Days Gone By Author: PeaceJaw Email: Summary: How death affected Nick Rating: R Disclaimer: I don't own The Guardian or it's characters. I do, however, own this story and I'll put everyone back where they belong once I'm done writing. Author's Note: This story is a bit AU... I've taken the liberty of explaining how Nick's mother actually died and how Nick responds. --+-- Everyone who knows me also knew my father. And if they knew my father, they also knew why I hated him. He killed my mother and got away with it. Oh sure, there were extraordinary circumstances that helped him receive a light sentence, but the fact remains he killed my mother. And I have never been able to forgive him. I never will, either. When I first learned what he did, I wanted to break down and cry right then and there. Then fear and anger seized me and I truly wanted to do more than what I was capable of at that early age. If my father could and would do that to my mother, though, what would he do to me? Thankfully I didn't have to find that out for myself because shortly after the funeral was over, he shipped me off to boarding school. I was so angry with my father... not just because he killed my mother, but because he didn't want me around to remind him of my mother. At least I know now that I was also feeling guilty for not protecting my mother... I should have known that he was capable of cold-blooded murder. I really should have expected his actions. I also should have been prepared for what happened. After all, I had seen what he was capable of long before my mother's death. But I was caught off guard ... so there wasn't a lot that I could have done. No more. I distanced myself as best as I could from my father after my mother's death. There wasn't much that I could do about his constant interference in my life, though, so I simply withdrew emotionally from everyone and everything around me. He didn't seem to notice and if he did, he simply didn't seem to care; so much for having a loving, caring father. Last year, when my father grew sick with cancer, I went to his bedside and watched him die. A part of me was actually glad to see that he suffered a great deal of pain - both physically and emotionally. Another part of me, sadly, was upset that I was actually being left an orphan once again. Who knew that would actually happen to someone like me? Certainly I did not. Everyone who knows me knows that when my father died, I felt like I had failed once again. I felt like I had failed my mother, my father, and myself for not making peace with my father and not forgiving him for what he did. Yet I also know that I could have never worked up the courage to do a thing about it. Where does that me then? I guess that it leaves me trying to figure out how to move on with my life. The End!