Broken Pieces – Part 4 Author: Sarah E. Grauvogl Email: Rating: PG Note: This is (finally) a continuation of the fic, “Daddy Nick and Mommy Lulu” started by Rosiiii and I toward the end of TG Season 2 in May of 2003. Taking into consideration what happened in the show’s season finale “All the Rage”, some events are still included (the parking lot beating, James’ demise, Lulu’s job offer in Berkeley) but the original story thread from “Daddy Nick…” stays the same in regards to the very much unplanned pregnancy and the nature of the Nick/Lulu relationship, with Lulu saying “I love you” first and Nick’s uncertainty over anything being able to last. The characters and TG are not mine, but the story as it unfolds from this point on are. The parking lot dialogue is almost entirely taken from “All the Rage.” What I intend to do is spin the story in a different direction, taking TG into an ‘alternate universe’ from what we saw in the arc of episodes preceding “All the Rage” and Season Three. ** Early the next morning… ** K. McPherson Residence, 1:05 AM The truth would hurt. That she knew. It would not be easy to hear, much less accept. Maybe that’s why she put off telling him for as long as she had. Words escaped her each time she picked up the phone. It was a fear, really, the fear of him hanging up. The fear of him turning her away. Again. This child would be his greatest disappointment, or so she thought. Mothered by a woman he didn’t love, born of a relationship that never should have started. Loneliness and curiosity led her to him. She should have known. There was only herself to blame for carrying on. Time and silence between them had proven that the responsibility would be hers, and hers alone. Kim asked herself quietly as she moved her hand over her full belly, as if she were trying to comfort her child for the thoughts she was having. Lying in bed alone, in the latest hours of the night, it was her time to think. Away from Paul and his criticism, away from Matty and his questions. This was her chance to figure things out, to plan ahead. she mused, envisioning their child in the back of her mind. Beautiful it would be, but nevertheless, troubled. Even now, she knew it. Despite her best efforts, there would be no feasible to way to protect her child. The world wasn’t perfect, nor was this child’s father. she decided long ago, Did she love him? Kim wasn’t certain, not anymore. Months ago she was sure that she did, or at least that she was starting to. When she saw him, when he’d come to her. When he wanted her. That was then. This was now. Angry as she was at him, the child that she was carrying was still his. A product of their union, whatever it was – no matter how little it meant to him. she considered, Detailed police reports of custody cases gone horribly wrong were slid across her desk all the time. At times, her only reassurance was that in her situation, in these very particular circumstances, the law would be on her side. No matter how much money he had, or who he knew – he had a past that no rational judge could over look. The child would be hers, she had no doubts in her mind. Perhaps one day, he would be involved. Perhaps. There was a time when she worried he might make her look bad. He did. Rubbing her belly again, Kim vowed she would not let that happen to her child. It would be her way, or no way. ** Tom’s Diner, 1:32 AM The tension at the table was palpable. Family dinners were never approached lightly, or with pleasure – much less, anticipation. Perhaps it was the circumstances that brought them together that dampened the mood, but maybe it was just them. Wedged uncomfortably between his father and the wall, Nick’s body was rigid. Partly due to nerves, the other part was due to fear over what was still to come. His thoughts got the better of him. The menu the waitress had set before him remained unopened, his coffee still full and by now, surely luke warm. The scant details of the LSP created a grim picture in his mind. He knew that’s where he should be. There, with her. With them. he asked himself again, A mess. That’s exactly what it was. He should’ve known it was too good to be true, from the moment his father offered him the tickets. A night out, with his father and the woman he… Nick chastised himself, “You’re not having anything?” Aunt Liz asked, breaking the silence that had fallen over their table. Burton looked at her, astonished by her efforts to strike up a conversation. he foolishly considered, Liz thought to herself with a heavy sigh, “Yeah, coffee is fine…” Nick finally answered. He glanced down at the dark, murky liquid that filled his cup. He had no intention of drinking it when the waitress offered, but instead got it to warm his hands. There was an undeniable chill that overtook him when in his father’s presence. More often than not, it was one he couldn’t shake. Tonight was no different. The warmth the cup offered was fleeting, much like the affection he received from his aunt. Knowing he was trapped, at least for now. Nick was desperate to tune them out. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, reluctantly allowing his mind to wander. “I just… just don’t know what the hell happened out there…” Burton began slowly, “I just… I just don’t know what to say for myself…” Cautiously, Liz looked over her shoulder, “Burton…” “There’s no… no excuse… I was pissed off and…” he continued, stopping only to take a small bite from his pie. The scene replayed over in his mind, encouraging him to continue, “hell, had Shannon and Lulu been there…” “Burton, given the circumstances… perhaps this is not the place…” Liz nervously bit her lip, having eyed a police officer near the door. “Maybe we just should put it to rest, for now anyway…” Stubborn as ever, Burton shook his head defiantly. “That man, that man… he just… he just…” “Burton!” Liz stammered, “I said that was enough!” For once, his aunt was being rational. It was a gesture he could not ignore, one that he might even appreciate. No longer able to block them out, Nick turned toward his father, “Dad…” “What?” Burton snapped. His guilt was eating away at him. He had to find a way to justify what he had done. To right his wrong. This was the only audience that might listen. These were the only people who might give a damn. There had to be some explanation for what he did, for what provoked him and encouraged Nick. He had to find it, to talk himself through. That’s what lawyers did. They talked themselves through and got themselves out of a whole. Clenching his jaw, Nick made himself count to ten. He looked his father square in the eye, “not now…” “God, what was I thinking? I should’ve just… just…” Burton mumbled beneath his breath. The pie before him offered no consolation. It was sustenance. What he needed was a good stiff drink, but Liz wouldn’t go for that. Sometimes he hated that she knew him so well. A meal would help, or so she had said. Burton knew that there was nothing he could eat that would erase the picture in his mind. The look in his eyes, that’s what scared him. That’s what he kept seeing again and again. Ralph Trillo’s eyes. That horrified look that he gave that fatal blow to his ribs. Setting her fork down, Liz reached across the table and took Burton’s shaky hand into her own, “people make mistakes all the time, Burton…” “This was a helluva lot worse than a mistake…” Burton chuffed, not bothering to look at her with his cool, steely eyes, “a helluva lot worse…” As usual, Burton was too proud to appreciate her concern. He pulled his hand away from hers and again picked up his fork, contemplating his next bite. If he couldn’t have a drink, this would have to do. Burton turned to look at his son a moment, silent and stoic as ever. Locked away in his own damn little world. he thought to himself, “Nick?” Liz took a sip from her coffee, “Nicholas?” Her determination to have a conversation at a moment like this made it clear that she did not know him well at all. Nick hated that now, after all these years, that she was trying to step in. Nick asked himself, “You feeling okay, Nick?” Liz offered a small smile. Raised too well to ignore her, Nick shook his head, “just tired, very tired…” “How is your friend? Louisa is it?” Liz asked innocently. She had no idea how far this woman was along, or if she had even planned to keep the baby. Rubbing his brow, Nick glanced up at her. The look in his eyes told her that he had no words to answer the question. What she saw was confusion. His response or lack there of got her thinking. In the back of her mind she wondered if maybe a child and a wife might straighten her nephew out, if having something – someone – to live for might put him on the right track. But, if his behavior tonight was any indication, she doubted there would be much, if any, hope for the future. , that had been Anne’s line to her when she first got pregnant. There was really no doubt that the baby was Burton’s, but marriage couldn’t have been further from their minds when it happened. Maybe the imminent arrival of the baby did force his hand, but they seemed happy enough, at the time. Of course, again when she lost the baby and she found comfort in the arms of another man, not even two months into her new marriage. And again, with the accident that changed all their lives and threw Anne into a fit of depression so deep she never really escaped. Anne’s words echoed through her sister’s ears. Maybe Nick heard them too. Was the conception of her nephew’s child an accident? After finding out about the news from a family friend, since there was no formal announcement made as there would have been if they were already married and trying, she had reasoned that it probably was. An accident. Liz cringed at the thought. No self-respecting woman would go out and try to get herself pregnant by a man like Nick, no matter how big the cash pot promised to be if things, ever so coincidentally, did not work out in the end. In spite of his best intentions and whatever goodness he displayed, Liz knew that Nick was trouble. Maybe he always was. Maybe it was in their blood. Never the less, she had no doubt that he would try to do right by his child, but an honest, full commitment to its mother seemed like something he was unlikely to make. Marriage or not. Like his own mother, he lacked the ability to find happiness in a situation, much less in any one person. It was a curse. “Uh… good, I guess… I haven’t really spoken with her today…” Nick finally answered, not knowing what else he could say. Under the scrutiny of their gazes, he fidgeted nervously with the stir stick from his coffee, unable to keep himself still. His body was still tense from the earlier chase, his heart hadn’t yet slowed. The mere mention of her name sped it up even more. he thought to himself, After he wiped his mouth with a napkin, Burton turned to his son, seemingly surprised by his response. “You didn’t call her yet?” “They took my phone…” Nick reminded him, agitated by his father’s forgetfulness. It was a nuisance that he attributed more to a lack of caring than his old age. “I’ve been with you, when would I call her?” “You didn’t get it back?” Burton just shook his head, baffled. That wasn’t like Nick at all. he asked himself. Sometimes, he just could not comprehend, much less justify, how his son worked — the silences that he imposed, the distances he created. It wasn’t right. It wasn’t normal. These traits, these characteristics that Nick had displayed, maybe even since his youth, they weren’t something he had inherited from him, Burton decided. They had to have come from Anne. To his father’s question he had no answer. He just looked at him, square in the eye. Those cold, steely pools that offered no comfort or consolation. If he could sum up what he saw in those eyes in just one word, it would be disappointment. It hurt, a lot. It was in that moment that he truly knew, perhaps for the first time, that there would be some things about him that his father would just never understand. Maybe no one ever would. ** Archer Residence, 1:54 AM Although it was her own home, she didn’t feel right just walking in. Friend or not, Barbara was a guest. She hadn’t emerged from the bedroom since they got in. The door was closed, but not fully shut. It was getting late, she was worried. She considered that Barbara might have fallen asleep, exhausted from the events of the day and her tears. It wouldn’t be like her, though, to not say anything. Even now. Lulu glanced at the clock that hung in the hallway, surprised to see how late it was. Mindfully running her hand over her stomach, she took a deep breath and knocked. For one reason or another, she took a step back from the door. “Barbara?” Lulu quietly called, “can I come in?”. Barbara wiped her eyes, “just a minute…” “Are you…” Lulu waited, almost hesitant, “are you okay?” It was only then that Barbara noticed all the tissues and wrappers that were strewn across the queen-sized bed. She was sure she had practically emptied the box of candies she found. she said quietly to herself, Her eyes quickly spotted a small trash can next to the dresser and she forced herself go and get it. She frantically tossed the tissues in, her aim impaired by fatigue. The tears started to fall. “Dammit!” Barbara had no idea how loud that came out. The small opening gave Lulu no clue as to what was going on inside. “Barbara?” There was no immediate response. Enough was enough. She opened the door, not sure what she’d find. “A mess! I’ve made such a mess!” Barbara threw her arms up in disgust, “ I just… I just… I don’t know…I’m sad, I’m angry…I’m…” She bent down and started to pick up the wrappers, “look what I’ve done…” “Barbara… really…” Lulu leaned down brushed her hand against Barbara’s tense shoulder, “don’t worry about it…” Barbara shook her head defiantly, “no, really…I probably… I probably shouldn’t even be here, I should’ve just… just gone home…” “You want to call Evan, let him know you’re here?” Lulu handed her the phone that she had brought with her upstairs, just in case. “No, no… its fine…” Barbara’s heart sank at the mention of his name. It still hurt that much. She looked at the phone, well with in her reach. Tempting as it was, she knew he wouldn’t answer. she pleaded silently to herself, 18 days, 12 hours and 42 minutes – that’s how long it had been. Since she had seen his face, since she felt his touch. Since he walked out. It wasn’t like Barbara to keep track, but this time she did. Loneliness was getting the better of her. she thought, “I’m sure he must be worried…” Lulu suggested, sure that he had seen the news. The news. It was on every channel. Breaking news. It was that important, it would even matter to…> She thought of him again. She couldn’t help herself. Part of her was just thankful he was alive, that it wasn’t him. The other part was mad as hell that he hadn’t called just to confirm that it wasn’t her, to make sure she was okay. It wasn’t like him, not at all. Lulu let herself wonder. Even if he was mad at her, he would’ve come. If not for everyone else, for himself. She knew that LSP mattered to him, perhaps a lot more than he wanted it to. More than he would ever say. Wiping her eyes yet again as she sat down on the edge of the bed, Barbara just shook her head, “I doubt that…” Lulu wondered, Berkeley. The baby. Nick. Marriage. LSP. Since the accident, the life she led no longer seemed like her own. “Barbara?” Lulu waited again, not sure this was a subject she wanted to touch. “It’s not a trip he’s been on, Lulu,” Barbara painfully admitted, “Evan… he moved out…” A million thoughts ran through her mind, a whole lot of ‘ifs’. Things could be very different, for all of them, if fate hadn’t played out as it did. That was then. This was now. She knew that there was nothing that could be said. Nothing she could do to ease that type of pain. “Oh…” Lulu knew by the look in her eyes that she was truly devastated by his absence. It was a pain she didn’t know, at least not yet. When Brian left, it was more of a relief, a way to end the pain before it really began. It was different for Barbara and Even, or so she thought. At least they seemed happy going into it. At least they seemed to be in love. Seemed. Now it seemed as if she was wrong. Lulu feared repeating her mistakes, rushing in. It was a fear in her that Nick didn’t understand, and probably never would. “He’s got some friends in Rochester, he has been staying up there…” Barbara’s fingers nervously moved through the ends of her coppery hair, “for… for a while now…” Knowing only the scant details of her evening plans from the drafted police report, Lulu wasn’t sure she followed. “But tonight he was coming home?” Barbara sadly nodded, “not by choice…I wanted to try to talk again, try to make us work…” “What happened?” Lulu wasn’t so sure she wanted to know, or that Barbara was ready to be asked. She tried not to cringe at the word /make /whenever it was applied to relationships/./ Caroline, font of experience that she was, that regularly said ‘its when you try your hardest to make things work that they are most prone to fall apart.’ Maybe ‘making’ was overrated. Things either work or they don’t. That’s just how life was, Lulu knew that now. . “He called, last minute, said his plans had changed…” Barbara added incredulously, “last weekend they did too…” She glanced toward Lulu, no longer embarrassed or concerned about the tears racing down her cheeks, “seems as if his plans no longer include me…” she stopped herself there, it was too late for having doubts. What’s done was done. To apologize now would be futile, all Lulu could do was listen. She hoped the expression of her eyes could make up for her lack of words. It wasn’t a look of pity, or sympathy, but one of understanding. It was hitting close to home, perhaps a little too close for comfort. No, it wasn’t what she went through with Brian – but it was what she feared was ahead. “I just thought for me, for us, this time would be different, everything seemed so right…” she sobbed, “I… just thought that maybe, maybe I could be happy.” “I know what that’s like…” Lulu bit down on her lower lip, hard. It was the only way to break the thought. To stop her own tears. That’s what she thought about them. That this time it would be different. That everything seemed right. At least until recently. At least until now. Lulu said quietly to herself, Now was not the time to compare stories, Lulu knew better. Barbara needed her. This was about her. “So…what are you going to do?” Lulu quietly asked. “You know,” Barbara said with a sniffle, “you’re the first person I’ve told any of this too… not even…I…” She stopped herself, trying to catch her breath, “not even James, when I was with him… I couldn’t tell him… I couldn’t admit that I failed again…” “Barbara, no… no… you didn’t fail…” Lulu wondered what merit those words might have coming from someone like herself – but she continued anyway, “sometimes, sometimes it just doesn’t work… sometimes relationships don’t work…” The corners of Barbara’s mouth moved to form a slight smile, “is the ink even dry yet?” “I know, I know… I am probably the last person you should be taking marital advice from…” Lulu returned the smiled, “ask my Mother, she’ll tell you…” At that, Barbara couldn’t help but laugh, “I guess she has been around the block a time or two…” “Or three…” Lulu corrected. Her tone then turned a bit more serious, “but I’ve got to hand it to her, she gets up and tries again…” “I don’t know if I have it in me,” Barbara confessed sadly, “I really don’t think I could face another failure…” The alarm clock on the nightstand was a distraction for Lulu. Hours had passed, and still nothing from him. she allowed herself to wonder, again. “At least you admit there’s a problem, I denied it for so long…I just…” Lulu thought again of Nick, “I guess I denied a lot of things…” “Without the baby, I guess… I guess we just didn’t make sense,” Barbara admitted through her tears, as if Lulu needed an explanation. “I wanted to try again, right away…” she sobbed, “but Evan, he… he wasn’t so sure…” Unusually embarrassed by her emotional display, Barbara wiped her face again with her hands. For one reason or another, her tears refused to stop. Tonight she had lost a friend. Tonight her marriage had ended. Tonight was the sad beginning of what would be the rest of her life. ** To be continued…