't know how to begin. Shall I hire someone to take care of him?" "Nick, he has just lost his parents. For some reason, he knows about you. Can't you try to manage? Lesley is doing her best to get here quickly. Hang on for a while Joey's only four. How much trouble can one little boy be?" -*-*- A Big Mac is not Nick's choice of dinner, but it seems to settle Joey down. When they get back to the house, Nick says, "We will have to get you showered and then to bed. It has been a big day and you are already yawning." "Uncle Nick, I take a bath, with my toys. Did you bring my bathtub toys?" "I'm sorry Joey, I never thought. We will go shopping tomorrow and buy you new ones. Tonight, you will just have to make do with getting clean, okay?" "Uncle Nick," Joey shouts, "I'm clean now. Silence for a minute or so then. "Uncle Nick? You have to come and get me out and help me dry properly or I'll rust." Nick is at a complete loss. "You will have to keep me right," he says, "I'm not sure just what needs to be done." He dries off Joey and then pops him into bed. "Can you read me a story?" "I don't have any children's books." "Can you tell me a story then?" "I can't think of one." He sees disappointment flit over Joey's face. "Shall I tell you a story about your Mom and Dad when we were in Harvard together?" Nick settles down to tell Joey about the times they had when they were all younger and in happier times. He doesn't even get started before Joey's mind is off on another tangent. "Did you love my Mom?" "I loved both your Mom and Dad. Why do you ask?" "Cos you're a boy, and my Dad loved my Mom, and he was a boy. See?" "No, I loved them both." Nick is getting weary trying to keep up to this child's mind. "Will you stay with me until I go to sleep?" Nick is sitting at the side of the bed. "Yes, of course I will." "Come and lie down here then, and I'll tell you a story." Nick lies down at the side of the little boy, and says a silent prayer to his friends. *Don't let me screw this up. Help me out.* Joey soon tires and fall into a deep sleep but by that time Nick is also tired and he drifts away into darkness. He wakes with Joey shouting for his Mom. "Joey, Joey, it's all right I'm here." Joey punches him. "You are s'posed to wake me up before you go to bed," he howls. "I've wet the bed, and now everyone will laugh at me." By this time the boy is crying hysterically. "Joey, this is my fault. I promise, I will never tell anyone about this. I promise. Let me get you cleaned up. Then you can get back to sleep. It's okay. Hush now." Nick puts his arm protectively round the small child. "It's okay." "Uncle Nick, can I sleep with you? When I cry at night, my Dad lets me sleep in their bed." Joey sniffles. Nick is exhausted now, and wonders how parents manage to survive this. It's feels like a trial by fire. He is dropping on his feet. "Come on then, let's get some shut eye for tonight." Nicks wakes every hour with either Joey's feet over his neck, his elbow in his ear, the tyke lying across his stomach or his face so close that he is unable to breathe. He again wonders at parenthood and sighs. How long will Lesley be? Nick wakes the next morning to Joey jumping on the bed. "Get up, Uncle Nick, I'm hungry." Nick drags himself from bed and as he gets to the bedroom door the phone rings, he carries on talking as he goes to answer it. "I have to go into the office to see my Dad, and then we will go shopping for bath toys and go to the park" "Ah, Nicholas you're awake. I'm on my way with breakfast for you. I'll be there in abut ten minutes." Burrton's voice is a joy for Nick to hear. Burton comes in, and the whole breakfast thing is organized in no time and Joey is seated eating Cheerios. The coffee is almost ready. "Go shower Nicholas, I'll watch Joey for you. Then you can eat when you are feeling more alive. You look as if you haven't slept." Nick is sitting at the table with his father when he sees Joey up on the breakfast bar., Running along, making plane noises. He jumps up, but Burton is already there, and lifts him off, making the same noises and puts him of the floor. He continues speaking, as if this is the most normal thing that could happen in Nick's house. "Jake will take over with the new business, and I will see to the other things which have to be tied up, and keep your clients happy. I don't want you to worry. This will be over soon and you will get back to normal. He's a beautiful boy." Nick sees his Dad to the door and comes back into the lounge. He stops appalled at the mess. There is a hold-all with clothes spilling out onto the couch. Nick had meant to empty it last night, but had fallen asleep instead. Joey has been into it and is running around with one shoe on. The other bag, which had toys in, is now empty, lying on the floor. "Joey, come, we will have to clean this up. I will take the clothes up to your room and you get the toys back in the other bag. Here I've put it at the back of the couch." Nick starts to collect the clothes, and stops realizing that Joey is standing in front of him. "I can be clean, Uncle Nick, Don't put me back in the home place." Joey throws his small arms round Nick's legs and holds on like grim death. Nick feels his breath on his thigh and then feels the little boy's tears. He puts his hand tentatively on Joey's head. The small boy lets out juddering sobs, and Nick relents and goes down on his knees and hugs him. Looking into Joey's eyes is the saddest thing in the world, and Nick feels the tears well up inside himself, as he sways back and forth trying to comfort the youngster. -*-*- Nick is talking to Joey when he realizes that he is no longer by his side. Terror strikes his very being. He rushes back the way he came, calling out the boy's name. Joey is sitting on the ground playing with the dirt. "All the people scare me. Uncle Nick, will you carry me?" Nick struggles to carry Joey and hold his briefcase. He passes a woman with three children. One in a pram; one being held at her side, and the other being shooed along with a loving pat now and then. He envies her aplomb. When Nick arrives at the office Jake meets him at the door. Nick gladly hands him the briefcase "I forgot to give these to dad this morning." "Why are you carrying him?" "The crowds scare him. I don't want him to get upset." "Nick, he comes from New York. He is playing with you." Jake laughs at his friend's dilemma. Joey? Are you lying to me?" Nick is on his knees, again, by his charge's side. "I just wanted you to hug me." A sob catches in the small childs throat. "I want my Mommy." Nick reaches over and hugs him. "It's all right. If I forget to hug enough, you just tell me, I'll stop what I'm doing and give you the biggest hug ever." Nick turns to leave, and again he seems to have lost Joey. The receptionist points towards Burton's office. As Nick goes in he sees Joey sitting on Burrton's desk facing him. "I never got a story last night, and he didn't know abut rust. Why doesn't Uncle Nick just go and get a boy of his own then he can learn?" Burton leans forward and cuddles the little boy. "I suppose he will someday. You two going shopping now?" "Yes." "You take care of Uncle Nick then and don't let him out of your sight in case he gets lost, Okay?" -*-*- Nick gives up all pretence of work and takes Joey to the park. Nick spies Bart and shouts for him. He thinks Joey will like to see the big dog. Joey grabs his leg and tries to scrabble up it. He starts to wail. Bart jumps up and down, trying to lick Nicks face. Nick hauls Joey up to get him away from the dog, but his legs keep wind- milling trying to climb away from the big monster. He catches Nick in the groin with his foot and Nick's eyes start to water. "Joey, stay still," he gasps, "Bart won't touch you. He is my friend." Joey is having none of this and keeps trying to climb higher. Nick takes him and puts him on his shoulders. "Now, stay still until I calm Bart down" Eventually things sort themselves out and Nick can stop and breathe. *Oh God, Give me strength! I don't think I can cope with this. How do other people manage this kind of drama every day?* Night time sees Joey again in Nick's bed, and this time Nick puts pillows down the middle to keep the boy at his own side... Of course it doesn't work. Joey just crawls over to hug during the night, and then again it starts, sleeping across the bed with his feet in Nick's mouth. Finally there was stillness on the little one's side of the bed, until… With a loud whisper, "Uncle Nick, do you have monsters in your house?" "Only one. And he is lying in bed beside me!" -*-*- Walking the next day hand in hand, Joey skips with one leg. He turns to Nick. "Who made the sky blue?" Nick remembers Ruth attended church, so he thinks he is on safe ground by responding, "God did." "I wouldn't make the sky blue, I would make it green." Nick knows he is going into unknown territory, but he struggles on. "If the sky is green, it would look odd with the grass." "Uncle Nick! The grass would be pink, like bubble gum. I would make bubblegum blue. Don't you think that would be better?" "I'm not sure I can imagine these changes," Nick laughs as he lifts Joey in the air. "You are a darling boy." "I go to pre-school you know. I can count. Uncle Nick, who said that two and two make four? Why can't it make seven?" Nick is really lost answering this one, but not to be out done he tells Joey, "I'm not too sure about that but I know some one can easily answer that question." -*-*- Judge Tilson is glad to see them. "I have news of Lesley. You remember Lesley, don't you, Joey?" "Yes, she has my two friends, Alan and Troy. Are they going to be my brothers now?" "Yes, they are. Lesley will be here tomorrow for you and she is bringing the boys with her." "Uncle Nick, will you still come and see me, even though my Mom and Dad are in heaven?" "I will always be here for you. I'm going to give you my phone number and you call me any time you like, collect. You are now my best friend, the way your Mom and Dad were. Nick pauses and then with a twinkle in his eye. Joey, don't you want to ask the judge your question?" "Okay, Judge, who said that two and two is four? Why can't it be seven?" "Because that wouldn't work…. And because I say so!" "Okay." Nick puts down his head and groans. Bed time again, and Nick has wakened Joey for the bathroom. "Uncle Nick?" "Yes, Joey." "I love you." The End